Guess which crypto this is.
protip: you can't
It's the S&P 500 which just dived another 100 points when markets aren't even open.
Guess which crypto this is.
protip: you can't
It's the S&P 500 which just dived another 100 points when markets aren't even open.
Thats going to take a while to recover right
show the 5 yr weekly chart
I'm fucking scared, I'm not ready.
I thought I would have a few more years to buy gold and silver.
a few months
>when markets aren't even open
how the hell is that even possible
just like crypto, stocks have been in a huge bubble, this "crash" puts things back to the way they were only a few months ago.
futures trading goes all night bby
This is all Trump's fault
What the hell is going on?
>been HODLING my gold and silver
Ahaha get fucked cryptoniggerrs, you are small time
>40 year chart
u srs ?
We still have room to fall imo. Lots of stops going off
Damn son that should be illegal. You're telling me I have to wait for something to open to get to my moneys???
> 4%
it's fucking nothing
dark pools
stay in crypto because much of that money is entering the market.
>crypto dives (cheap prices)
>stocks dive
>people sell stocks
>buy cheap crypto
I mean it's only fair. Compare it to all the other tiny dips that amounted to nothing. It's too early to panic.
Jews happen
>stocucks are happy with 5% yearly
Jesus Christ, it can't be that bad
its leveraged funds getting stopped out
nigger, you're gonna need food, guns and ammo if it's a full on market crash. The left is going to wage war on the white house and then the true civil war will begin. your gold and silver will be worthless.
crypto is higher risk than stocks. Why do you think the crypto selloff happened a week before stocks? Stocks will also recover first.
ur dumb
>I’ve been found out
5 years doesn't show the whole story. This thing has been going up for 10 years and is about to come falling down.
of course it took a dive.. after all those ivy league millennial financial counselors at the 500 advised their respective boards to take a leap of faith investing in cryptos
You all really are stupid aren't you
I don't know if this is some kind of board culture Im not getting but you all come off as really unintelligent pol transfers
the only reason stocks shot up is because of trump getting elected. the fed started their usual shit again so now everyone is in panic again. it's always the same cycle.
both sides of the political spectrum will bash each others heads in for a while trying to blame one another, after that things resume as usual
It's 4% in two days. It's nominally the largest two day stock market crash in history.
ur dumb 2
20% correction would be fine, even 30% would be fine
need to shake the market to get conviction for the next run
>crypto is higher risk than stocks.
Not anymore faggot
not it's not. Points wise it is because it's falling from such high ATH's. But percentage wise it's not
>standard & poor's
sounds about right
Shut up you inbred kike mutant
well since tax reform has been passed a lot of the speculative hype around the rising stocks has been realized so there is not a lot of room for falling honestly
it might fall 10ish precent then stop cause tax reform is playing big into company profitability which is driving stock growth
also do you think its a good thing to just have low interest rates forever so we ramp inflation like a mother fucker
the interest rates had to climb eventually and the fed is being gentle with it
we also cant help that treasury bond yeilds have gone up so people are taking money from stocks and putting it into those cause its technically more secure
wrong. the bull market is still in full effect right now. The economy is as strong as it's been in 40 years. The fundamentals are strong. This 5% dip is profit taking. nothing more, nothing less.
2200 is my target, then im going in. deep
Trump was bragging about the stock market rocketed in his term right? So, is it safe to say we can blame all this on him?
What does /pol/'s cognitive dissonance think about this?
>shut it down
>this is what coping coinfags believe
projection le 56% face
Oy very don't sell goy
>muh cog dis
i know all valuations are based off of earnings and he's just playing politics so i don't give a fuck
>the bull market is still in full effect
dived is better, it's more stupid
its literally not
its a reaction to interest rates and treasury bond yields going up
how many fucking people on this stupid board do I have to correct about this shit
another prime example of my this board is stupid theory
this is the reason why
If we only knew a deflationary new asset class where the cool money is already going..
>S&P down 5%
>Shitcoin meme currencies drop over 60% in less than a month
>Lol just hodl
the absolute state of Veeky Forums, ladies and gentlemen.
You mean 5.56 and 9mm
it's called profit taking, you brainlet. the markets will move sideways for awhile while they consolidate and continue to go up as domestic manufacturing goes up and unemployment goes down. Don't forget, consumers are strong right now because wages are up and income tax is down. This is econ 101 shit. You guys are literal morons.
If only there where some sort of Magic Internet Money we could use not controlled by any centralised institutions. Hmmmm.......idea's are coming.
You dumb nigger I come from /pol/. Gold and silver is never worthless. Even during the times when civilization literally collapses.
Read pic related ya' mong.
I'm just saying if youre stupid enough to brag about the stock market like its all your doing, then its fair to say you should also take all the blame.
Of course, /pol/ aka you will never accept that.
S&P is down 11% from ATH
>It's too early to panic
Nah, SO much FUD out there - of the BAD kind. The WSJ and Forbes etc are basically issuing "HODL" memes right now, meaning it's all fucked.
Long on tinned food and ammo motherfuckers.
Can't wait til boomers start blaming BTC for stock market crash
it is faggot. Anyone who invested in stocks or bonds pre-January has a positive earnings. The markets haven't broken below the 100 day moving average.
>You keep your crypto even if it flops
>Global market
>Resembles 80s and 90s markets where stock traders fondly remember feeling the rush of extremes and no regulation while snorting coke and having the time of their lives except way faster so they can party everyday
>Deflationary so the support floor keeps rising with speculation value adding volatility on top making it both safe or high risk depending on your positions.
>Extremely easy and fast to enter and exit, aval all 24hrs of the day
Gee user I wonder why they will buy more crypto, you'd have to be retarded to not be in this game even blacks realize this.
you are literally retarded. Interest rates are still incredibly low. And even if treasury yields retract dramatically, people will simply move their money into stocks. You know nothing of fundamental analysis so please just stfu.
>complaining about pol
>everyone who disagrees with me is pol
found the redditor
>s&p 500 falls a few percent
>cryptos lose 50%+ of their value
wow such a great comparison
And best of all the s&p 500 has real underlying cash generating assets.
Nope it's down to September levels (and counting). BTC is still higher than November. ETH higher than December.
Stockaroaches BTFO
Where are those traders going to store their money then? In the depreciating USD? In Euro? In gold? The ground is shrinking beneath their feet. They will throw some back into crypto just to hedge their positions.
Then crypto will take off again.
gold and silver in electronic accounts is worthless
if you're actually being autistic about preparing for some all out cash you need to horde physical supplies of gold, weapons, and food.
are you talking about physical gold that you hold? Or paper gold that is issued as a receipt? Cuz if physical...bang, you're dead, thanks for the gold faggot.
>everybody who doesnt agree is from reddit
Yeo, you're from the land of cancer, /pol/, alright.
Quit reading huff po for your economic news
>they will throw some back into crypto just to hedge their positions.
hey guys im taking my money out of what I percieve to be a high risk field what am I gonna do with it? put it in fuckin crypto!
LMFAO do you really believe this oh my God
zoom out
Cryptodunces on pooicide watch.
>durr I;m smart Xb
I know you niggers, this one pic is all you need to know about a collapse of civilization.
Gold is good, but never be open about how much you own unless you can defend yourself.
Of course I'm talking physical not electronic.
fuck off reddit
PanzerJäger is leftist redditor, just like you. You guys should just fuck each other instead of tripfagging on Veeky Forums.
If I zoom out on stocks and bitcoin you get that bitcoin looks way better right?
you fucking stupid incel, any time the fed has even talked about increasing interest rates or dumping their balance sheet the markets fell EVEN WHEN THEY DIDNT GO THROUGH WITH IT Bernanke TALKED about it one time and markets reacted
you think that this is some kind of profit racking opportunity when the signs are right in front of you
Even if the markets fall below their 100 DMA, who the fuck just started their investment portfolio 3 months ago? Maybe 1% of investors. The markets are still in good shape and this remains a bull market, period end of story. Anyone who says otherwise is an alarmist faggot who knows nothing about economics.
Its not that it's a high risk field, it's that they'll be more inclined to diversify when the field they are already in is full on bear mode.
If the stocks go in a bear market for months, most will drop a single digits percent of their investments into crypto, because why not fuck it, can get any where than stocks where they know it's a had game.
Nice get?
Oh... You got nothing...
who do you fucking think you are spooking at like that child????
i wouldn't touch crypto with a 10 foot pole right now. This is uncharted territory and no one knows how lot it can go. Now, if you are a rich fag and have money to burn, then buying at these levels could be a nice speculative play, if you believe in TA in the context of crypto.
>Its not that it's a high risk field
in reference to bonds it is
you newfags need to lurk before posting
>normies think the indexs going down a few % is a big deal
>mfw cryptospooks speak to me
It's a matter of perspective really.
If you don't believe that blockchain tech is here to stay, I don't blame you for that mentality.
Stay Standar and Poor faggit