Just ordered this, arrives tomorrow

Just ordered this, arrives tomorrow

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you are going to sell floaty balloons?

how are you going to pay for it?

Can I order b-day bloons from you?

Can I have your coins?

eth: 0xefde9c1a07808dc025ee07d836986964514bfc19

btc: 19Q4GyyEdgrt24v92T6jiehPAhPscNWurM

ltc: LM7onJUv6g54LMbyRyy7fCbg1dkX2xQAHk

it's not like you're gonna need them.

Cashed what was left out. used half of that to pay for the helium, the other half for piping, mask and gas flow regulator

Livestream it

Todays helium that normal people can buy without a license contains enough oxygen to prevent you from dying.
Source: Me, I tried this and I inhaled for like 30 mins without anything happening


hows wifi in lamboland?

you gonna blow up your neighbor's home whitr it right, two is a crowd, hahahaha

Hope you get cancer and suffer the most painful end to your pathetic life, Pajeet.

>helium is flammable


you need to buy industrial grade helium from a chinese website like alibaba, those are real 100% helium

Live stream it for the bros

Are you going to fly your house away?

You could've just went to a party store and bought a small tank for $20. Also, helium is crazy painful before you lose consciousness. You'll rip the mask off but it will be too late. You'll suffer incredible pain for a good 3 minutes before you lose consciousness as tissue in your brain lungs and heart begins to die.

>sell btc/helium
>helium moons

Fucking typical. Just added 2 of these in case you are right. Don't know is why I didn't chose nitrogen to begin with, it's cheaper.

seems as your buying useless but expensive shit again user.
maybe just let it go.

dude they mix helium now so it will be far from painless
>just hold and you will recover by 4.20.18

careful they put oxygen in these now

Just go sleep on train tracks or get drunk and take sleeping pills. You don't seem to understand how insanely painful these choices are. Might as well stab yourself in the chest a dozen times.

It's oxygen free - see pic

Bullshit. That's not how it works.

There's nothing painful about filling your lungs with air user.

It sure is how it works. Usually cellular respiration continues for a little while after death. Using a gas that displaces oxygen will cause immediate cellular death. Imagine the worst headache of your life then multiply that exponentially as your whole body is wracked by pain. It'll take you a few minutes to lose consciousness (like holding your breath), but during that time cells will be dying as it's not a lack of oxygen but intake of toxic gasses.

Ever inhale a few balloons worth of helium and get a headache? It's like that x1,000,000

The method works by running a pipe from the gas container into the bag, filling it with the gas, breathing out fully (important), then placing the bag, emptied of oxygen then filled with gas, around the head, ensuring the bag is sealed to the neck with elastic. The pipe from the gas container must keep flowing into the bag to ensure the gas concentrations are maintained, and a gas flow regulator can be helpful to ensure the gas flows in at a good rate.

A few deep breaths in and out are all that is required to cause unconsciousness (can be up to two minutes though), with death following in around 13 minutes, although can take up to 40 minutes. An 8.8 cubic feet tank of helium should be enough to achieve this, although a bigger 14.9 cubic feet tank better.

This user is right, this will be painful as fuck op. Stop being a pussy anyways, this is the easy way out. Don't be a loser op, because if you do this you will be a loser forever, remember that. Atleast while you are still here you have time to live and become something. Please re think this idiot. Yes life is hard for almost everyone, stop thinking it's only hard on you, pick yourself up for fuck sakes and be a man

>Using a gas that displaces oxygen will cause immediate cellular death
Helium doesn't displace oxygen from the hemoglobin. It simply replaces the oxygen in the lungs, not in the bloodstream, which means that if you do take the mask off before you lose consciousness you will not have further complications as you breathe in proper air and oxygen binds into your hemoglobin creating oxyhemoglobin.
You're probably confusing this with a gas embolus which can happen if you release the helium to the lungs with too much pressure.

He's wrong, though.

It's not the pain of it coming in, it's the pain of the helium circulating into lower respiratory tract from pulmonary blood flow. Btw in case you didn't know, the bottom of your lungs are filled with nerves. This is why if you inhale a bit of water your chest hurts for quite a while.

>this will be painful

Doesn't happen if you release the helium with low pressure.

Plus you'll be unconscious after a few minutes anyway

It won't if you do it right. There's a reason it's a widespread suicide method, it's painless, cheap and fast.

I don't think you understand, it's not the gas in your lungs, it's the gas in your blood after its absorbed and circulates that is going to fuck you up. I'm not exaggerating when I say your whole body will be wracked with the worst pain youve ever experienced for a couple of minutes before you lose consciousness.

Thanks biz.
I will put my rope back in the shed now.

It's clean too unlike jumping or shooting yourself

Provide source or GTFO.

buy an oz of weed instead nigga and chill tf out
>tfw just bought 14g purple kush and 14g grapefruit

I've never heard that before

This is the main reason Im using this method, don't want whoever it is that finds me to be faced with too horrible a scene, or too much of a mess

Look up nitrogen narcosis, it's essentially the same thing, but much more severe. Helium and undissolved nitrogen will do pretty much the same thing.

Stop trying to FUD OP on his Helium Tank(HET) holdings.

Not relevant to helium. Helium would cause a simple hypoxia, lack of oxygen which in result would lead to death.
Narcosis in general is a result of high pressure/pressure fluctuation, which won't happen if you aren't a retard and release the helium in the mask with low pressure.

You're dumb
Read the SEC threads


Op just take a loan and put it into VEN. In 3 months if you haven't made 10x, then kys. Oh and consider going for a last trip if you really want to kys. A sunny trip. Remember you can only kys once, so no hurry. If I'm ever gonna kms, I'm gonna go lay on sand on a beach in Bahamas first.

Seriously do something awesome before going away.

Nobody cared who OP was, until he put on the mask.

Nah user, you don't get it. Quantum immortality is real.

Nice, just bought 100k.


>tfw cashed out and went all in on helium coin weeks ago

before you go send it off btc-1MCWPXhRrLZPt3nfJWUqLmyZdTtJqUMuwU. eth-0x9535f1ee80f2a5041510626835294ac40076a963


Can I ask why people choose helium over something like nitrogen? Isn’t the goal just to have an inert gas? Doesn’t get more inert than nitrogen

Read above, I just ordered with nitrogen tanks

Why helium? Also don't kill yourself op.

You're a big guy.

Literally just hold your crypto you fucking retard. It'll go back up in a month or two.
And inhaling helium is probably the most painful way to suicide as well, so knock that shit off. Not worth dying and depriving yourself of anime and video games because of money.

Balloons for the BTC recovery party

Insider here, this is where all the pros buy theirs