I’m on the highwayyyyyyyyy...
Highway to Hell
why havent you cashed out yet brainlet
>cashing out pocket change
what is the point?
gotta buy weapons for the upcoming revolutions
Veeky Forums told me to HODL then sell low. As soon as I have no money left then I’ll sell and make you all proud.
My portfolio
Swap FUN for TRX and you got my same HODL.
Why are you guys having a bad time?
Nice user. What coins ?
Cause I’m too lazy/busy to daytrade. Otherwise I would have pulled out at $50k and bought back in at the annual crash. Oops. Oh well.
Holy shit user.
I buy Lending coins in ICO and sell them at their peak, without lending.
I short BTC x5 - x10 everytime I see some FUD article
I just used all the fiat I cashed out from doing this to get LTC, ETH, NEBL, OMG, ICX, HPB, ETC at an incredibly discounted price today
Also let me give some bit of advice, if you HODL you will end up doing this all the time. If you get a 10x or 20x or anything above always, always pull out 2x your Initial at the very least so you have fiat to buy the dip. I pull out 20% at 4x- 5x, 50% at 10x+ and leave 25% in
I started 4 months back with $100 :]
lol in bitcoin, put it in usd so we can see your gains
Well Duh I'm down -2,274 in USD
I have about 16k in USD (15,908) in my Folio now
A lot more rough looking.
There's something wrong with my brain. I've been capitulating to the eventual dip since mid bull run and now when it's gone this far all I feel looking at my losses is pleasure and I'm basically all in on crypto. I think I'm turning gay.
damn, iron hands. i'd have sold after reaching 100k. what was your original investment?
my portfolio is roughly the same as yours. kinda wish i sold at 100k though, but we're still gonna make even more long term r-right?
This. Being able to buy dips is great.
Scary identical folio user. 230 down to 70.
Sometimes I wonder why I bother researching altcoins when it seems like it doesn't matter what the fuck a person is holding. We probably didn't own any of the same coins yet we dipped and peaked the same because that's what grandpa shitcoin told the market to do. Fucking depressing.
You got me beat! I’ve learned a lesson for the future, especially for next January’s annual crash.
Seems like a better strategy than straight HODL. Not that HODL won’t work, it’ll just take a lot longer and be more suspectible to crashes.
you haven't learned shit
You want to see some iron hands?
Less depressing in BTC KEK
Learning what not to do is also learning. Still up from where I started!
Thanks for making me feel better! Hahaha.
I'm not worried, the fact that I'm holding almost 20 BTC now means in 5-10 years I'm going to be in fucking lambo land.
there may not be a crash next january there's no reason to even expect some kind of trend like that in crypto
you should have sold ealier you know?
Majority of anons portfolios look the same. There a few rare that will get absolute fucking moonshots and ride them to the top but most just do what grandpa coin wants.
Do you even know how much lambos cost? you were in lambo land a couple of weeks ago, and now you're not. Not at "20 BTC". You're either a nocoiner trying to pretend that they'd predict everything correctly if they had gone into crypto or you're a bonafide idiot that doesn't do their homework.
4/10 my autism betrayed me and made me post
Yep. I got greedy instead of pulling out and taking profits then buying back in.
>Do you even know how much lambos cost? you were in lambo land a couple of weeks ago
user, half a mil is not lambo land. I'm 34 and looking to retire before I'm 40, not cash out half a mil, pay half of it to the IRS and then be left with just enough to buy a nice house and have a small rainy day fund. 20 BTC in 5-10 years is going to be in at least the 2.5 mil... 5 MIL is my comfy no more wagecucking number, but I can make 2.5 work.
had 500k in december
just fuck my shit up senpai.
Send help pls
Was up 100k in early Dec, now up 10k
At least I'm not the only idiot here, why the fuck did I fall for the hodl meme, was greedy and it fucked me.
Fuck my life. I should of just sold it all. Its going to recover right?
Samesies. Glad to see I’m not alone! Twinners.