Lol they just banned all discussion about VeChain on the largest cryptocurrency sub. Reddit is a joke

Lol they just banned all discussion about VeChain on the largest cryptocurrency sub. Reddit is a joke.

Other urls found in this thread:


>banning discussion on one of the few coins that won't get destroyed when this crash is over


yet that is good cause i am fuxking tire of all u vechain shills

laughable. kek

> /r/CryptoCurrency is a subreddit where people can participate in a quality discussion
wew lad




They found out that VeChain groups were manipulating upvotes on reddit to boost VeChain content over other coin discussion. Censoring it on the subreddit is not the right solution though.

This they should just start vechain posts off with 200 downvotes


Pls go

Oh my god fucking finally no more manic ven threads

Good. Veeky Forums should do the same

It's a scam project with no whitepaper and it needs to die

reddit's voting system is pure cancer

>moondoggie trips
please follow him.


this ban makes sense. never trust a chink coin or dirty chink tricks!

>no whitepaper
>website in chink symbols
>most shilled on reddit

Absolute overvalued shitcoin, gtfo crybaby faggots enjoy holding those bags plebbit told you to buy

bletent racism isn't helping your case here honey

>guys, you need to stop manipulating this sub! That's out job!

While I agree blatant spelling mistakes aren't helping yours.

Hard to imagine the sheer quantity of desperationposts they had to sort through. Late-to-the-party assholes bought this shit at $9+

Not surprising. I hold around 80K Ven and even I could tell it was being botted and brigaded to shit. Banning threads entirely was retarded and Ven has a bunch of news constantly and that is ostensibly what the sub is about.

The only reason it was actually banned though was because a mod of the sub went to the Telegram or Discord and the admin told him to fuck right off. He had a temper tantrum and banned it. It's going to be overturned though because he is a fucking moron. They should just start deleting VeChain threads that aren't about recent news articles.

it's heavily shilled on Veeky Forums by discord groups too.
It's hardly any better than tron.
there were only 4 people shilling this shit before it exploded, then everyone was pretending they were the first to shill it.
check the archives if you don't believe me.

>It's hardly any better than tron.
Jim Breyer is an official advisor and has written 2 articles shilling VeChain.. also regularly retweets news

as a ven holder, the more ven is banned from discussion anywhere -- the better.

the shills are just super fucking annoying. like i get that most of them were probably sexually abused as kids and learned to cope by becoming dead little sociopaths, but come on.