This kind of dropping isn't sustainable
It's crashing way too fast
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This crash is artificial as fuck
who do you think is buying it all
huh, it's almost like it was always a scam
But what can we do to help sustain it? Yes, we can sell. Fucking sell already, you autist.
>It's the drop that's unsustainable, not the price
The retards saying there's strong support anywhere under 6.5k
Should I sell now and cut my losses?
With stocks world wide falling no new money is coming in
>This crash is artificial as fuck
yeah, and i wouldnt mind betting that warren buffett has something to do with it.
the way he was hitting on cryptos only a few days before the crash began is suspicious.
STRONG support at 6.3k
>This kind of dropping isn't sustainable
wtf does that even mean? Fuck me you kids...
>mommy it's wall street! MOMMYY
stfu nigger. Price is dropping and people who brought it less than 3k are selling it, only idiots like Veeky Forums do the iron hands meme in a bear market
Well he wasn't the only one. Before that, there was a lot of fud being spread as well as some post about chink whales that were going to dump and rebuy around 5k or something, nobody believed the poster tho (5k sounded ridiculous at the time)
>implying the regular markets are doing any better
the dow is going to go into circuit breaker before noon.
Its official ladies and gentleman. The crash is artificial now.
Dumbest thread I've ever seen. It's crashing because there are no buyers. China was the great hope for pumping this shit another trillion but regulations get tougher and tougher on them every day.
Normies already got in and are down 50% and selling, they won't touch crypto for years.
People who believe in the tech are already all in, or out of fiat from buying the "dip" starting at 10k.
Meanwhile nerds with no social skills or talents that are pretty much the bottom dwellers of society are starting to realize there is a very chance this shit could disappear when they wake up in the morning, but if they sell all the way down to 1k they can still make a very nice life for themselves.
It's all fucking over. Everyone wants out and nobody wants in. I will buy ETH around $200 just as a gamble.
god damn feels good to have made all this money on this "scam"
fuck off back to seeking alpha you fucking worthless cunt
going sub 300 global cap
buckle up fags
How the fuck is it a scam?
I have a plan guys! Just refuse to sell until it gets back to $10k. If people can't buy Bitcoin for cheap they will offer more and more money to get it!
Byu teh dpi
>This kind of dropping isn't sustainable
You're right user, it can't drop $100bn a day for more than another three days
you better get out now, its going below 5k in the next 4 hours.
yeah , it sure is fishy isnt it guys? i mean for the past week, no tethers are being printed anymore, and its like all of a sudden the whole market is in free fall. its as if tether was artifically propping the market up or something, maybe? gosh i dont know. makes you wonder doesnt it. lets get columbo on the case
>crypto is dead
>for the 1 millionth time
We're going to keep crashing but it's not dead. All those projects being developed aren't going to disappear overnight.
What are you trying to say here?
>god damn feels good to have made all this money on this "scam"
Only because you got out before it collapsed doesn't mean it's not a scam.
Let's take Madoff for a simple example.
Madoff paid off great returns for years, and many people exited in great shape. That's because other people kept feeding into it, but the majority at the end paid in millions for nothing. They were left 'holding the bag'.. with nothing to show for it.
Yes, you should have paper hands in a bear market so you still keep a little of your money
Buy high sell low
Somebody here gets my point.
Just like the pump was artificial as fuck, it goes both ways, Veeky Forums just got blinded by greed. 95% of all trades are bots trading with bots.
299 global cap, fags
Lads BTC is unironically going free fall to 1K or less
I'm out, cutting my losses
Yes, bear market for months to come.
Actually before the tether was printed the market was at a complete standstill for a few days, around the 1st week of January. Then we started going down from there and haven't recovered. The tether fud has been around for months and resurfaced due to media, but it was always there. IMO this shit all started because of Bcash and Coinbase listing it, and soon after the massive normie influx.
damn bro what absolute shitcoin was that
kek, even my grandma heard of cryptocurrencies, it's over.
wow its 299 billion now? it was 800 billion just a few weeks ago. what the hell
his fucking eyes
she's heard of bitcoin, thinks of it as internet money. still doesn't know what a blockchain is.
this is email/internet in 1998, everyone knows about it, not everyone is on it yet, and almost nobody knows about all the social media shit still down the road.
>This kind of dropping isn't sustainable
>this unsustainable growth over such a short period of time is fine its normal we are going to jupiter
>this crash is not normal it cannot be sustainable!!
The real problem is use case and adoption rate, not if normies have heard of crypto. Until then we can't break the last ATH so anyone who got in December is kinda fucked
it's not actually.
you see, all the massive walls that are thrown up, spoofed and manipulated are on the buy side. trying to keep the thing afloat.
tether was a giant exercise in propping up a dying market, but that ended as soon as they stopped printing.
no, my friend. this drop isn't artificial, it's the opposite. the forces of nature are taking over as the manipulation runs out of steam.
bitcoin is worthless, and the market will always find a way.
That's not a crypto.
That's the fucking inverse of the volatility index on the stock market.
That's bad.
When is crypto going in a circuit breaker?
I need sleep.
having trouble staying above 6.5k lol
since when has tether stopped printing you fucking retard?
hes just salty because of BCC
it should speed up as people realize shitcoins have no value
This happened because normies are finally realising that crypto has literally no use. It's like stocks from a company that does nothing. It has no intrinsic value.
they do if people pay for them
do you think vitalik is worried right now or does he not even care?
it's call the big short you fucking idiot.
nobody who bought under 3k$ is selling. not me , not the winkel brothers and none else who is smart. bulls bring this thing up once bears are done in minutes. even from 0 if it satisifies your tiny dick
If the crash is artificial then it means that they plan on pumping in after. Just hold.
Only works if you bought a lot below that price. Normies at 20k are killing themselves or selling at lost.
>if people pay for them
idiots guide to the meaning of the word "value"
>nobody who bought under 3k$ is selling
My portfolio is getting BLACKED so hard right now
>nobody who bought under 3k$ is selling
Because anyone with a bit of wits and a true oldfag sense sold at 15k+. Now you'll see chink miners setting their old stock on sale, cunt
what does xiv have to do with the dow
The volatility index is going to fucking explode and the market is going to drop so much a circuit breaker kicks in
it's already down 650 in futures
you know black is good in investments right?
Honestly who the fuck is selling?
Chink miners, normies, slowpoke old money
Explain this holy fuck
Not in this case Tyrone and Jamal are going balls deep with no lube
people have been saying strong support at 9k, 8k, 7k, 6.5k
its a goddamn joke, this shits going to $1000
it's fucking mind boggling user, it literally makes cryptos seem like blue chips
It's an exchange traded note which tracks the INVERSE of the volatility or fear index VIX
so.. if VIX doubles, it halves. if VIX goes to infinity, it goes to............. zero
it did that in after hours
it dropped so much it's supposed to TERMINATE and have a 0$ value. Except it's not clear if that happens in after-hours
these lads have more info
Remember: It's only a loss if you sell.
probably not, too much creed at those levels even large traditional institutions would try the bee nest with a stick at 1000
3000 - 5000 easily tho
>making baseless claim because it's been less than 2 weeks since they printed a fuck ton of tether
>gaiz did u see tether is being subpoenaed!!1 I know so much about crypto :^)
nigga it's been dipping for weeks straight
This is just like 1998 my friend. "Bitcoin" got popular, blockchain is nerd level shit.
"Email" was in the news, TCP/IP was nerd level shit.
This has been the best use of the dumb wojak meme I've seen
he tried to warn us
fag if you had paper hands in a bear market youd have sold at 19k
but meh thats your fault for not heeding the warning even if everybody told ya its a bear market
> This kind of dropping isn't sustainable
You're right! Eventually it will hit zero!
Be a virgin when others are a Chad. Be a Chad when others are virgins
Crypto is dead as dead as dead can be,
First is killed some HODLERS, now its killing me
classic dump and pump you retards, just sit tight
not like the rise was
>Peoplpe who believe in the tech are already all in
I believe in it 100% and I'm not all in yet. I've been cost averaging down and I've still got 60% of my portfolio to go.
>tfw too smart to sell assets at triple their current worth
>user thinks this is the dip
lol the entire crypto market captured by one picture
>Massive normie influx
>Price goes astronomically high
>Normies burn the shit out of their hands
>More and more negative news
>More and more government interference
>G-g-guys this is just a dip it will go back, normie money doesn't matter!
Something that starts with D and ends with EAD
That's the Truth Truth!The pump was boosted by the FED in "Quantitative Easing" they have now began selling the assets on their balance books.
Interest rates had been at 0% for nearly a decade.
The bubble was artificial. The crash is natural, it should have been allowed to happen years ago.
That is true. Once it reaches zero it will no longer be able to sustain its decline.
It's shopped you retards, the 88-77 range got stretched out like 10x
i just want to say that i got the joke and it gave me a laugh so your post wasn't wasted
once it goes under the miners cost its fucked
no miners = no bitcoin
that is the major flaw in bitcoin that it needs miners
Anyone know how much it costs on average to mine a BTC today?
but once some miners drop the others stay in. enough so they make a thin sliver of profit.