Destroy the PC gaming market so you mine Monopoly money

>destroy the PC gaming market so you mine Monopoly money

Karma is a bitch, huh?

Yes, karma is on the side of man children enthralled by colorful moving pixels. Video games are childrens toys. adults in the real world care about finance, technology, and industry.

>wahooo! Ding ding! Level Up! Mama mia!

Also, monopoly is a game right? And you're implying any money related to such is a worthless waste of time, no?

Just remember that literally no one is sympathetic toward you sad fucks because at the end of the day even gaming has done more for the world than crypto has.

what good has pc gaming done for the world?

oh right the IRL section of Twitch so you can pretend you interact with women on a daily basis lol

>video games
surprised these gamers havent all killed themselves knowing how many easy millions they could have made in the last 2-3 years.

That and Porn.

What good had crypto done for the world? Oh right buying drugs and creating ponzi schemes

Adults don't need sympathy. We can take responsibility for our decision and manage risk. No one who is not a total newfag bought BTC above $5k and needs "sympathy" from you fucking gamer virgins lmao.

Gaming hasn't done shit for the world except detach your eye balls from reality and onto a glowing illusion. You SIT in front of a SCREEN and twitch your fingers. Waste of fucking life, experience and consciousness. Keep playing with your digital colorfing books faggot,
The rest of us will be making something of our lives in reality


>adults dont need sympathy

you are 18 years old

Hahaha butt hurt "gamer XD" virgins flocking to this to defend OP

>we need dah GPUs to make da gaem look soooo reaaaal WOW!
>I love this fantasy! This virtual fake reality lie is sooo fun to me immersed in I can act like a little child and explore it
>the real world is sooo scawwy with actual risks and opporunities!
>I'll keep my mind imprisioned in this safe space reality!

>Let's a-go!

Gaming has done the fact that you are using a fucking computer/phone capable of showing Text, Graphics, Sound and Internet.

By ruining millions of men, turning them into socially incompetent losers who will die alone and unloved?

Don't forget trafficking child porn

i bet you fags got mad when they released studies on video game addiction

no, thats thanks to real adults who need real jobs to do real work, not for your little video games. now get off the internet its past your bedtime.

>poorfag doesn't invest in a mining rig that he can also game on
>gets mad
Low IQ is a bitch, huh?

But being able to buy and sell drugs is good..

>You SIT in front of a SCREEN and twitch your fingers
That's exactly what crypto NEETs do

>complaining about this

You realize the crash will cause a flood of used GPUs to hit the market, that no longer can sustain profitability, and allow you to get them for under retail value right?

I would be surprised if most people here don't game as well anyway. I mean if you were smart OP, you would've invested in mining rigs and used the profits to buy the best parts for your gaming rig.

bing bing wahoo xd us gamers huh xDd

war and money is what actually pushes technology forward

go play some "era of empires" or something, maybe that will help you understand a little bit of the world around you

That's not entirely true. Gaming did turn an entire generation into fashy goys. OP is probably one of the weak-minded small-souled bug men too old to change. He will die childless and alone save for his collection of plastic toys targeted to adults that late stage capitalism has granted us.

I don't understand why gamers are so salty about this

>boohoo I have to spend a few hundred more dollars on a GPU

You either have to be under 18 or a poorfag to be crying about this.

keep lying to yourself cuckolds, I'm the one no losing money ahahahahaha.
I hope that rope resist your weigh.

brrrrrrm! bang!!! woah that was a close one xd

Should've bought a PS4.

>I'm the one no losing money ahahahahaha.
Do you honestly believe when the market goes down everyone loses money?

You're losing money by wasting TIME playing fucking video games


You haven't even invested in yourself!

Veeky Forums has a higher suicide rate than /r9k/ and they think they can call others losers

the point is to entice gamers to buy xboxs and ps2 and switches saturated with camera, microphones and spyware.

im sure theres an exploit to watch people through their xbox one camera.



You should have seen it. 8ch is still extremely butthurt about it and is doing their "operations" aka shitposting everywhere to delegitimize WHO.

fuck gamers hopefully you lazy faggots get the rope soon

Hey I have some fake monopoly money for you, only 6400$ each one.

>he thinks we're not the ones dumping bags on normies and other gamer virgins who entered the market in December
>he thinks the price has to go up for us to make money

I invested about the cost of a GTX Titan GPU a year ago and cashed out 100k before the crash, still have about that much in crypto. I know you’re a manchild and don’t know the value of money so let me put it like this: that’s like, about ninety GTX 1080s.

/reddit/ must leave

god is looking out for us gamers



Stop using buzzwords faggot and talk like a normal person and deal with the fact that you are a lazy lardass that thought that it's possible to make money investing in literal air.
Jesus Christ, retards like you should be prohibited to procreate.

>meanwhile Nvidia and amd is currently crashing, forcing them to keep the prices up to regain investor faith or go bankrupt

With actual rewards.

You get Pavlovian scores. They feed your addiction to get more intangiable and completely value less rewards.

My portfolio can be cashed out. What did you cash out at when you scored 5000 points in dig dug?

Seriously, no one cares if you get the powerup bro.

sex with no intention of reproduction has done nothing for the world but make people sweaty.

>being so buttmad that your fake internet money is crashing that you start posting on an anime image board about how people are children

>absolutely razzled

i'd say you should take some time off from your computer, but by the time you come back half your wealth will have evaporated.

No responses to any of these kinds of posts.

>They know you’re right user


Without gaming, you would not have a 1080ti.

me rn drinking cryptocuck salt

There's a lot more to life than a little bit of money. Also, quit bragging about profiting from pushing money around. Do something useful for society.

>a bunch of useless neets using imaginary coin ponzi schemes to try and escape their parents basement
>a-a-at least we dont play kids games

man /v/eddit is embarrassing
I guess this is why everyone agrees it's the worst board on the site

>implying I don't make 6 figures
>implying you dont love with your parents

I mean, at least we dont play with toys lmao


>"makes 6 figures"
>would still mine for bitshit and browse Veeky Forums

>"love with your parents"
Holy shit I didn't know Veeky Forums's NEET coin shills existed until your post came into existence.
Consider harakiri

karma is for those that don't sell shit in a box

>be a worthless NEET
>crypto comes along
>Think your actually going to make something of yourself
>it all comes crashing back down to earth
>post this much damage control about how you're not a complete failure
>'I totally made real money guys, thats why I'm sperging out so hard in this thread'
>try to shitpost about how a hobby people enjoy is more pathetic than trying to get rich quick off a ponzi scheme using pretend coins that people pretend mine
>start projecting about living with your parents
LMAOing @ ur life

>finance, technology, and industry
>Video games are childrens toys

I'm willing to bet you haven't been invited out or over to a friends house in years. you're crying in your basement while we're playing drunk driving on mario kart 64 with the qt college girls

>Yay buttcorns are falling now mummy can afford that new computey for me

>qt college girls
>playing video games

oh nono hahahahahahahahaha

>The absolute state of /v/eddit