Are we witnessing the beginning of a total global economy crash?
What the fuck is going to happen. America could seriously go into civil war.
Guys I'm fucking scared.
Are we witnessing the beginning of a total global economy crash?
What the fuck is going to happen. America could seriously go into civil war.
Guys I'm fucking scared.
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Will there be a class-action lawsuit against Credit Suisse? Asking for a friend
What's the problem? They are issued by CS and completely backed by them. There is no underlying securities. It is used by hedge managers to hedge their investments.
No army can stop an idea whose time has come.
Iceland imprisoned it's people who caused their economy to collapse in what, 2008? I don't remember.
>civil war.
amerifats hate each other quite a bit, but be realistic, they'll use their weapons on other nations first
Is the VIX skyrocketing or what? 'cause that don't look healthy.
This is a fucking note. Not even a fund. Credit suisse is on the winning side of this one.
>America could seriously go into civil war.
My cholesterol is too high to fight, I guarantee its the same for most of my fellow burgers.
Nothin to worry about user
Speak for yourself ive been working out so i can crush commie skulls and defend my family, only have a .22 and a 12ga though
I'm still trying to figure out how it can move that much afterhours.
Watch your mouth before I find oil in your kitchen sink
How the fuck did it happen? XIV existed in 2011 and dropped from $19 to $5 when the VIX rose to 48. How the fuck does it completely collapse now?
no, it's down around 10%
XIV is short volatility, since vol increased so much this thing had a chance to go negative (lose more than 100% in a day) so it got liqidated
this was the most crowded trade in the world (short volatility) and got btfo today, and was imo the ONLY reason for the huge move today
no, everything will be green tomorrow
remember to buy please
Better believe that no (((banker))) is going to even step foot in a jail in the US, they always close ranks and protect each other.
Inverse volatility is an idea that at best is risky as all hell and at worse is a ticking time bomb. It's like a Short Straddle that never expires.
WTF commies. its not 1989 you idiot.
You have to heat the hoven to bake the (((bankers)))
Who cares about the commies.
I really, truly do hope so. Ultimately the responsibility lies with allowing speculation and rampant abuse. Raw materials, homes, food, all of it allowed to be gambled with and largely by bots doing high frequency trading. It has allowed for a class of people who add no value to society and do nothing but exclusively remove it and horde it for themselves.
There should be no more bailouts, instead of relying on silly ideas like crypto changing the financial landscape you should be out lynching bankers and the denizens of wall street.
I'm going to finally be able to get a piece of the pie once this goes full bloodbath and hope that it finally cements enough regulations to prevent the same type of predatory behavior from causing it again.
>Who cares about the commies
You kill the commies because after you kill the bankers they start trying to implement socialism or communism or whatever nightmare scenario they have in mind, they are in eternal revolution mode, they are always trying to grab power and crashes leave a vacuum for them to try and fill.
Obviously (((investment bankers))) and the like are the first to go
When the crash happens I'll be outside ready to punch the first Veeky Forumsraeli I see
Is XIV crypto? What is it?
I have a feeling this is overhyped, we are gong to correct a bit here, the stock market was too damn hot, unjustifiably so.
What will be some signs that we hit the 'real' bottom? I'm still a newfag to crypto, but I pulled out at 8.6k and have that money set aside waiting to buy back in. What should I be keeping an eye out for as we drop through all of these false floors?
An index which inverts the VIX, an index which attempts to track volatility (basically a seismograph if the market were an earthquake). Basically VIX did its job very well and the markets were historically volatile yesterday, so that means XIV go kaput.
>you should be out lynching bankers and the denizens of wall street
Why it fcking never happened?!! In 1929, in 2008?
We became faggots.
You fucking commie.
>I'm going to finally be able to get a piece of the pie
Try working hard for once in your life. Try delaying gratification. You don't have a piece of the pie because you probably went to a school you couldn't afford for a degree that wasn't worth anything. You take vacations you can't afford and eat out regularly. You buy Starbucks and have the latest iPhone.
If this turns into a bloodbath you are one of the first to go - I don't think you pussified communists understand that. You do not want civil war. No one does. Quit fucking romanticising revolution.
Was about to post this. I'll add to it. There's a bank called Credit Suisse behind it and if XIV gets liquidated they're going to be realizing hundreds of millions of dollars in losses. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and others had some (but smaller) level of exposure here as well.
Oh no, I am frugal by choice and as a matter of principal I told myself and reached an agreement with my partner that we would not feed into the system until it crashed again.
I refuse to put my blood and sweat into property I know is massively over valued. I know the kind of people that have created this mess and I refuse to reward them. I am going to hopefully walk into a burning wasteland of these people and actually be able to get something closer to what it should be worth.
this is not about crypto you retard it's about the civilized world about to go into chaos
good luck commie
CS already confirmed they took no losses from it
Most of these people are just rentiers. Even Marx didn't give the financial sector as much importance as he could have because he thought banks and industrialists were natural enemies, and that usurious bankers and landlords were holdovers from feudalism whereas industrialists were the progressive force that would eventually destroy them. Apparently he was wrong, we still live with rentiers who shuffle around titles to a fixed stock of property without actually making anything new.
looks like they're killing him
i don't even see xivcoin on coinmarketcap.
Kill the bankers then kill the commies
Fascism is the future
Who here going full Gandhi? I just shaved my head, and ordered a loin-cloth from Amazon prime.
You should really read up on that guys view of blacks, not as peaceful as people think, not that I disagree though.
>Fascism is the future
No, but your not either. America will never be commie/socialist whatever you wanna implement because we know about race, and in that system it tries to lie and say we are all equal. Equality is always lowest common denominator type shit, so it would be all races equal to blacks and nobody is going to want to be part of a system like that. And if you're going to lie and tell me i'd be pro-white I know you're full of it because whites would rise up first to try and dismantle the system because they naturally exceed and want to acquire as much as possible and commies wouldn't allow that.
I'm not an expert but I'll give it a try. They have to rebalance XIV at the end of the trading day. In order to rebalance today they had to buy 5x or 10x(whatever the leveraged amount is for XIV) VIX contracts. When you buy that many VIX contracts the VIX obviously goes up higher. So as they are trying to buy enough to balance XIV, VIX is going up as well and its a never ending cycle that ultimately ends in XIV being liquidated.
TL;DR leveraged ETN's are great until the day that you're on the wrong side.
some fucking meme that a bunch of news outlets are shilling right now
because it is an ETN not ETF and the only value of that note is whatever the buyer believes the backer (CS) will be able to pay when it matures. They are literally no assets backing it.
Civil war would be good for us. The progressive soyboy faggots in lingerie will die of starvation.
Nogs will riot, like they always do, and they'll just get shot.
All in all, it will be good in the end as it will end classical liberalism once and for all, split the US into several autonomous nations divided roughly along ethnic lines.
XIV? Never heard of that altcoin, when was the ICO?
>Trading volatility itself
I thought crypto was kooky as fuck but the stock market is just as ridiculous.
XIV is an ETN. They are not rebalanced by defintion. Only ETFs are. XIV is an ETN. SVXY is is re-balanced, but there is not much left to rebalance lmao.
It is not just trading volatility, it is about shorting volatility. on leverage. Let that sink it.