Tfw I didn't sell at 10k because I thought it was just a correction

>tfw I didn't sell at 10k because I thought it was just a correction

Should I sell the rest of my shitcoins now?

Yes, it will get below 5.5k very soon and then it is over

Yeah, always buy high and sell low.

someone post the 'image' for this normie pls
he needs to learn what's ahead ahah

BTC is fucking freefalling right now bro
Every single "support" gets smashed through within hours.

Sell now or sell at fucking 1k

Yeah you are right, better sell at $500 and then kill yourself.

just sell user

Do you think that will be the *real* floor? I just don't want to lose more money desu

Yeah, crypto will go down and never come up again. This is indisputable.

Lol, there is no floor. It will go sub 3k and stay there for a very long time.

Yea, sit through the fucking obvious downtrend and lose 70% of your money.
take it out and buy back in low

You Hodl fags are pure cancer

Hodl until 1k then buy some krokodil

Yes goyim. Sell now and rebuy once it reaches 12k again.

Okay, let's see how your little ponzi scheme works out in the end, shall we?

literally the worst time to sell is right now

just fucking chill out dude

check back in a few months youll be pleasantly surprised i think

>sell so i can buy low
>it doesn't go any lower
No thanks Mr bitmain.

you could still profit shorting this desu very strong downward pressure

You mean like working for someone else? Sorry I'm self employed.

>17k is the new floor
>16k is the new floor
>15k is the new floor
>14k is the new floor
>13k is the new floor
>12k is the new floor
>11k is the new floor
>10k is the new floor
>9k is the new floor
>8k is the new floor
>7k is the new floor
>6.8k is the new floor

If you didnt fucking know you were in a crystal clear down trend by the 14k marker you are a legit retard and lost a fuck ton of money for no reason. Stfu you absolute idiot.

OP, wall street caused this crash so they could buy the GOOD coins for next to nothing. Just hold on tight dude till summer.

6.5k is the new floor


OP if I were you i'd move my money to ETH, QTUM, FUN, stuff like that. Time to abandon ship on that dinosaur BTC

Below 5k and Crypto is utterly finished, there will be no recovery, Bitcoin will become an obscure payment method, just as it was meant to be. Below 5000 and you can no longer argue that this is a correction back to natural growth.

>Almost everybody has heard of bitcoin now
>It will be come obscure
you're the one living in fantasy land, retard. Crypto, in one form or another, is the future.

Everyone had heard of in the 90s, too.

>6.5k is the new floor


Let me guess, 6k is the new floor, right?
I heard the tomato soup at the homeless shelter on the 41st Street is superb.


Kek he sells the bottom
Buys the top
>mamas secret recipe buys the top sells the bottom

Are all cryptos dead? I have some money in Litecoin and Iota. Not enough that I'm worried at all ~400 bucks. Is it worth selling, or should I just wait and see what happens? If it goes all the way to 0 I don't really care.