Veeky Forums decides my Future

College-aged user Here. Pick my Career path. I'm a hard worker I've worked a job picking up human shit before and anything beats that. So pick a future for me. I will have an Associates
(2-year) degree in a few months, but am willing to do anything not related to caring for blood or shit.

Major in something where you learn programming with a minor in a field you’re interested in

easy as that

Grow some fucking balls and decide your own future.

Degrees are a meme, just read all these books and work on personal projects and Github.

I've wanted to be a pilot since I was six should I just say fuck it and do that cand go broke?

Become a prostitute

you do realize the greatest recession of our generation is upon us right?

there is no future

open that purty lil mouth

Someone can't read.. if someone ass fucks me that involves shit

Thank You for some solid advice. Which book should I start with?

learn you a haskell for great good if you aren't into dry boring bullshit

I am awarding you a medal of honor, for being the most original person on /biz.

Will do. Thank You, I apologize for my earlier rudeness.

Nuclear Energy sounds sweet. Do dat. Report back when you a nuclear energy doctor or whatever the fuck

He means Nuclear Engineer. It's an OK field, but you'll have to move to Washington or South Carolina.
Vague chance that new opportunities will open up as a result of the infrastructure+grid initiative, but any good bomberman should know better than to trust campaign promises.

I'm doing foreigner languages (Japanese). I agree it's not all that useful and that's why I wanted to get rich from crypto but putting below theology is a joke tho. There's literally no use for that garbage. If you work as a translator or interpreter you can help people understanding the meaning of something but wtf can you do with theology?

become a pilot in the air force all your training is payed for.
only catch is becoming an air force pilot is highly competitive

Women's studies.

Help people understand the meaning of the universe.

Non meme answer- pick something you have a legitimate interest in.
Not saying go drop 80k on an art degree, just that STEM is not the end all be all. I started as a statistics major because it sounded nice, but I didn't like it. Could not see myself pushing through all of undergrad with it, so I switched to "shit-tier" political science. I was interested in it, networked like a motherfucker. Internships every summer. Ran and won for student government. Picked up programming. In 3 months when I graduate I will begin working on opposition research with a political consulting firm.

>Great Tier
>even qualifying Networking as a career

Why are you asking Veeky Forums to determine the trajectory of your life?

You might as well go back to picking up shit.

You're a fucking cuck slave who let's other people tell you what to do

>be me
>Sociology degree
>marketing job
>meh salary
>own online marketing side business
>great money, little effort
>own a modest amount of crypto

Your degree or job don't mean shit, OP. They only times they mean anything are if you blindly follow them like a robot and can't think of new opportunities for yourself.

Veeky Forums

I'm working on my bachelors Business Administration. I'm not very intelligent or interested in anything, crypto was literally my only chance to make it. My goal is to get some shitty gov job and ride it out for 20 years. Really is there any difference if i switch to a Communications degree? The classes look easier.

please respond

Bio major

75k salary
15% bonus

Office job and browse Veeky Forums all day

Read Automate the Boring Stuff with Python to learn the basics of python and then read and make the projects of nand2tetris (The Elements of Computing Systems). Do all the projects. You'll thank me in 10 years.

is there any degree on there that doesnt have to sit on a computer ever again on the job?

>didnt give a fuck about Veeky Forums shilling and did "ancient languages and cultures" degree, that i loved
>learned ancient greek and latin
>i fully accepted the fact that its a meme degree and languages, but turns out latin translators are needed and got a stable and well paying job that i can do from home, literally living the dream "neet" life while having a full time job
thank god i didnt listen to STEMcucks, just like i dodged a bullet by ignoring cryptoshills

Take all your money and buy LINK
do not go to jewdebtschool

shut the fuck off
fuck off you faggot