Ask and you shall receive


bitcoin will recover 2020 1 mil a coin

Will i become a billionaire

Will Bitcoin go to 1k?

Bitcoin will be worth 1 million a coin by 2019

will my parents give me money to invest in bitcoin

Will i become a chagillionaire?

There you have it boys

am i fucked?


it means 10000k desu

>asking a magic 8 ball
>just as legit as anything else
ADA above $1 end of q2?

does it smell like weed in my basement?

Will LINK make me a millionaire?

Anything good before my birthday in march?

should i buy more?

Did you see

am i pajeet

Will I live past 40

Will my portfolio be enough to get a house deposit?

Will SLT moon


Mandatory, is OP a flaming faggot?

Will I be able to pay my bills this month?

Is fun the best coin




Link 100 eoy, all the bizlets who didn't buy neck themselves.

Will I become a millionare?

should i try to gain back my losses through margin trading.

Will I make it?

god dammit yes or no

How will it go?

fuck you ball

ok. please dont lead me wrong.

>longest conversation on biz has been with myself

Is buttcorn dead?

Will ELIX reach more than 2 USD again?


Will Qtum take us to the Lambland?

"Stock market crash" anons BTFO

Bitcoin $350,000 EOY?

hi eight ball. am I doing this shit right?

Does she like me or does she just want to be friends?

Will the market recover this month?

Oh no, that's not good user.

Will crypto make me a millionaire

ask again

will nano take off?

Should I hold?

Crypto payoff my debt eoy?

Oh all-knowing 8 ball chan, are we ever going to gas the juden?


Will I get laid tonight?

Will my portfolio be worth over 50k?

Even the magic 8ball does not know,
God bless you user.

will BTC hit 100K by 2020?

will i make it???

10million+ get

Will I be rich from crypto and be king of Veeky Forums?

Will I marry a Jewish woman?

Will my waifu be real in the future?

am i fucked

Not taking no for an answer, 8ball. Tell me what I want to hear.

Will my parents sell their house in time?

Will crypto markets start the recovery in 2018?

will my numbers go positive within a MONTH

Will XLM be worth $10 in the next year?

Will PFR be successful?

Will XRB be #1 by EOY?

is this the final nail?

will i find love

Will REQ be adopted?

Will xrb do well in the near future?

Again faggot, will one lumen be worth $10 by the end of 2018?

How bout now?

Will this crash ever end?

Will crypto be controlled by Jews?

I apologize mighty 8 ball, will one Lumen be worth over $10 by the end of 2018?

By Allah we are doomed!


will i make it or am i a faggot

Will my shitcoins recover by April?

should I buy some ETH?

Will Alts recover from Bitcoin's crash?

listen here you little shit

Will trx be $1 eoy?

Will trx be $1 eoy

So Bitcoin will die because of Bitcoin Core?

Will I still be a virgin in 30 years?

Did nosenberg cause this?

will knc moon despite btc shitting the bed?

Am I ever gonna make it?

Will i be a millionaire in 2019

every time

Will i be a multimillionaire

Will Atomic Swaps impact Bitcoin's value in a negative way?

all in link?

is bitcoin the lolcurrency?

$10 XLM by the end of 2018?

Will I become homeless in the next few years?