Mining rigs

Let me see your mining rigs. Good time for mining rn

Thanks for killing PC gaming I hope this currency drops so hard you are forever fucked and have to sell that entire thing for less than 1 grand.

Those aren't spaced well enough. Those things must be nuclear

you could've traded any shitcoin and sold a little early jan and you could've bought 5 1080 ti's faggot

Imagine being so poor you can't afford to spend 1k on a piece of equipment which will allow you to play games on ultra settings for the next 3 years.
Oh wait, you don't have to imagine.

Buy an Xbox?

God I made some decent money off btc but jesus christ sometimes it just hits you what an enormous waste of ressources this farce is.
We're using an unbelievably huge amoung of energy to create something literally worthless, its only value to be derived from selling to fools who believe they'll find a bigger fool.

>implying I didn't
How is your memecoin looking? Below 7000 now? How are those electricity prices working out for you?

As long as their are buyers. Ur good

My friend spends 10k on electric bills because of this

You fucking idiot. You were given a sign by GOD to quit that stupid degenerate gaming shit and instead you decide to shit on people that saved you?

Absolute brainlet.

Yeah but do you know how much fucking energy is burned mining?
It's fucking astronomical. And there's nothing of value created, it's entirely a speculative plaything.

can you use multiple cards in one rig?
like a vega and a nvidia 1080?
brainlet here

Yes u can


Fuck y'all for running these beautiful GPU's for doing shitty SHA math 24/7.

Up to 7 I believe yeah.

I’m averaging 3k dollars profit a month mining crypto after electric bills

Do you know how many kiking sector data centers there are on the planet? How many disaster recovery locations? How many banks and other moneychanging infrastructure?

Do you think that runs on hippie groovy vibes?

Those things have (some) intrinsic value.

Judaism is not intrinsically valuable David

What GPUs?

Like what? Because it's mokopolistic? Makework it produces? Covert expropriation of wealth? Counterfeiting? Orchestrated market manipulation? Wasting of resources to keep it all maintained?

>Buy solar panels
>You're only using resources you're producing yourself
>Never feel guilty again

Point is, blockchain takes kikes out of the equation, it is fair, blind, true and does not bow to anyone unless usurped in very specific ways.

That is intrinsically worth something

Flow of money via lending, investments, stocks, etc. increases productivity (in theory).


your house is gonna burn down

hahahah stay poor

What price does bitcoin need to stay at to break even?

>killing PC gaming

There hasn't been one good PC game in the past five years. PC gaming industry needs to be burned down so that it can be built anew and get a fresh start.

Bitcoin will hit 50k in less than 2 years, dont worry about "break even"

Everyone is so short term. If I bought bitcoin at 19k and I saw it went to 6k. I would just hodl for s long ass time and enjoy the ride

I'm playing oblivion from 2006, this may have been the one last really good game up until today. 100% agreed

This. I took a 80k loan and bought bitcoins at 17k. I will triple the money by 2020. Enjoy the ride

Do you realize how much electricity goes into producing those sand panels?

I don't give a shit. I buy them for a couple thousand and I'm now self sufficient.

Why mine for cryptocurrency when you can mine for exploitable ETH smart contracts ;)


>loves oblivion
>says there are no good games anymore

Break even price is about $5000 per BTC below that and miners will leave.

quite well, I pay 0.007cents/kwh average with some help of a wind power system. Each card nets me around 70$ still a month, and I bought them from 150$-270$.

a 1070 gets you about a dollar a day at current rates mate.

You can't use GPUs for graphics dummy, it's for mining

Yeah, just a pain installing all the drivers

holy fuck. my RX 480s apparently are only netting me about 50$ a month mining for current eth price. I don't really care though, I've long since made my money back.

I pull in 200 ETH a week, minimum.

My rig costs $300 and uses 110w.

Yeah I don't get these posts, I'm hoarding coins, not milk. I'll mine at a "loss" just for fun

Nice Raspberry Pi stack. What are you doing with them?

My rig.

Finally some1 not retarded

About 4k for most expensive electricity prices you'll find

I scrape ETH contracts for known vulnerabilities and then proceed to drain them.

Only reason crypto is valued is because all the money invested in it comes from fiat. It really is worthless as far as monetary value goes. But the blockchain, lightning network, hashgraph, etc tech is why it has some meaning.

>Thanks for killing PC gaming
thanks for being poor



Unless your "rig" is a bot that sends out scams to all corners of the internet with your wallet address.

Turtlecoin devs are writing a cryptonight mining program in DirectX. Around 1 KH/s. You won't be able to get one here soon.

I can afford it, its just not worth it.

It's not about being poor you stupid goy, it's about not being fleeced because a bunch of idiots think that their made up internet currency will take off. Do you want to know why the US dollar will remain the reserve currency of the world for decades to come? Because us Jews control your financial institution and military institutions that back it. Stick to fighting our war in Syria for greater Israel and leave the graphic cards to us gamers pls.

meh this is somewhat similar to the state of affairs like in summer 2017 if I recall. 50$ per card per month, maybe even less I think. The 100$+ per month per card was fun while it lasted.

Yeah, mining is one of the reasons why bitcoin must be replaced. Miners currently use energy enough for 4 million people.


Most bitcoin mining is done with asics and I would rather replace you than my internet money

getting started