>elect a bunch of goldman employees to govern monetary policy
>this happens
Elect a bunch of goldman employees to govern monetary policy
>does everything too be a good goy
>gives his daughter to the jews
>increases money for gibs of Israel
>still gets kiked
Republicans not even once
>record market growth
>nothing from the left
>when pressured:
>left explodes with rage
cool damage control snowflake
cant take the banter kek
wow I got btfo xd
>people think Goldman employees are these financial geniuses
They're just dickheads in an office pushing work off on each other before getting drunk, same as every other bank
Hello, David Brock, it is time to go to bed.
It's just an artificial dip caused by the FED chair Yellen having a hissy fit on her way out and spreading FUD. Good buy opportunity.
>pretending not to be salty by being sarcastic
top kek
Thats a fake tweet dumbass MAGA
not american but I bet you are lmao
Why do absolute brainlets always attribute stock market trends to sitting presidents?
Yellen isn't at the FED anymore to cause this, retard. Jesus Christ.
cause sitting presidents do
>a non american trump fanboi
my god thats pathetic
Dems is the party for self hating jews
Kek, dow joans.
More like dow groans guys, amirite???
i'm not even, just noticing your hypocrisy friendo
why so defensive?
Yeah she just left after increasing interest rates which always causes a dip and then spreading FUD immediately afterwards. It's like she wants to prove Neo Nazis right.
I feel sorry for all the libshits that think this is bad. Lmao, 5% correction on a 40% Trump gain since election. Mental illness knows no bounds.
republicans want you to die for israel but democrats are the jews?
the world is going down in flames and it's all because of Veeky Forums and memes
I love it
Mark my words: /pol/ will regret voting for this psychopath.
The best part is that republicans thought he was AGAINST the Jewish powers that be. Holy yikes, they truly are all kind of special, aren't they?
Yes.. yes.. The redditors are destroying each other. Gather round anons
how long before he decides to go to war to rebuild the economy
>Libtards actually believe that's a real tweet
>The absolute state of democrats
The left is filled with nothing but idiots
Republicans want to ally with the jews to not allow muslims to have jerusalem because fuck muslims
his entire sotu was about how we need to go to war with NK
Lmao Dow Joans is trump a literal RETARD
This. Republicans deserve hanging even more than the liberals, because at least the liberals are openly at war with the country.
Thats a fake tweet, fucking idiots.
That's a fair point. It's still not true though.
>implying there is any difference at all between dems and reps
Stop the kikery. We know who's in power here.
Over under on how long he takes to blame this on obama/democrats despite them having no control on the federal level?
anyone that thought this was a real tweet needs to be loaded into a cannon and shot into the sun at tremendous speed.
A market correction resulting from too high wage growth and a spike in bond yields. It's about the least bad cause of a correction you could have. Wages are going up as are jobs.
what a fucking idiot good going Americans
reddit clownpost
sage all donal dlurmpf threads
Insufferable leftists traying to take over this haven of capitalism.