What are you guys drinking tonight to cope with the massive losses?
What are you guys drinking tonight to cope with the massive losses?
Veeky Forums tears
Why protein and milk.
'Bout to counter massive losses with some massive GAINZ.
Several IPAs, some soymilk and marijuana
seagrams and mtn dew ice
Given we were saying go flat yesterday not many people really suffered
people listen to me they win
chugging cum from a bbc
I don't really care about the crash though
>literally drinking soymilk
water because studying tomorrow.
I found someone who wanted to have bondage sex with me this weekend though
This. I'm never cashing out of crypto so it doesnt even matter.
Buying more right now actually
I can't afford booze anymore
Sake, because I'm an expat in Japan and the yen is soaring.
>niggamutt still falls for propaganda
Yeah this board is fucked
A 12 gauge
Make sure you say "Thank you sir" afterwards
Turn down your brightness you fucking faggot nigger
My own semen
try suicide
Funny how burgers refer themselves as expats and not immigrants.
I don't drink when my internet money goes down because I have a life outside of all of this nonsense. You should do the same.
Expensive wines from Italy and France. I cashed out at 19K.
Coffee so I can stay up to play more vidya.
I don't really care how low it goes, I know it'll bounce back sometime, and when it does I'll have made more than I would've with, say, stocks.
enjoy the mammalian estrogens bucko
I lost about 30% of my.portfolio with a stupid stupid mistake after waking up not even a minute earlier
Eh, I don't care
>ctrl f
>0/0 results
fucking fags