In this dark time let us post asian girls

In this dark time let us post asian girls.

I've noticed Asian girls correlate with green candles

OP is a beta faggot

If Mods delet this thread, they're being racist.



>tfw no qt asian gf to keep my spirits up during a market crash

seriously, why even live?

I have a qt 28 year old korean coworker who showed interest in me. but im pretty autistic so i think she lost some of that attraction, but she still comes around a lot and we are still playful. shes also into pyschedelics and im pretty sure shes a virgin. what do

>implying you wouldnt bang the no makeup version
>implying that western women look any better without makeup (they dont)
>implying women even talk to you


Do nothing.

What else? Casually ask her to coffee you fucking retard

umm... is it just me or does she look like she has downsyndrome?

>being so shallow you only care about looks

that's how i can tell you're a virgin and have never had a serious relationship.

>tfw my gf wakes me up with blowjobs

stay beta you race mixing faggot

>shes also into pyschedelic

good for a pump and dump, but not a long term dick investment

> 28 yo virgin
Either she's ugly to the point of deformed or lying

kek, you fucking losers.

>don't work on improving yourself just seduce low caste asian women who will "luv u rong time"

I am married and have a kid, faggot. you are so sad that you have to larp on an indonesian mandolin making image-forum

as opposed to high class aryan wymyn who'll just divorce you and take half in 5 years, or just go around fucking half your friends and random tyrones, if anything finding a cute and loyal asian wife is easier just because there's more of them


>fat and lazy

you're just a bitter beta, that's all.

plenty of wonderful white women whom look adorable without makeup. but they're out of your league because you fap too much and pine after ant races.

She's slightly spergy, her face isnt that cute but she has a nice body. also reads christian books on her breaks, so im assumign shes religious

nah shes just asian dude

is your kid an ugly hapa? hahaha fucking loser

you probably hate your ugly chink wife and want to upgrade to a younger model. goddamn asians really age horribly.

Looks better without makeup actually.

my asian gf helped me buy ETH last year and now we're rich t b h



>you probably hate your ugly chink wife and want to upgrade to a younger model. goddamn asians really age horribly.

>t. white roastie.

What reality are you living in? lmao

so you post an instagram bimbo who escorts to pro athletes and sand nigger heirs?

most instasloots still look better than these gooks


Good thread, OP.

>Id rather marry an overused cum dumpster because she looks good

Hello da'quan! how was prison? you finally got out i see.

>tfw have qt 3.14 korean gf who's hot as shit with an amazing ass, lifts with me, comes from a (very) wealthy family, and loves me very much
>love her too, been with her for 3 years and plan on marrying her

feels fucking amazing man. fuck all the autists who say fuck women. just find one that you love, and one that is obsessed and loyal with you. which, granted, is very hard, but be patient. do not compromise with a shitty girl just to have a gf/wife.

Kek at Veeky Forums's obsession with asian girls. Does it come from your innate and unaddressed inferiority complex that makes you subconsciously realize you guys don't deserve white girls?

Even if "most" look better, a lot of them are garbage tier for ever marrying or living with for any extended period of time

kek rosties are fucking funny if nothing else

literal retard, zero reading comprehension skills, do the white race a bigger favor than all the asian chasing traitors and go kys

Literally has nothing to do with Veeky Forums

so you point went from "white wymyn are great you're just beta" to "w-well, a-at least hey look better" lmaoing at your life

>implying there aren't shit women of any races
of course you're gonna be fucked if you want an overspoiled daddys girl to be a stay at home mom
>implying a white girl from a smaller town/village isnt top tier in the waifu department
all of my kekes

>in asian girls thread
>doesn't post asian girls

>implying a white girl from a smaller town/village isnt top tier in the waifu department
if only you had the slightest idea what it's like in small towns and villages, apparently you seem to think people there are retarded and have no idea what fucking is or sleeping around, which they do, seriously the only bet you have is to go take a fucking amish she beast

>implying a white girl from a smaller town/village isnt top tier in the waifu department

lmfao what world do you live in, You have the social intelligence of a fucking basement dweller. Girl in your pic has probly swallowed the loads of 20 different guys in the last 4 years.

>muh traditional tradthots

>t. still living the dream of meeting the pure and perfect love of you life in high school with which you will die on the same day when you both hit 100

>Get shit all over in a thread
>cant back up any of his retarded ass comments
>back peddles on everything he says
>gets literally blow the fuck out
>resorts to telling me to go to /r9k/

Get fuckt brainlet
get fuckt

>>t. still living the dream of meeting the pure and perfect love of you life in high school with which you will die on the same day when you both hit 100
you literally have the comprehensive skills of a potato
>muh trditional white hwymyn
>hur dur you're delusional and living in a fantasy
news flash, you literally described yourself, we don't want perfect girls, we want asians, now gtfo brainlette

>makes a strawmann and "destroys" an argument I never made
>"hehe fuccking soyboy got so rekt lmaooo"

>he's still replying

*White-presenting Asian girls who use every makeup and cosmetic surgery trick to emulate White phenotypical traits


Take acid and fuck. Coincidentally, I too am taking acid with a qt3.14 Korean on Saturday.

>implying I have anything better to do than argue with retards on a burmese rice farming plantation bulletin board

>contradicts every single one of his previous posts.
Must suck to have the memory of a goldfish


>not a beta faggot


>on 4chin
>not a beta faggot






28 year old virgin Christian girl? Only way any one is going to have sex with her is to marry her . Or be a high T Chad that kind of sort of just rapes her, but I can tell you're not that guy user

>most russian instasloots still look better than these gooks

what the literal fuck is going on with Russian females

my fucking high school holy shi

>Asian Women

Post real women faggot

i'm gonna puke

who is this semen demon?

no hwite wymyn for you then

This one is ugly with and without makeup though


I cashed out all my crypto yesterday for a 5k profit. I'm going to Thailand this summer and fucking asian whores bareback for a couple months then ending it.



It's the only way they have to draw men in. A lot of the girls I've seen around here speaking Russian or Ukranian are drop dead gorgeous but are screeching harpies otherwise.

Did she eat the real woman?









Personality isn't real, goes for both genders. We just assign them a good personality or a bad personality based on how attractive they are

>being shallow you only care about looks

my penis cant get hard for uggos bro sorry

damn looks like Yukirin



What is the meaning of this?, i would do an analisys of every element in that photo, but i'm not familiar with the occidental culture

Asian or white girl, whichever one comes along that will fuck you and make you dinner is the one to keep. Simple as that. Who cares about the racemixing meme, no one said you were having kids with her.


bottom at 5k

Men, children, autists, Chad's and betas alike, in these trying times, let me teach you some things.
I've tasted the rainbow. I was blessed with rugged good looks and had the ability to sleep with A LOT of women. I made my rounds.
Asian, white, black, Indian, a lot more white, Hispanic, SE Asian, Eastern European(yikes), and probably a few more.
Asians give the best head, blacks are the wettest, whites are wild, and Indians. Well Indians are hairy.

so fucking true

30 if shes lucky to not be full white cause in that case 25 and its already down hill.

I've never even had an asian gf (strongly wanted one at one point though) and this pic still hits really fucking close to home.

whats the appeal of asians? they have feminine features to be sure, but their eye area is terrible


sauce plz

Damn! Thats what I call an ass.

almond eyes are the best eyes dweeb

also asians tend to have the longest torsos out of any race and their natural facial structure appeals to those who like their girls a bit younger

for me personally, it's also the black hair

While not universally true among all asian girls the main advantages are:

>more traditional usually
>probably watches chinese cartoons
>probably higher IQ than most white girls
>short and usually nice thighs (sometimes ass, but more rare)
>good soft skin
>generally brought up in a more "strict" culture compared to most modern western/white women
>generally more shy/submissive which is attractive to MOST men

For some reason a ton of Asian girls seem to have shit teeth. Pic related is the ideal asian girl to me. Not all of them are this pretty though