..So let me get this straight...

..So let me get this straight. Donald Trump is going to ride a cannon to the sun and John McAfee is going to eat his own dick on live television (BTC dropped below $6991 today).

Anything else I can look forward to as consolation for not getting rich in time because of these markets?

Other urls found in this thread:


That's all I'm looking forward to nowadays.

>meme capitals everywhere
Can this dumb cunt actually read and write?

Link to tweet?

It’s been pretty widely stated by insiders that they don’t think he can actually read

I thought McAfee was only going to eat his own dick on live television if BTC didn’t hit $1mil by the end of the year.
The year hasn’t ended yet.

at least he doesnt have kuru disease


man Wharton must rue the day this clown ever blagged his way through the door.

So what exactly does it mean that it dropped this much?

Are we fucked?

Means nothing

it's fake

>No excuses!
Well shit...

It's real in our hearts.

It's nothing new, people are dumb at all levels. Grab any reputable publication and you'll find that even professional writers mix your and you're every once in a while. You can't ask this much from a prez.

>You can’t ask this much from a prez

Seriously, where the fuck is the money going?

this must be fake

>This much
You're saying that Donnie proofreading a tweet is asking much from him. I guess that's true if the guy can't read. Otherwise the most retarded thing I have ever read in my life. But why would you hold the leader and Commander in Chief of the nation to a higher standard, that would be crazy.

A doomsday device

Offshore tax havens

Post a link to this tweet
>you can’t

not bonds, not metal, not cryptos yet so cash.

i honestly wonder how poltards cope. can't wait for the mass suicide of smelly white failures in a few years


its credit, it jusy went back to nothing

Been fucked and going to get more fucked tomorrow.

BCH homie, he said'jihans fork'

Even if it's fake, his writing style is genuinely funny




Aw yeah gimme some of dat dow joans sheet dawg

fake tweet. i realized it when jones was spelled wrong

That tweet was probably written by a liberal you know
>no one even verifies if it’s real or not
This is why america is so easily deluded by the media.

>I know words. I have the best words.
>I'm a very stable genius.

end of 2020.
and btc has to hit 6.5k to be off target

Way too many fucking disrespectful youngsters in these threads. You either need to respect President Trump or get the fuck out of the forum for business and investing.

nice source faggot, now gtfo and go kys


where to buy fine soup stock?

What did he mean by this?

It's a fake tweet you idiot. Why the fuck are libtards so stupid?

Lmaoing at all these retarded huffing their own farts and falling for fake tweets

You people are hopeless, let me give you a step-by-step process since you can’t seem to get it.
Open the fucking link.
Press CTRL and F keys on your keyboard with your fingers (same time!)
Type “Dow jones”
>wow, it’s fucking nothing



can't you immediately see what's wrong with your approach?

>trumpsters are so excited to point out what could be a FAEK GNUS tweet
>even though it would be one of his least offensive tweets of all time

>rich figures with power claiming something that could happen and making a bet / claim if they are wrong they will do something drastic

aliens are coming boys, strap up

You literally just ripped that from the next thread over. And this doesn’t magically make OP’s fake tweet real. You got played, get over it.

Down Joans shadowforked the stocks

reminder that the Jews are intentionally crashing the economy to force a blue wave and impeachment

>people can take images from an imageboard and use them
the slow creep of socialism friends

Fuck drumpf for taking credit of the market boom

No it isnt he just delete it

>I believe everything I see on the internet
>But the president of my country is the real dummie

the spics are upset


fake tweet.

"haha oopsie I just accidentally spread misinformation to potentially millions of people" this is why democracy is an utter failure and a mistake

>this is your mind on reddit

They pumped the markets (QE) since 2008, now they're crashing them. Media blames it all on Trump (their enemy) not leftist economic policies in previous years. Think with your heads, do you really beleive the President is single-handedly crashing the stock market and not Wall Street, bankers, financial elite (whoare in bed with liberals)?

tomorrow the world economy will get fucked 2008 style

>graduates second in his class at Wharton
>builds and rebuilds multi billion dollar business
>becomes president of the united states
Yeah, what a retard. I doubt BLUMPF can even read!

El goblino...


You mean like every other stupid tweet that he deleted? Really made me think!

>liberals are taking a fake tweet seriously



>doesn't know about twitter archives
>i was only pretending!

Common people can't read and write properly. Donald is a common person who happened to be born into a family with money. If you want to uphold your prez to a higher standard, you should make sure that the base specs are a good starting point, but there haven't been good presidents since Reagan. You don't get to ask that the prez is able to read and write properly, your realistic standards are way below that.

Bush also went to college and became president. Didn't become a billionaire but he also didn't receive trucks full of other peoples' money to start with, either.

How short peoples' memories are

It’s a fake tweet. Trump is dumb but not that dumb


>F A K E

>Trump is dumb
>He won the presidency of the US even when all the international media was shitting on him for an entire year

Actually it's real

Congrats, the disabled man you voted into office said something stupid and it's coming back to make him look even more incompetent.

I know this is bait but

someone in this thread showed the original source, and it was not trump:

>156 iq
>actually believing this

If Trump was actually smart, he he'd have more self-control and not be a fatass that constantly goes bankrupt.

Come the fuck on buddy
Go to his twitter and look for the tweet you lazy POS

Lets be honest tho even if it were fake people would believe its real because thats totally how trump writes

Btw its real but he probably delete it

This is the epitome of fake news. you burgers will believe fucking anything.

No it's not, but you're dumb enough to believe it. How does that make you feel, knowing you're even more fucking stupid than that which you intend to insult?

>yeah its fake but maybe it wasnt and he deleted it

2016's election was one of the lowest voter turnouts in a while, and a prime example at what kind of fucked shit happens when you have two-party system but both parties are shitbags. Plus Hilary Clinton is just flat-out unlikeable but had enough people behind the scenes pulling strings and doing all sorts of scumbag shit to get her to be Democratic candidate. It's not a secret that this was basically the perfect storm of elections to get him elected.

kek reagan ruined your economy ameritard, bill clinton did a somewhat good job surprisingly

>trump 150
>bush 124
>bush senior 130
oh am i laffin

If you had an IQ above 86 you'd know that Trump, being the genius he is, knows every loophole in the system and has fully admitted to using bankruptcy to his advantage. Retard. He's had almost 600 businesses and you think 4 or 5 of those being declared bankrupt is bad? Go be a cuck somewhere else soyboy.

B-b-b-but Drumpf orange i-impeach

>muh genius has less than 1/3 what he would have had just putting his money in an index fund
>business wow, such profit, much loopholes

>Create one of the largest business and real estate empires in the world
>Have fucking skyscrapers with your name on them
>Be one of the most influential people of all time
>Not risking it all on fucking index funds
>Still a multi fucking billionaire

Check mate Drumpf! The internet soyboy sure outsmarted you!!

>so let me get this straight

Post your best soygoy-isms

>Not for one second did I think people would believe that to be genuine

>Even though I incorporated known Trumpisms into it and even though he's infamous for retroactively criticizing himself