You're only getting this info once.
Go deep on Ethereum.
You're only getting this info once.
Go deep on Ethereum.
im deep on eth and omg ... my confidence levels are all time low... still not selling tho
There's no putting out this fire user
You mean Bitcoin BCH
just waiting for 400 or so to buy the dip
It's going to be hitting 500 billion market cap eoy.
thats what they said about bhitcoin
Bitcoin is shit though. Ethereum isn't.
thanks just bought 100k. the most informative thread in months
Not until 300 user
I am fairly sure, in fact 100% sure that 300 is the bottom
ETH will probably lose 80% of its value from ATH, so buy whenever point that is. So yeah, 270-300.
Where can I buy more than $300 at a time? JewCoin has won't let me buy more than that.
I want to believe
I think it will happen this year though
Bitcoin only has scalability issues because so many ppl are using it. DOGE master race right? It's so much better than BTC and ETH.
not to mention how centralized ETH is (post-DAO hack fork)
This is how I know you're a credit risk.
this month by the looks
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. dumb money is coming back
the doa fork was a good thing, the community also voted for it. something like that will never happen again.
been saying this for 3 months now.
It hurts kinda though, but I've still been able to minimize losses from ATH slightly. Also eth hasn't crashed as hard as btc.
Its over, skellys scam is unravelling
Get fucked coiners
is the flippening going to trigger another bull run? how will normies react to it?
They all go down in sync, but eth always jumps back higher. Last time btc was at 7000, ETH was at 300
they will buy in too late once more. They will buy in at 1.5k eth, and that's when I once and for all get rid of all my eth yet again.
>$616.23 USD (-25.92%)
>0.09911780 BTC (-2.98%)
if you dont buy eth you are braindead
bitcoin is dead
bcash is dead
litecoin is dead
unironically this
ur brain dead idiot. eth is stable, true, but it is by FAR the worst roi. shitcoins will go easy 300% up where as eth will go 100% up
we get this warning like every thread from all you newfag faggots that think you're still gonna make it 1000x on some shitty erc20 token
>muh flippening
so what's your next eth
Mmmm comfy as fuck still. Probably not for long but o well. If I loose everything the story and the journey alone was worth every penny. Love you anons. Just have to sit this one out for a few months. 2200-2500 EOY imo. This board is going to be the best chapter of this crypto novel. Exciting times.
>You're only getting this info once.
buying in at 400, got 16k to invest. Will i make it BIZ?
Delete this.
neo is solid, if it hits 60$ I'm all in.
Afraid to miss it if i dont buy now
Afraid to buy now and miss the dip at 400
Afraid to buy at 400 and dive into oblivion
Afraid that it will never go above 1200 again
Ethereum is all hype. Stay as far away as you can.
Just buy all the way down. When it bulls, stop buying.
Part 1, same path though...
Part 2
I’ve been riding this since $10 lol I’ve seen dips like this before. Zero fucks.
Fucking 300 is what most people bought it at to begin with.
all crypto-currencies are dead, market wants blockchain, good blockchain alts are down but sky-high relative to bitcoin's fall
Same. I cashed out a nice chunk and letting the rest ride. Fuck the haters.
>coinbase cellphone screenshot
>it's wrong because it's from a phone screenshot
Logical fallacies, fanboyism, and mental retardation won't get you too far in financial markets homie.
Hows it feel your ETH shitcoin is totally dependant on BTC value
> flippening
which blockchain alts would be worth buying once this bottoms
Basically this. Buying higher than that is silly.
I already was nearly 100% ETH. I'm surprised it's still not doing as terribly as I thought. Still think BTC will keep crashing (which will crash ETH and it will stabilizie somewhere around 400-500 which it will stay for 5 months) and then explode to like 3K again
Sold all my 45 eth at. 927 . Wish I sold at 1200
But Fuck it
go lower 450 I buy back in
>tfw if I had tethered up during the first selloff I probably would've been able to buy 600 ETH at 300 dollars, but I didn't because we have so many selloffs that I keep assuming that once I sell it'll immediately skyrocket
i amassed 100 ETH at $300. FUCKKK
>move eth from coinbase to binance to escape to tether
>lost 20 percent of my ethereum from trying to time dips and failing, addicted to watching and abusing these interactive charts
Eth will be the answer. You can buy the same alts while you wait till it goes up again
>tfw it hovered around 900 for days
>bought at 950 thinking that was it for the crash
400 tomorrow
$350 tonight.
Hey guys, you think I should change my sell order from $1050 to something higher before I sleep tonight? I don't want to fuck myself when ETH rebounds.
>when ETH rebounds
Not going to happen.
$3000 Wednesday
I will once it goes under $200
>-30% in past 24 hours
>only getting worse
Sure thing there bucko!
i'll buy tomorrow
good call retard
I know it OP. I'm already so deep.
This man is right, it'll replace bitcoin soon.
If it gets to 400, I'm already exiting. I have no holdings, but as a miner, it's done for. Expect all the miners to do the same. The network itself would end.
so why didn't the network itself end 2 months ago when it was 400
Because people still had faith in it going up. If we continue this deep dive into oblivion, that's the point where it is no longer sustainable. Network support has increased substantially in the past 2 months, so have costs of getting into the mining market. The influx of marketing capacity(which you can't see that far back) has increased substantially in that time. Look at the unavailability of GPUs now. There's a baseline cost to "mining" that some people might hold onto and eat electricity costs, but a lot of the newcomers won't participate in that. They'd want to dump their equipment for whatever they can get and move on. Good for the gaming industry, for once. The threshold is a little lower than that (probably around $380), but once it gets to that point, it's not economically feasible to run a rig without just breaking even. There are a lot more transactions today than there were 2 months ago.
It still seems too high for me to buy right now. Should I wait?
been accumulating throughout the crash, stocked up 1k+ and going to hold. I can see 1k again easily by mid feb-early march, hang in there bros
Learn how mining works before you make yourself sound like a retard. Less miners and the difficulty adjusts and those mining get paid more. I see this line being used on threads on all forums tonight.
now is not the time. wait. when it hits 450, you go all motherfuckin in like the you're on an african praerie and you havent ate in days
a day