Are you ready for the worst day of the stock market, ever?

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explain yourself

VIX killing the XIV

We are looking at something unprecedented.

Be safe.

Tell me more.

im ready for the day of the rope

I'm ready, cause I'm not from amerifat
enjoy your depression

I'm ready.


yeah cause global markets arent interconnected or anything lol

Largest VIX move in the market. Short volatility has just bankrupted half of wallstreet.

Cramer has been tweeting for the SEC to get involved. Calls $XIV a giant scam.

How will this affect our buttcoins?

I'm ready to short it, yeah.

Say hello to the world reserve currency, the almighty USD.
As goes America, so too goes the world.

That's not how this works retard.

either it plummets as investors are desperate for liquidity or it catapults as a safe haven from the carnage about to unfold in traditional markets but idk tho

It won't be worse than the 1929 black tuesday. Probably

How can I short this tonight?

Nikkei just nosedived 500 points at open.

>Say hello to the world reserve currency, the almighty USD.

It's actually oil

The world is reborn tomorrow.

what do you think the petrodollar is you idiot

>safe haven

Check my last, Nikkei now down 800.

Cryptos no, only Bitcoin

Petrodollar is basically dead my dude.

what the fuck is the shanghai markets going to do? please no dump.

Won't happen before April

down 976 now. shit is falling hard.

I will sleep as giddy as before christmas day as 6 year old.


Japan down 900 points in 10 minutes.
Your chink money is forfeit.

My chinese stocks took a massive fucking shit. Tencent down 10% baba down 10% netease has always been shit but now its at failed ICO levels

Nikkei now down 1000. Anyone know when they stop trading?


Look at all that red!
God Emperor Trump just keeps on winning in all states!

i better grab some lube and prepare my ass

Zoom out.

>thinks the american stock market crashing wont effect every other world market
>must not have paid attention in 2008
top kek

No support at all, it's only down from here boys!!!

The DOW is dead. It will never recover.
Stocks are dead. They will never recover.
Crypto is dead. It will never recover.
Veeky Forums is dead. It will never recover.
Earth is dead. It will never recover.

5.30 hours from now

Shanghai and hong kong online in 54 minutes. oh my fuck.


why is this happening

Because you didn't listen.

i don't want to go to sleep because i'm really dreading tomorrow. i'm way too exposed to european equities and they're going to get absolutely slaughtered. i was going to gradually go risk-off during spring and not i'm caught with very little cash on hand

yes, the market is crashing because this ONE SINGLE user did not listen.

lets fucken get him!


How to short this?

Nothing to do with G20 starting Tuesday 6th through 9th?

That or this is Trumps scorched earth tactic to distract from the impending FBI indictments.

Top kek