How do I start thinking more like this so I can improve at risk management and Veeky Forums related goals?

How do I start thinking more like this so I can improve at risk management and Veeky Forums related goals?

You have to believe that you already are thinking like this, then start acting like it.


I eat ENTJ for breakfast your only hope is I am not being awake beform noon

>TFW stuck with INTJ autism brains

>51% E
>49% I

Wew lads, just about saved from the autism there

>stuck with ISTP

And what are you supposed to be, user?

a truffle pig

>personality theory
>jewish scam

>not having a patrician infp brain

i'm infp, i thought we were fags or somethin

Start achieving things and improve your weaknesses. The rest will come.

we are, but we can be patrician fags


I dated a millionaire ENTJ. He was an asshole.

T. Intj grll


Entjs are the normie version of intj

INFP represent

Wim hof method, stoic philosophy, exercise, listen to DrJordan Peterson and Dr Rhonda Patrick

Entj here stuck in a Manlet body.
>no one realizes your potential
>realize your own potential
>girls still won’t Fuck you
>settle for the loyal 5/10 that fucks your brains out
>still up 105k in crypto
>could be worse

ENTJ reporting, I'm down 70% lol
Also wtf with dogs, they're dumb and useless



In the house


Why is this such a meme personality?

INTJ = Autism


>INTJ grill

This would be the absolute worst woman to date in the history of ever. Imagine stacking the natural "I'm always right" Machiavellian attitude of women, with the power hungry, advanced arrogance of INTJ

I've fugged 14 girls though... shit those LOOKS/MONEY/STATUS guys might have been onto something

Good job I’m Intj so I don’t give a fuck what you plebs think of me.

And INTJ aren’t power hungry, just goal oriented

You probably look like shit.


Oh sweetie! You need the extended brain volume of being a male to utilize the goal focused traits of this beautiful, autistic personality.

We'd probably bang but inevitably repulse eachother

>Veeky Forums

Fucking how and WHY?

who /infj/ here

you should just date men, dude. we don't care about height

Borderline autustim 51% E 49% I

This lol. Entjs are the slaves of the intj master race.

God tier


Smart Tier


Aboslute shit tier

Everything else


This triggers the normie

My nigga

INTJ overlord here. All you spick pajeet niggers lost all your money yet?

INTP - why do i get fired when i work for stupid people?

sounds fucking insufferable lol

The key is to pretend they are the smart ones.

Intp masterrace

Let's not forget that mtbi is a scam and iq just means incel quotient.


You fucking faggot pussy

I used to get ENTJ but recently I've been getting ESTJ. Gotta look into what I can change to get back to that N.

let me self diagnose, 75% intro, 85% observant,65% thinking, tactics? no idea,identity probably right in the middle, dubs? checkem

ENTP (A) here btw. Pro tip for my fellow inventors, INFJ women are the freakiest in bed by far. Good luck finding one though (1%)

Intp sometimes on cusp of j. How do i into e

Yeah I’m 300lbs idgaf

just took this faggot test

Really no way to. Enjoy who you are. INTPs are intellectual people and valuable to have on any project.

Forgot to mention, they are also generally batshit insane so there is that.

to improve your mind/thinking in general, meditation is helpful. would recommend trying 5-15mins/day of a simple breath focus meditation.

Guilty as fuckin charged user

You're either...
ISTJ "The Logistician"
ISTP "The Virtuoso"

INTJ m-master race.

what he is trying to say is you are shit tier and should stay a wage slave or neck yourself immediately.

Literally because of enjoying costume parties. That puts me at like 55% E. Although I'm pretty much a normie who worships Hitler in secret lel.

The rarest one there is. Not bad

Any ESTJ out there? Am I alone?

Just did it real quick. Maybe I misunderstood what they mean by observant. I'm definitely an observer though.

if you don't understand the functions and the shadow and tertiary functions, you don't know what your MBTI grouping even means.

Even still, MBTI is too simplistic for humans.

>so what you're saying is, we should organize ourselves along the lines of the pajeets?

Holy shit this is me, lmfao


Did I do well, user?

Nice, more or less called yourself well

Veeky Forums right after the bull run: HODL HODL HOOOOODL.. IT WONT GO DOWN, ONLY UP!


You're not a true ENTJ unless you're 6'0. Please return your jacket.


Most of the people that will have scored ENTJ are in reality ESTJ. ENTJ is the most rare type, people don't know what ENTJs fucking are.


>tfw INTJ and this pic is my life so far (23)
Am I really going to make it one day? There's a lot of memes about us being cold, controlling assholes with no personality, and there's a lot of times I feel that that really is how I come off externally. But all I honestly want is to be a working musician and/or indie game developer that spends free time making philosophy oratories on youtube or something and chilling with a qt ISFP talking about art, smoking weed, and playing video games.
I have 100x more plans for beautiful things I could make and worthwhile lessons I could give than dominating anybody, let alone the whole world.

Intuitive observes and acts on present events conclude, while observant does the same but with events that have already concluded.

>aimless adult
>has all these plans he hasn't actualized
>> chilling with a qt ISFP talking about art, smoking weed, and playing video games.

You're an INFP who fell for the Le ePiC Death Note INTJ masterrace!!! meme and lied to himself.

Yes user. You truley do not know what you are capable of. Just wait until you fond your INTJ grill...then it's game over.
>t. 29 yr old anxiety free INTJ

dang, a smug intj whale of a women. Literally the worst pick out there.

And stop smoking weed. Do mushrooms...intj's have deep meaninful, spiritual experiences on shrooms

ah ok that sounds about right then

Looks like I'm unironically a fucking boss.

The worst faggot p type:

>god tier
have fun with your autism living in the anime world

S type detected. Enjoy your cro magnon level IQ

>Made 1 million with crypto
>Goal is to turn it into 100 million

Don't worry bro, I'll start a research institute dedicated to curing manletism without LL. We'll find a way.

I built 75% of us bank stadium usi g a fuckin spreadsheet when I was 26. We don't just live in an anime world, we build the real one you all live in.
>the architect

LUL-coin when?

>t. uses 16personality meme descriptions as a reference
>t. doesnt even know what cognitive functions are
delete ur life MBTIlet

Since you aspire to be a degenerate, you can start having your dream life right away! Except for the qt and money.


>knows more about MBTI and the dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior functions than you ever will
>also knows you are a sensor aka normie sheep homo erectus

My delusions of grandeur are offset by acceptance of my current realty. You ever notice how most leaders are tall handsome, and white? This is self-fulfilling because normies envision a leader to fit this archetype despite glaring incompetence. My acceptance of this matter is copacetic, but holy shit you have hustle to make it, even when you hate everyone.

>t. read wikipedia for 10 minutes
t. ENXP shitlord

>didnt read the thread where I already stated what type I am
>Low IQ sensor who will stay poor and sell at the bottom of the dip

MBTI is a scam, but IQ is valid

INTP Master race

>tfw no feels

I've read a lot of MBTI stuff about functions and whatnot, and I really doubt I'm anything but an INTJ. The way my brain works is far too analytical and I speak way too academically to be an Fi dominant type, or any type with Si in their stack (most Si activities, like finances and advanced economics are very hard for me to understand, while complex political or psychological theories and artistic works are very intuitive).

I do want to try psychedelics sometime, but I can't find anyone that deals around me. Though it's most likely because I'm still kind of awkward around people.
Weed is cheap and legal in my state, and high sativas can still induce some strong visualization, and indicas can help me actually get to sleep and feel refreshed the next day. I'm also slightly scared of having a bad trip on something that powerful. I've had a few anxiety attacks on weed and those were hard enough to shake off.

But what would I actually be degenerating? No one seems able to answer this question.
I just want to be my own sovereign person and contribute what I can to the world, instead of merely following along with a predominant culture.

So you are a cuck

Welcome to the club partnah.

I guess, I mean, if the website says so.