What's the crypto equivalent of this webm?
What's the crypto equivalent of this webm?
Other urls found in this thread:
Has anyone seen Craig Grant!?
Segwit. Those fucking tongs, man.
Tron, without a fucking doubt.
2nd for TRON. Fuck Justin Sunberlake and his shit-on-shit-on-shit junk food coin.
eww wtf is this
fucking burger food.
what the fuck is that shit?
pretty sure this was taken somewhere in beanerland, I remember a spanish voice to this.
Fucking Canada
It's Mexico, we fucking eat that shit everyday when we aren't eating tacos
looks like something an american would do.
>Ok that looks kinda weird
>Meh I'd eat that
>Ok that too
>Ok it's done now
>Why is she putting more stuff on it?
>I might have a bite of that maybe but wouldn't finish i..
>What the fuck
>Lady it's done
>It's fucking DONE!
>You're killing the fucking meal!
>What the fuck is wrong with you
>Surely THIS must be the end
>Puts 1 sauce
>Ok some flavor
>2 sauces
>3 sauces
>4 sauces
>5 sauces
>more cheese
>Why are you killing this meal?
>Surely, surely NOW it must be done
>Puts more on it
>Finally puts some gross oil on at the end
Who the fuck eats that?
My first thought as well
It's Mexican shit. They do this with chips all the time.
No m8, Americans wouldn't even eat that. Mexican street food is legit fucking disgusting, and I say this as a Mexican myself
Why put 18 different sauces?
No wonder mexicans are so obese. They have the worst diet in the world, not americans.
oh man im gonna throw up
Cuz they are stupid. Like they put lime and chilli on top of cheetos at home. At these fucking pit stops they get ridiculous chip shit like this and usually put like corn, mayo, ketchup, and cheese.
Idk who the fuck eats this shit, maybe those mexican handymen outside of lowes.
99% of the market should fit the bill, this looks like COMPLETE shit.
overcook bunch of doritos, not even burgers should be eating this shit. The starving children of africa would spit on this abomination instead of eating it.
I'm honestly insulted that some braindead faggot decided it was a good idea to even film this shit. Holy fuck these subhumans deserve to have Gordon Ramsey visit their shop twice daily to berate them for fucking existing.
I'm honestly disgusted right now fuck you Veeky Forums
is this some kind of Veeky Forums troll
kek somebody go post this on Veeky Forums asking for advice on how to cook it.
What about this one?
And this one?
oh you mean technology that has always been there just touched up to look nice and futuristic?
that would be EOS
Or this one?
That would be a bitch to clean every night.
you'd get a robot to do it, duh!
This one really makes you think.
flavored nachos? damn my mouth is watering
blown the fuck out
luigi the hodler vs daytraders
the girl is Blockstream shills (which includes /r/Bitcoin), and the dude is BCH -- or in other words just sane people who know what's actually going on.
damn that kids got balls
haven't used these in a while
thats not having balls
that's a bb gun
probably just drunk or on drugs, but it's possible maybe he can see from rear of the revolver where the bullet is -- you know if it's on the side, it might be visible (depending on the revolver design) -- so it might be some sort of trick; he quickly sees the bullet location, but to people around him it looks totally unknown/random.
How many calories does this have?
that's an airsoft/bb gun with nothing loaded. The fucking potatoes on this board i swear
you ever watch those videos where they got those Asian girls who fuck the dogs?
what the fucking fuck
they beat their dogs to do that btw
fucking potato
God damnit America...
more than BTC's price in usd.
no but post it just for the laughs haha...
When you keep buying the same shitcoin as it's in a "dip"
that's a too reasonable and too simple explanation.
Fuck me user that was a good chuckle
What is the crypto equivalent of this?
is that some real life isekai shit
You can literally drink this meal
fuck off chicanos this isnt mexican
this is creatura americana as fuck
only americans are obssessed with pouring everything on everything
you cant fool us
diet literally consists 100% of flour and corn, that's why you're all obese
well yeah just like the usa
all they farm is corn
This is a good one.
mildy uncomfortable
roger ver and his ego
Have fun.
only 1 leg
no, its mexican. Veeky Forums posts it all the time.
its airshit.
summed it up perfectly.
creatura de monstro
Scraping it off would take 5 minutes and cleaning the detachable patty hand wouldn't be hard because you could dip it in degreaser and then in hot water and basically be done
but the muscles won't lengthen; The person who does this would have sore legs for the rest of their life.
this is retarded.
That's usually done only for people who ended up with one leg shorter than the other.
To fix those cases, you often come out fine, but to significantly lengthen your leg in case you are doing it out of being a manlet, then yes, you are basically fucking your legs up.