Well boys, the doctor's office just called me back

Well boys, the doctor's office just called me back.

I've qualified for an experimental medical research program in my country and will voluntarily enter a medical coma for the next 3 years. They don't know that I am just doing this to ride out the bear market and wake up a wealthy crypto investor.

I'm a little bit nervous but quite excited at the same time. I've been watching Futurama all day to get my mind ready.

Any tips for me? What would you do if you were going to be "locked away" from your stash for 3 years? Investment advice and security tips are appreciated.

Have you heard of Bitconnect? It's pretty good crypto.

source? I wanna join too

XLM. seriously

>3 years in a coma

Nigga thats closer to 5 years if you include recovery time. I hope you're getting paid well for this.

Made me smile. I felt that including my portfolio in the OP would detract from the general sentiment but it is already a significant portion of my holdings.

Do you have a source for this? What do you mean there will be 2 years of recovery? I am under the impression that I should wake up mostly healthy and then have a few weeks or months of rehabilitation before being back to normal and healthy as a horse again...

Moria token. Pays ETH dividends for the life of the project, quarterly.

jealous as fuuuuuuuuck

You dont just wake up from a 3 year coma feeling fine moron, theres a fuck ton of medical complications to be taken into account, you could even forget how to walk

gonna take some time before you can walk again

>surgical procedure is gonna put me in a coma for 3 years
This either complete bullshit or you live in some 3rd world shit hole
Besides there's no way to confidently know when a coma ends
This is just a poorly veiled "Wat should I invest in doods???" Thread
Kill yourself

Iconomi index funds as 80% so you have someone working for you.
10% BTC so you are eligible for whatever shitcoin forks appear
10% whatever you think will still be around when you wake up if you want to keep some "control"

I would put life savings into TRTL and see what happens

so what you’re saying is OP won’t be monitored at all during the MEDICAL RESEARCH

Eth all the way

I'd honestly go 50% ETH 50% NEO. I think they definitely will be around in 3 years, most likely more.

>voluntrily enter a medical coma for 3 years
Not only crypto is crashing, LARPs are entering their all time low too

Fakest and gayest larp yet.

>enter a medical coma for the next 3 years.
What new kind of larp is this?

Muscle atrophy, after three years of no activity your bodies muscles will have wasted away due to inactivity. Even with nurses etc moving your arms and legs each day during your coma your entire body will be significantly weaker, sitting up from bed would be a hardship. Training your muscles to be strong enough to walk around could take months of recovery therapy.

you ever play MGSV? the intro mission is an exact simulation of you waking from your coma crawling towards your private keys while the feds hunt you down to collect your gains

he acts as if it will be "suspended animation" when it will be suspended mind while his body is left to go to shit.