Be Nocoiner

>Be Nocoiner
>get told to eat shit 2 months ago by coinfaggots when I came here bitching that PC part prices were way up because of them
>mfw coming here now

enjoy suicide faggots.

no one cares, market will recover
maybe not the DOW
also if you knew anything about TA you'd know we're ~maybe~ going to hit 5k but its only up from there

>mfw you still can't afford a decent GPU


You are buying this dip, right?


Fucking nocoiner. Enjoy poority.

anyone who bought two months ago is up at least 200%

screencapped for when we inevitably breach 5k

Ofcourse not. Everyone's buying the dip which means it's not a dip.

Youre poor enough for me to let you cope with that


anyhow, have you considered buying some bitcoins? :D good buying prices soon

>>Be Nocoiner
me too man, feels good

Lol I’m still up more than 250k profit. Suck my ass.

At this rate Volta looks promising


You don't need to screencap it. At this rate the thread will still be up by the time we go below 5k

When you fig newtons panic , I'll have my second 580 Black Core before the weekend.

The DOW was -1500 and in the last few hours it was open, it climbed by 400 to -1100

It's already recovering because the investors there are smart. Not emotional teens using Bitcoin lmao

Crypto is for men. Not for you little pussy. Run along.

>be nocoiner
>eternal regret that I didn't buy bitcoin 6 years ago when anons were shilling it on /pol/
>bitcoin crashes to just x6000 after x20000 ATH


x20000 salt

>Bought 1080ti months ago when it came out
>Made 10x my investment selling shitcoins after they pumped this year
I'm good.

Wow must feel amazing to miss %6000 ROI on some graphics cards that are worth 2x what I bought them for new. Enjoy flashing a card BIOS if you numales can figure it out without bricking it.

mub da mo bidda te dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga

Who here /addingasecondgputhisweek/?