Obama took is out of a recession to a time of economic prosperity where American felt comfortable spending again, where unemployment rate went down at unprecedented levels, and job creation levels were consistently high.
In Trump's first year he has not been able to compete with Obama and his only economic "success" (very arguable he can or should take any credit for this) has been the stock market which is now in free fall. On top of all this, he plans to put us $1T+ further in debt when every economist agrees the time to pay down debt is during a time of economic success which he's claiming we have an abundance of.
With rate hikes around the corner, the stock market will continue to crash, and Trump will have nothing to point to in terms of any economic success.
Aaaaaaand nobody can, because Trump is single handedly ruining my country.
Evan Johnson
Not even trolling but is there a single person alive right now with any kind of business sense who would call Trump a succesful investor/businessman? Except for Trump himself obviously.
I mean the man inherited an empire and hasn't beaten the index even once afaik.
Brayden Rogers
I WISH we knew of a new deflationary asset classed blessed by the SEC today
coz, that would be where all this money is going
Hudson Adams
GDP growth and stock market growth is still up massively since his election. He is objectively better for the economy than Obama. Obama had initial high growth because we were coming out of a recession, but in the last few years he had almost no growth whatsoever. It's crazy to think how much better our economy would be right now if we had had a Republican in the entire time.
Brody Brown
Of course he's a shit businessman. Literally given millions upon millions of dollars over and over again and still manages to run shit into the ground, as recently as... last month.
But that's not the point. The point is, the economy under Trump has suffered whereas under Obama it was unbelievably good, even though Obama literally inherited a FUCKING RECESSION.
Fucking prove me wrong, Trumpfags. Your "president" is a joke, thanks for ruining this once beautiful country.
Gabriel Edwards
>But that's not the point. The point is, the economy under Trump has suffered In what way has the economy suffered, please tell me one statistic where we are worse off than we were under Obama. The stock market is still up 25% after a little over a year even after a bad day.
Wyatt Martin
Good god it’s been three days. Relax And I know you’re reasonable enough to realize you can’t prove that something won’t happen.
Tyler Evans
Blake James
so is america great again? if not, when the greatness will show up?
Adrian Perez
With Obama's 20trillion dollar bags we're all going down but keep blaming the Don. FUCK drumppjvf and fuck white people! Did I do it right?
Gabriel Long
>Obama had initial high growth because we were coming out of a recession The economic recovery didn't begin until his 2nd term.
Michael Phillips
No, bg2/pol/ you fuck
Levi Young
Stock market is a terrible measure of the economy.
Your boy Trump said the U.S. never hit 3% GDP growth under Obama after he had a 3% quarter, except that happened 8 fucking quarters for Obama. 8. Count 'em, if you can.
Wanna talk annually? Trump hit 2.3%, Obama's highest year was 2.9%
Fuck off, next.
Logan Bailey
Google Dow Jones and look at the graph you retarded fuck. The recovery began in 2009/2010 which were firmly in his first term. By 2013 growth started to level off.
Jace Roberts
>b-but muh gdp
Brayden Jackson
>Obama's highest year was 2.9% Recovering from a recession you stupid fuck. When you start at zero it's very easy to grow. The economy stagnated heavily in Obama's second term. Also comparing Obama's best year after Trump's first when Obama had 8 years in office is completely asinine.
Benjamin White
Worse GDP growth, worse job creation, worse employment rates, less spending.
By every measure of the economy, it is worse.
Hint, fuckboi: The stock market is not a measure of the economy. It's a measure of the stock market. Anyone with half a fucking brain understands that.
Fucking NEXT!
Carson Murphy
The only way to settle this is for America to split into two different teams and start shooting at each other. This is going to get fun fast.
Zachary Flores
>Makes some lame excuses despite that all of Obama's numbers are better than Trumps will ever be.
BTW this will be Trump's best year in office b/c he won't last 2.
Owen Hughes
>Obama took is out of a recession to a time of economic prosperity Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Aiden Robinson
FUCK YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS Stop focusing on Trump and focus on the jewish trickery that is happening. >muh Redit says Trump is bad xD Go back to redit and come back if you get some brains in the future. I cant stand this fucking board anymore.
Charles Wilson
You are so childish it's pathetic. NEXT got 'em! Epic burn
Hunter Morris
>worse job creation Under obama the country was losing jobs. Under Trump its gaining jobs. This was one of the main points of his campaign.
>lets just make a bunch of bullshit statements cause trump was mean to roasties and beaners like you
Isaiah Perez
That's funny? Read a fucking book, faggot. You are a know nothing.
Wow the media kikes are sucking off the CIA's puppet real shocking
Josiah Perry
Robert Allen
Tbh he'll probably get a second term. If democrats cant appeal to one of the greatest voting majorities (straight, white, non-college educated men) then they can' t win. Simple as that.
Ayden Thomas
fuck whoever voted for this orange wojack
Jaxson Lopez
You literally can't prove me wrong, your fag Trump is ruining your economy and you're on his nuts. I love this shit, you fucking retards make the entire country the laughing stock of the world.
But you're probably a shit eating spoiled rat millenial who just listens to what his brainless parents say.
Nathaniel Cruz
You will never experience another year in your life when a Trump isn’t in office.
Bentley Phillips
Trump is ruining my economy by increasing the GDP growth and stock market growth. The media kikes all say so, so it must be true! CNN would never lie to me and the CIA definitely doesn't control the mass media.
Jordan Hall
Come on, Trumpfags. Find me an actual fact supporting your ass candidate, not just the bullshit you hear Trump himself say.
Gavin Gomez
>yfw the stock market is actually making a healthy correction but bitcoin isn't hahahahahahahahahah your runescape gold is going to be literally worthless in a month. Better get out now and stop trying to circumvent the jew. Yam tov
Ayden Morales
Jose Flores
Cause Hilary was so honest. And he has kept many of his promises
Henry Mitchell
You can't be serious using the unemployment rate. If your not stamps or benefits but don't have a job you are not counted. It is a horrible metric lol oh by the way black unemployment is at a record low :
Colton Taylor
He's going to gas the jews
Nolan Peterson
Think some garbage might have blown in from pol.
Aiden Parker
Caleb Moore
What gets me about how insanely stupid and brainwashed socialists are is that they don't seem to ever question why the rich and elite all support their candidates. Obama's campaign was funded by the major banks and citibank chose ALL of his cabinet members but he totally cares about me and isn't a puppet for the rich and powerful!
CNN who is owned by AT&T and NBC who is owned by Comcast and the Washington Post who is owned by Amazon and the New York Times who are owned by a Mexican billionaire all totally care about me and aren't trying to scam me into supporting CIA puppets!
Kayden Murphy
During 8 years of Obama all the conservatives could every talk about was the debt and Obama printing money. Obama supposedly added massive debt, even though it was from GWB's tax cuts and entitlements, but they blamed Obama for the debt. And the debt was the single greatest failure of any president. It was a catastrophe, it worth shutting down the government and defaulting on bonds to reduce the debt. Anyone with half a brain and knew even the smallest bit about economics knew the national debt was about to cause the apocalypse. Money was flying off the printing press too, they were going to introduce a 1000 bill with Obama's face on it. USD would be named Obama bucks because they were so inflated from QE. So said conservatives.
Fast forward to Trump. All a sudden, debt is good! Trump is the king of debt! A weak dollar boosts trade! Its basic economics! China devalues their currency which is bad! But we should do it too! And who gives a fuck about debt just print more money it'll bring all the coal jobs back. Anyone with HS diploma can make $90k/year in a coal mine and buy a McMansion just like in the 1950s!
Conservatives are the dumbest, most gullible fucking retarded in the world lmao.
Aaron Myers
But like i said. Hes kept some of his promises. You might just be the most cancerous person i've seen on here. Do you need to type everything in caps and talk so much shit? Its like im arguing with a trans protestor.
Charles Mitchell
Obama unemployment rate when he took office: 7.8%
What he left to Trump: 4.7%
December 2017: 4.1%, with 0 policies coming from Trump so still Obama. Let's even see what happens next.
David Edwards
lol this isn't about politics, it's literally just about Trump fucking us over. I just know that citing Obama being better than Trump ticks you retards off so much because it's true.
Trump is just trash, as are all of you who helped ruin my beautiful country.
Jonathan Reyes
>stock goes down obama's first year >its obamas fault >stock goes up the next 7 >stock market doesn't matter >stock goes up first year of trump's >stock matters again >stocks crash >stocks don't matter anymore
Robert Bennett
Thomas Jones
It's funny because a week ago OP would have been like "this great economy is because of Obama, not Trump!"
Joseph Walker
It'll finally accepted to start shooting my nogunz neighbors. Fuck yeah this'll be great. Like fish in a barrel
Nathan Fisher
>my beautiful country You mean Trump's beautiful country. Also i hope your kids school gets shot up.
Bentley Morales
I can't believe that Veeky Forums is still dumb enough to think that choosing the (((right))) side means anything.
Adrian Sullivan
It’s not. Crypto continues to fall.
Zachary Smith
What retarded socialists don't understand is they will never actually allow you to have a real socialist candidate. Whenever some dumb fuck like Bernie Sanders tries to run they are just going to cheat and steal the election from you, just like Hillary did. They are playing you to support fake socialist candidates who work for the rich and powerful (large corporations and the CIA). Yet you actually believe these kikes care about you. You actually believe that Obama who let CITIBANK pick ALL of his cabinet members cares about you.
Have you ever even questioned how Obama got to be the president? Who the fuck is Obama? What did this guy ever do to become the most powerful man in the country? He was a nobody, basically unemployed until he ran for congress and then almost immediately pushed into the Presidency. How do you think that happens? It happens because the CIA and the banks know he does whatever they tell him to.
Gavin Taylor
Go back to /pol/
Andrew Ross
This, conservatives have low IQs. You can't be smart and also want to destroy your own life. Only hyper wealthy conservatives have high IQs.
Jeremiah Lewis
is this the effects of the bear market? Are you okay?
Joshua Martinez
>shadilay maga pedes!!
Robert Murphy
but why would he gas himself?
Adam Robinson
How stupid are you people? Do you really believe the president of the united states just has little dials at his desk that determine if the market goes up or down? Why do you think you can lay the success or the failure of the entire economy at the feet of one man?
Christopher Diaz
Aiden Howard
Jason Morgan
>job creation But he is creating jobs
>the wall Correct but his majorly anti immagration stance has slowed immagration.
Yes, TRump is a terrible president and a terrible person. White supremacists just have really low standards.
Oliver Richardson
No i know he won't, it was a joke.
Ethan Edwards
I hope the stocks crash worse than 2008 to keep the fucktards at home next election. holy shit the USA is so far behind in infrastructure, education, and we spend money giving tax cuts to millionaire heirs who inherited everything, never worked a day in their life. Now the educated working class gets absolutely rekt with 40-50% tax while billionaires like Trump get 25% rate or lower, dispute his entire business being inherited.
Leo Lewis
Nah but i get triggered when Americans pretend they're country isn't a shit hole
Dylan Cook
Elijah Foster
>forgets the 10+ trillion spent on israel's wars really makes me think
Aaron Brooks
>Give facts, ask to be proven wrong >"MUH TRUMP, TRUMP IS GUD. BUT HILLARY! BUT OBAMA KEK!"
Nice job, Trumpos. You guys are fucking low grade human, really.
Ethan Ross
I live in cali and yes, it's a shithole. But this (((experiment))) won't be kosher for ever.
Thomas Garcia
OP here is a hint (your fedora attitude and constant badgering like the MSM is why DRUmFP won and people like you make me want to vote for him next round) also the market goes up and down but wages are up that is what is important.
Easton King
Hows the soy milk boys?
Xavier Martinez
Facts, AKA we had a recovery after a recession so Obama is apparently jesus come back to life. His late year growth was tiny because his policies aren't actually good for the economy. GDP growth and stock market growth both rose immediately upon Trump being elected. However, you choose to instead ignore that and compare Trump's first year in a normal economy to Obama's first years in a recovery.
Jack Johnson
They get cranky when they have their bubbles popped.
Joseph Taylor
>"Haha look I pull percentages from my ass" >"Ur dumb :^)"
Elijah Wright
Trump was a funny meme in 2016 but I think it's time we get a new one, don't you think?
Trump needs the boot.
Samuel Gutierrez
>still living in Muttland The dream is dead, cashed out my cryptogainz at 12k from 2k btc, and shitload more from ETH and LTC. Already moved to third-world country in Asia and am living like a king.
Liam Harris
>redditors actually think they are less cancerous than /pol/ pls kys
Jaxson Baker
we have a new hilarious meme. It's called chainlink worth 10000$ end of decade
Benjamin Thompson
Man if we could just get another shill for the banks and the CIA in the oval office everything would be better! They totally don't want to fuck me in the ass and only give me enough handouts to get my vote!
Juan King
I'd rather take Liberal scum like you into a gas chamber, where you're actually beaten to death very slowly over the course of weeks.
The gas chamber is just to make you think you may be relieved of your death at any moment. But you fucking won't be.
Juan Collins
how much are you sharia blue commie faggots getting paid. I guarantee these types of anti-trump posts will stop immediately after business hours end in commiefornia
Wyatt Gonzalez
You fuckin idiot, Obama double the debt from 10tril to 20tril, and also ran the debt to gdp ratio from 62% to about 110%, you're an idiot, go neck yourself.
Luke Evans
Your country has been fucked for a long time, retard. The fact that you are a brainlet is painfully obvious because you actually seem to believe that things were going to be any better under anybody else. Trump was stupid for taking credit for the market going up, but you're equally retarded for pretending he has somehow managed to ruin an economy which basically runs on war and IMF printed monopoly money. Go choke to death on a burger if you can still afford one, you fat little cunt.
Charles Jenkins
I cant fucking read jpeg.
Brayden Ortiz
lmao this autism hope you go broke faggot liberal nigger
Dylan Diaz
seems the shareblue spics are shilling Veeky Forums now instead of /pol/.
Isaac Harris
Pro tip, that was Bush. Bush tax cuts and massive entitlements to old fucks who elected him. Don't forget two never ending wars.
Nicholas Wright
>On top of all this, he plans to put us $1T+ further in debt He plans to put the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT $1T+ further in debt. Good thing I don't identify as the Federal Government! He could raise it by $100 Trillion and a lot of us wouldn't care. If the whole USD banking scheme falls apart that is sort of the point of crypto.
Blake Taylor
>You can't be smart and also want to destroy your own life You're right, we shouldve voted for Hillary and welcomed a few more million illegal immigrants and refugees. I'd much rather my tax cut go to niggers and spics
Levi Ross
Republican Presidents are always bad for the economy. GOP voters are so brainwashed that they think the opposite is true. They all want to preach about fiscal responsibility but at the same time are always willing to get behind an expensive war or in today's climate, an absolutely retarded wall.
Trump inhereted a booming economy, and because every rich investor knew tax cuts were on the way, he got a nice bounce as well. But now his words and policies outside of tax reform will begin to reflect on the market. And if you think the words coming out of this maniac's mouth will inspire confidence in smart investors, you're fucking retarded
Andrew Baker
Logan Watson
Owen Fisher
He’s an old boomer with dimentia who gets his world view from Fox News. That gave him appeal to the other Fox News loving seniors and the uneducated conservatives across the country but it did not prepare him for this job.
Jeremiah Adams
>le conservative war maymay >the only alternative to blumpf was madame shoot down russian planes over syria secretary clinton
Cameron Long
Say "Hello!" to your future president Veeky Forums.
>Running against the beta Ted Cruz, a man who allowed another man to insult his wife on national television and didn't even challenge said man to a duel. >From the alpha male state of Texas >Visiting every county in Texas, loves his constituents >Musician, played in a band with the lead singer of At the Drive in and Mars Volta >Into Punk Rock, not Kid Rock >Has a nice, loving family. >Started a technology company >Enjoys cannabis
Asher Gomez
>Obama had initial high growth because we were coming out of a recession,
Were you not alive for this or is your memory this bad? The recession hit right at the start of his term.