I bought 7216.356 ETH under $650 today with my bonus today

Thanks poorfags!

millions of dollars and only joy is sharing meme frogs on cambodian cartoon blog

Should have bought REQ. Idiot.

>tfw used my daily paycheck to buy 10k ethers at market price

giv 1 eth plz

>bought two days ago and already lost 20% of my investment

Jesus what bad timing.


1 ETH donation to poorfag please

Cool story , nobody cares. We actually feel sorry for you that you feel the need to try to brag about it on a shitty anonymous message board.

>we actually feel sorry for you

I'm already up 577K.

Fuck this is too easy.


Should have waited until it floors dumbass. Got a ways to go. You'll be holding that heavy bag for awhile.

if you send me 100 ether i will send you 1000 back

my adress btw

Fuck you! Still, send me some of that.

>just spent all my money on an engagement ring
>no money to buy the dip :(
hopefully it won't skyrocket back up and I'll still have time to buy in cheap

fUCK Bro I bought 5 quadrillion ETH at 10 millicents each I'm a fucking septillionaire now it's just too easy

>$650 today

I bought ETH @ $14, thanks for keeping the price up.

>buying eth after Vitalk changes gender

Gr8 larp

I hope you didn’t get cucked into buying a diamond from a kike store

I did, but I'm ok with it. She's worth it and I paid for most of it with crypto profits anyway

I don't