>stock market crashes
>nocoiners disappear
>Veeky Forums becomes fun again
like clockwork. Hope DOW goes back to 5k
Stock market crashes
If the dow goes back to 5k it will be like living in 1995, do you really want that?
At least when I was three years old I didn't have to worry about work and bills
its basically 1995 in crypto right now
You don’t realize the real ramifications of what would happen if your statement came true.
If the Dow goes to 5k you're not going to be able to access Veeky Forums because all utilities will get cut in the chaos of all the rioting and slaughter in the streets.
Finally, it's time for revolution. Time to take the Jewish cash and pump the market with it.
Imagine being so upset over memecoin losses you actually wish for an apocalypse
That sounds beautiful
I dunno man, 1995 was pretty sweet.
My life is pretty worthless anyway now.
Bitcoin was also 1 month ahead of what the stock market was doing. DOW will follow the same bottom as bitcoin. 4K DOW BY END OF MARCH
Damn right
Nobody posting here has the slightest chance of surviving such societal upheaval.
Feels good. Those stupid cunts were getting annoying.
Let's hope we recover soon so that the /v/irgins disappear as well.
The age of fiat is over, the time of the precious metals....has come.
How would you know? Venezuela doesn't have an economy and people still survive.
Uh, yes?
Nocoiner here. I'm just glad that I can finally fit in with the rest of Veeky Forums. Lost 12k on Friday.
>The stock market crash might give my life purpose
Who /no debt/ here ready to see normies get crushed?
Venezuelan society at its best
>>stock market crashes
>Nasdaq is 0.9% down
coiners are hilarious
Hell yeah. DOOM was my shit
I'm a nocoiner, and I _only_ come here when either crypto or the market crashes.
As an aside, we've never had Veeky Forums during a real recession. That'll be an interesting time for shitposting.
>tfw your country was still ethnically homogenous in 1995
>you are old enough to remember how much better it was to live life surrounded by your own people
>fast forward to 2018: you have to witness how shitskins are flooding your country
>you are surrounded by Orwellian propaganda telling you that your country was always heterogenous, and that there is no such as 'your people'
>do you really want to live like in 1995 again?
>biz becomes fun again
Yeah, review my resume and I'm thinking about opening a brothel how do I start threads sitting in the catalog for a fortnight
So much fun