Here's a deal Veeky Forums
Make GPUs impossible to mine with, and you can have the value of your funny little Fisher Price coins back.
Sincerely, /v/
You came for gamers. GAMERS.
Here's a deal Veeky Forums
Make GPUs impossible to mine with, and you can have the value of your funny little Fisher Price coins back.
Sincerely, /v/
You came for gamers. GAMERS.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Make GPUs impossible to mine with
>You came for gamers. GAMERS.
More like Gay-mers. Stay poor /v/ermin
seriously, who unironically actually still enjoys playing games in 2018
whats the point, unless you want to show your political correctness by playing fucking kill nazis simulator in wolfenstein or nigger assassin's creed
atleast miners put your meme cards to good use
internet funny money
Jap games are still good as well as the occasional indie game made in the west.
I only play old games, FF7, The Zelda series, CS:GO. And i hardly even play them now. Maybe once or twice a week for an hour or so.
So what do you do in your free time? Surely you don't work/ practice a skill 24/7.
Enjoy playing classic games from PS2, N64, SNES, etc. Great times 10+ years ago.
I don't come to Veeky Forums to see annoying manchildren whine about their stupid games.
In which case you don't need a high end graphics card.
>he doesn't enjoy this
Gamer salt is my favorite. Can't wait to sell these shitty old rx 480's for double what I bought them for two years ago. I'm not even going to flash the BIOS back as my last gift to those worthless salty fucks mad they have to pay more to get lost in bing bing wahoo fantasyland.
21 years old. I still play the same games I played when I was in 8th grade. Empire: Total War, Tropico, Civilization. Newer titles I enjoy are Stellaris, Hearts of Iron, Rust, and Subnautica.
>scripted violence in a terrible arcade shooter game
might aswell just watch a cutscene tbqh desu~~
>literal shit tier nigger that just lost 2000 dollars in BTC
Rust was probably my introduction into the brutal truth of human nature. Really helped shatter the whole idea that "everybody is nice and deserves a chance". Thrasymachus was right about everything.
how about grown men stop playing (((vidya gaymes))) so we can work together to reestablish a strong patriarchal society.
It's just natural selection removing the weak from the genepool. Embrace it. The species will be stronger for it.
Is the nintendo switch really as good as everyone makes it out to be, or is it just trendy shit?
Go play bing bing wahoo and jack off to japanese cartoons. You are too weak to pass your genes on.
you're right, we're better off with theese gaming faggots playing while people with more competent genes actually get shit done in the real world
True, went in with a whimsical sense of human kindness. 3000 hours on rust - Never trusting anyone again
300 was enough for me. I don't play manchild games anymore. Trapping people in a pit and making them eat each other was fun for a bit though. Tossing a grenade in when the fun was over was the best part.
really weird seeing people shitting their pants over fake internet money condemning anyone for escapism
Already have kids. The only thing you have is your bitterness and insecurity.
I have nearly 100 current gen graphics cards in an air-conditioned 40-ft cargo container. How much money do you make playing UbiEABlizMegaCorp's AAA entertainment product?
gaymers will never learn
that's kinda embarrassing to admit
so do doctors take fake internet money to treat your crippling autism
>"I'm going over to Chad's house. Watch the kids"
>*bing bing wahoo!*
more than you
proof: 0 > -|x|
0, which is more than you're making
go play bing bing wahoo in fantasy land kids while the adults make money
>sits on pink wojack board watching a line go up and (mostly) down
why in the world would I ever check that link
so do doctors take autism pesos or what
It shows his daily profit in dollars /v/ermin
you mean at the imaginary conversion rate of autism pesos to actual money used by human beings
YUP. holy shit are you me. i had the same realization after 3k hours of rust
>using autism as an insult
holy fuck lmao
>USD on GDAX is imaginary
the absolute state of gaymers. I've 2x'd my investment on the cards alone lmao
WE still make money in crash
>playing video games
The funniest part is that they think it's impossible to sell or something. Only hodl'ing retards lose money when the market crashes.
I'm hoping the btc crash will drop the price of gpus so I can build some more mining rigs.
>using the internet
well yeah it is
autism pesos aren't money
i am pretty happy. difficulty is lower than every and i am accumulating big time
Liek whatever gay shit you do is any better.
What are you mining? ZCL? ZEN?
GDAX is backed up by a real bank. When you sell to USD and transfer to paypal that's real money. Sorry your graphics card is 100 bucks more but people actually found a use for them. Enjoy the raped cards when I'm done with them :^)
Zen atm
It's not real money until it's not autism pesos anymore.
I already got a 1080ti when they first dropped
just laughing at your fake internet money
t. senior brainlet
He literally just explained how he sells his "autism pesos" for dollars /v/ermin. What is your most hardcore game you are good at by the way. I can tell its not a strategy game because you aren't very clever.
Play Path of Exile, no SJW's.
>cryptos are the future
again, autism pesos aren't real money until exchanged and they're not looking so good right now
I want another 1080 so i can do 4k style transfer for my short film, Machine learning is where its at
Good thing I sold the last of my crypto when 10k support broke. Once again, only hodling retards lose money when the market crashes.
I'm happy that GPUs are being used to undermine the banks instead of being used for useless degenerate PC gaming.
Fuck /v/, fuck PC gamers, and fuck reddit. Same people, different name. There's no difference. They all act the same.
>I'm happy my pretend money is dying and losing value by the minute
Keep telling yourself that
>we're undermining the banks
Thats why governments are starting to calmp down and are heavily regulating it. (((Bankers))) destroy nations and send American goyim to fight endless wars for their own gain, you think they will just let cryptos steal their wealth? If they were a serious threat to bankers they would already be banned
>Fuck /v/, fuck PC gamers, and fuck reddit. Same people, different name. There's no difference
Veeky Forums is easily the most reddit board on Veeky Forums, even more so than nu/pol/.
Nice, same here. What's your hashrate?
>blames kikes for being a manchild neet
>laughing as they destroy a threat to their power
Behold, the power of /pol/
/v/ confirmed most pathetic group of manlets on Veeky Forums...
how much butt hurt did you just let out after seeing us making it in the last few months and at the same time showing you what kind of poor manlet soyboys you are by cucking with simple DEMAND...
normiefag spotted
Veeky Forums literally so razzled by their liquidating wealth that they can't spot the most obvious of obvious bait.
If it's pretend money, why has it changed my life? Also, ever heard of shorting?
>implying crypto can be banned
I can't feel sorry whatsoever for /v/ and the rest of you reddit degenerates. You conscientiously decide to be a waste of space.
>you can't ban crypto
actually yeah you can
I guess you can't literally destroy it from existence but it's probably headed back to only having the use cases of buying bags of talcum powder labeled as cocaine
>implying i'm not waiting for sub 1k BTC gleefully
Do you smell that? It's the smell of a very tight rope.
>pic related is me on the plane to the British Virgin Islands
pretty comfy this time of year. You should visit sometime :^)
I'm moving my ass to make money, the only waste of human life are retards like you that invest in literal air. I hope that rope can hold your weight. I'm here to laugh at you and the retards that thought that can make money from nothing.
Blow it out your ass.
Already did, my dude :^)
it's cool that people get to live these rich fantasy lives
so like what's with the :^) thing
is that like a signature or something because that's kinda gay even for this board
Nigger, I bet that I make more money than you. I have 3 fucking flats and a 4000m^2 house in Sicilia.
It's called "delusion"
meanwhile on streaming services making the real money
>I'm here to laugh at you
Now you're here? Where were you when crypto was going up...? Are you that stupid to NOT invest when it was starting to go up? I'm still way beyond up from my initial investment.
>I'm moving my ass to make money
So much for that.
Enjoy your month long stay in Veeky Forums. Afterwards, you'll be back crying again like you've always have these years.