Feb 1st 2019

What will the front page of biz/ look like

No LINK threads because anyone that held LINK through the smart contract revolution of Q3 2018 will be too rich to take time to post here.

no crypto threads because crypto will be dead

wrong. Only link threads. We will hire people to shitpost for us.

There won't be much to see because the global elite starts WW3 in 2018.

republicans will have probably banned this site by then


ahaha i told you fagots to sell btc @88k
hodl fuck btfo

the bear market will still be in effect and all the robinhood threads will return

Probably just /pol/ threads.

you're almost right except it'll be all link threads full of fud screencaps and i told you soers

>Just sold some shit on CryptoBay for 0.2 ETH (500$)
>ETH transaction goes through fast
>Convert them instantly to STK trought Kyber exchange.
>Go to the nearest cafe
>Go pay a coffe with them as I watch a normie retard trying to order a croissant with BTC and BCH, not understanding that the coffe shop only accept ERC20
>feels good

Big Macs are the future.

It would have merged with Veeky Forums by then because of too many anons posting their lambo threads

Like this

Veeky Forums is dead and there are no longer good boards on Veeky Forums.

Nothing but Pajeets shilling their shitty meme coins.

same as feb 1st 2018

portfolio screencaps of all the filthy rich LINKies- mobius team has collectively committed sudoku- a sea of pink wojacks from noLINKers

>all males get drafted
>only females, trannies, and disabled autistics left on the board

Not sure how to feel desu

God willing

Veeky Forums used to be a pretty awesome board. hopefully the old dwellers will return from hiding and we can go back to real discussion instead of faggoty ass meme threads with 3 replies.


>both stock market and crypto is dead
>apocalypse starts
>biz is trading coke caps on exchanges
>pink wojak is replaced by dark wojak
>suicide threads every two hours

It will look exactly the same only crypto will be much slower and people who held coins today will be rich.

eth hit $70. what color lambos are you getting biz?

kek'd audibly


Don't know, I won't be here, I'll be retired by then.

god please be true

>sold 10% of m DRGNs at 50$

I will be buying an Audi A4

(((You))) have to go back, Schlomo.

Anyone think it's wise to invest in wheat?
Potatoes aren't taking and the last few sheep died from radiation exposure.
Lada soon.

>$1,000 is strong support
>moonshot incoming
>don't sell your btc to the whales

>see Veeky Forums we've been calling it for weeks
>This was predicted