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yeah this is a crash. If it falls again like it did yesterday then it will be in the top 10
Cool! Kek wills it!
My mom is retired, I need her to keep buying my tendies
>cryptoniggers precipitated the great crash of our era
Please let it happen
a healthy correction
quoting the dow is for complete retards it's 30 companies
pls quote the S&P
source happeningfag
Yea.......... this isn't good
Stock markets are snowballing in a bearish trend.
S&P is doing the exact same thing.
hows el trumpo gonna get us out of this one?
>tfw going to grad school next year
This shitstorm had better be over by 2022.
To be fair, S&P's down 43, so not as bad but still kinda bad.
Thanks, senpai. I'm really lazy so props for picking up the slack.
True, but this is just the beginning.
>after months of fucking nothing
>dow down 2.5% friday
>down another 4.5% today
>futures are down 1000 points
Just bought 10kg of silver and 10 ounces of gold with my crypto profits. I'm fucking scared.
It was down 65 points a little while ago. That is a huge drop for the futures on any given day, let alone in globex after a 5% drop during regular hours. Holy fucking shit.
This is actually a really scary plunge
2015 tier plunge
>a healthy correction
You are more right than you know.
This is happening as a last resort to overturn the election. The big kikes are trying to wreck the economy as much as they can to prevent Trump from getting over 50% approval.
Will you let (((them))) win?
It must've been nice being in middle school during 2008.
If they couldn't get rid of Assad with a decade of civil war, do you think they can get rid of Trump with a stock market crash?
The fundamentals of the economy remain strong. Job growth is at record levels and there are no financial institutions on the brink of collapse. This is not 2007/2008 where you had thousands of jobs being lost each month.
I was in 8th grade. Now im 23 and have to deal with this shit again?
Will i have to deal with it again when im 33?
They got cocky. This latest trick might not even work.
If it fails they will have to use an assassin.
The fact that you have to go back 10 years to cite a similar event implies it doesn't happen very often you idiot.
Well if Credit Suisse goes under and banks start wondering how much exposure they've got, you get very 2008 very quickly.
Fear is stronger than greed. Markets always go down faster than they go up.
>Credit Suisse
>going under
this is just a hiccup, literally nothing will happen. DOW will be green by noon
Credit Suisse will be fine, as will Deutsche Bank.
This is just Wall Street getting spooked at a new Fed Chair and the possibility of another rate hike. It will sort itself out by next week.
>just started looking for my first job
sell some put spread on SPY and thank me in a week
Hows it feeling knowing he will catch the blame for a recession?
How does it feel knowing this was an inevitability, satan?
Chuck Schumer on the economy last week: "Thanks, Obama."
Guess what faggot, there is a global asset bubble. Valuation is fucked. If shit hits the fan because of meme ass derivatives and traders having a shit fit over potential interest hikes we're basically 2008ing again.
Probably worse because we didn't fix the problem in the first place. Oh and America elected Trump LOL
I cashed out of my normies stocks today! Yay!
Yes. And probably again at 43.
It happens enough that by your early 30s you've probably dealt with several crashes.
U people are lazy useless faggots who only want to sit on your asses and let some outside factor make you money. Absolutely pathetic, you skilless freaks
what's the ticker in TradingView?
Trump 100% owns the economy he has repeatedly taken credit for.. He isnt very popular as is; with a serious enough downturn he may not make it a full term
>DOW will be green by noon
>Bitcoin floor is X
Hope springs eternal on this board
No I'm an engineer just starting my career.
Democrats claimed ownership of the economy. Just like how the bad economy in 2009 was Bush's fault, this is Obama's fault.
stop posting fakes
I wonder what's going to happen when shit hits the fan again. Oh I know
>we need to cut taxes
>it was because of regulation
We are all fucked
yes user, i'm the same age as you, lucky i was into the markets and stuff at that age and had just been given my barmitvah money, which i promptly invested into apple upon seeing the iphone. very /comfy/. ready to do it again. are you?
you seriously have to be retarded or delusional to believe this
> more regulation
LMAO Since day 1 Trump has been out there taking credit. Are you gonna pretend he hasnt repeatedly said the economy was solely due to him?
>>we need to cut taxes
>>it was because of regulation
that's correct, commie. No free stuff for you.
You should have figured out how to make money when this happens. If not, pay attention this time
I finally want the façade to come crashing down.
Chuck Schumer: "Thanks, Obama."
How do I make money with no job
wait what???
lol, cuz the opposite worked well in 2008?
>subsidizing industries that failed saved the economy
>Keynesians actually believe this
>Let's elect a Republican, it will do wonders for the economy!
lol good luck
Just for one second anons, imagine being this fucking stupid...
OH One thing Schumer says outweighs 1 year solid of Trump tweets, speeches and public statements calling it the Trump economy?
So you admit Democrats are liars?
Either they caused this or they are liars. Pick one, loser.
It's been the Trump economy ever since the tax bill got passed, Trumptards.
>months of nothing
>searches "chuck schumer obama economy"
>thinks any website other than washington examiner will care
Yeah only poor people and non-whites would be interested in a commie revolution and unfortunately for you the other side has the guns and military. Besides you'd just end up trying to kill an insane amount of people to make sure nobody could ever revolt against you (you'd suffer dysgenics too since you'd kill your most intelligent first) and someone would use this opportunity to invade or drone strike you.
Dow soared with Trump in office
Thank Obeezy for what? Bailing out big banks?
He received an economy in the gutter, it would inevitably improve with our without Obama.
His contribution is severely limited.
Tax bill passed, Democrats take credit for economy. So Democrats are liars. Checkmate.
Uh yes, it fucking did you absolute fucking moron. Get the fuck out and go back to /pol/
No need, I found it.
>Credit Suisse statement on $XIV: "The XIV ETN activity is reflective of today's market volatility. There is no material impact to Credit Suisse."
>stealing /pol/ memes because you are an original leftist faggot
Go back to your /leftypol/ discord, nigger.
So you are ADMITTING Schumer lied. Democrats are lying cowards.
>Trump takes credit for residual (positive) effects the Obama administration had on the economy
>Trump does this for all of 2017
>Trump along with the rest of the GOP are fucking idiots
>introduce shit tax bill
>huge corporations close stores, fire employees, and move jobs overseas
>"Thanks, Obama"
yeah they are faggots but do you think the media is going to blame them?
Schumer said "thanks obama" days ago.
Stop lying, it's not healthy.
this is why nobody likes you, leftypol
Imagine being such a partisan fucktard that you shit up market threads with political nonsense trying to blame the other side
bubbles bursting are good. all you have to do is ride them out and not INTERFERE. Do not try to prop them back up like a retarded Keynesian Democrat.
>When you're this fucking dumb and lack this much understanding about economics.
Found the community college kid.
> Deflection
I never made a claim one way or the other, I simply said Trump has repeatedly owned the economy and if it crashes will catch the blame then you sperged out and brought up chuck schumer in a clumsy attempt to shift the discussion.
There won't be markets if you make it to 33 hahahaha. Well, there will be barter markets.... HAHAHA
Imagine being caught in a lie and trying to deny it further in the face of hard evidence.
He may not be the cause of it (he hasn't been in office nearly long enough to create any large impact on the economy) but he shot his mouth off about being behind the growth so the left won't hesitate to blame him for the fall, he should have just sucked up his pride and said Obama did a good job so he could blame him for this without looking bad when it crashed since this is a result of him and Bush.
Good move.
Precious metals and real estate will maintain their relative value in a currency transition
Democrats have claimed ownership of this economy. It's over, child. You have been exposed.
THats what I was saying. Trump may or may not be responsible but he has owned it publicly and will catch the blame. The Trump cult just fl;ips out because they are too heavily invested in his cult of personality
>stealing memes from /pol/
It's true, then. Jews can't create; they can only pervert.
Not murican, what is dow futures?