Does anyone actually plan on sleeping tonight?

Does anyone actually plan on sleeping tonight?

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I also plan on voting for him again.

Yep, I plan on sleeping eternally.

I don't ever plan on waking up, does that count?

Every night I toss and turn until I get the compulsion to check my portfolio before putting it down in disgust.

After about 4-5 hours I finally fall asleep

Yes i need to keep myself sane somehow.
Bitcoin rn

1mg of melatonin will help

I have given up
The monero in my wallet isn't even worth enough to send to other wallets anymore


Anons, the end is near
And so I face, the final curtain

Veeky Forumsraelies, I'll say it clear
I've lost it all, that I'm certain

I wanted, a life that's full
To drive lambos, on the highway

But now, I'll end it all
I'll do it my way

no, im waiting for my last Eth to be transfered from cryptos so i can sell it asap

Nope. Fuck crypto i wanna see the beginning of global recession.

Pure gold

Tomorrow will be a sea of red.

Why thank you kind sir.

red = down stock chart candles
(sorry about that. nobody do anything stupid. it's just money.)

fuck... i have uni early in the morning but i just want to watch everything burn down live

i havent slept in days

Cash out 5x my initial investment in dec.
So fuck you all.

Cashed out $0 of my initial investment.
I was pretty pissed at first but now i dont give a single shit and im willing to go to $0. Started to sleep like a baby the moment i saw this shit was going to $0.
On saturday i had a fucking nightmare that my dog died, that shit was way worse than wwaking up to your portfolio 90% down.
Wont be fucking hookers for a while tho.


Trying no fap this year, ok so far, but i have been close a couple of times.
Coming to this fucking board is the worst, half the post no one gives a shit about the content and just keep posting pictures of the girl in the OP.


i don't understand

pls sir when etherium ponzi moon