Who here is excited for the next generation of Mcdonalds managers here?
Who here is excited for the next generation of Mcdonalds managers here?
I cant wait to make 30k a year
user I'm sorry your internet money thing didn't work out but you are always welcome back to our family. Anyways, you are on drive-thru tonight. Remember to smile!
>Who here is excited for the next generation of Mcdonalds managers here?
Mcdonalds *employees
They don't even make that where I live.
>tfw have to fucking compete with god damn filipinos at mcdonalds or any entry level job since my cucked government imports them in the thousands
>An entire generation of pissed off ex-coiners that will make your life a living hell if you work under them.
Sounds about right.
Never again
My friend made more than double that as a gay prostitute last year.
Hate to break it to you... but if you can't handle showing up to work more than twice a week, you'll never make it in restaurant management.
The business is more cut-throat than shilling shitcoin. You ether perform or you're out on your ass.
fuck off filipino we are coming for your job
Too late for me, I'm already retired
another CS major here?
1/3 of my $ going on this bitch
>cs major
>no job title
>34 y/o
you deserve it desu. don't forget to ask if they want fries with that
Is your friend a qt trap? If so I don't find that unsurprising. Post butt pics
do you really think i have what it takes to lead others?
that you OP so sweet and charming, flattery will get you everywhere.
I hope he gets a discount because his bed is next to the rake and laundry detergent
I'll put on my resume I made 100k last year and lost ONLY 2/3 of it so far.
I feel like if one can't handle showing up to work more than twice a week, one should kill himself. I mean, I feel like I can't handle that, and Ive been considering suicide for years now.
Some wallstreet chad comes into your restaurant bragging about shorting bitcoin, what do you do?
Give him fries from the cold side of the bin, and have a mocking look on your face when you wish him a nice day.
Who's that girl in the tat?
ill be that 40 year old guy working the deep fryer , and ill tell my legendary tales to all the new young burger flippers. "guys, beleive it or not, i once was a millionaire, in december 2017, then it all crumbled to nothing.."
my fucking sides
So start again, and invest in real stuff, this time. Never too late.
nice meme
more like 18k a year, and working 4am one day, and until night shift until 2:30am the next day, 6 days a week, 6 hour shifts.
I'm disappointed by the lack of crypto-related suicides.
>Be me
>No college, just security clearance and IT certs
>Make 65,000/yr doing government contracting shit
>10k ready to buy all these weak hands when it hits 5k
And you?
kek that defeated look in his eyes.
We joke about this sort of thing, but I want to tell a true story to our younger readers...
When I was younger, I had a roommate who was kind of a fuck-up. I never missed a day of work, but he was always jumping from job to job trying to "find himself".
He spent some time practicing the guitar, thinking he would get his chance, he spent some time trying (and failing) to work sales jobs. He just drifted.
I saw him a few years back, and he's now a 45 year old man still trying to find himself. He never worked a job long enough to move up, he doesn't have the experience to get a real job now, and I'm pretty sure he will just be a drain on the system for his whole life.
The moral of the story... trade your shitcoins, trade stocks, do whatever. But also get a job and keep it. Put your time in and build your experience. Time goes much faster than you think.
Galia from Bancor
why not invest in american education?
>I’m only here temporarily guys
>It’s going to connect the blockchains
>It’ll bounce back
> You’ll see.
>Galia from Bancor
Thx, bro.
Have you learned NOTHING from all this?
Maybe invest 10% of your portfolio in crypto, the rest should be in real stocks/real estate.
I'm in the same boat but have a CS degree and unless you're a top tier asian graduate and get hired as a dev with a top tier company or lucky startup, you'll make more doing IT than programming as long as you focus on virtualization/cloud engineering (aka look to get out of being a sys admin asap).
He didn't try to find a career, just trying to find ends meet.
Oh well..
If you are the regional manager, that is
I don't know how it is now, but in "my day" lower level store managers made at least 30k; store general managers made about 55; area managers made about 65; and regional vps made about 80k
just a low tier programmer really
good luck with your picks, I'm thinking of buying a little more given these circumstances