Donald Trump is good for the econ-

Donald Trump is good for the econ-

well the kikes dislike DT so they'd do these type of tricks in order to make him look bad, so brainlets like you can place the blame on him for something completely out of his control.

here's the thing though, wouldn't you rather get this over with now and eventually destroy their power once and for all, when we come together to overcome their global manipulation schemes?

>watching news this morning
>"breaking news the Dow has just taken a massive hit"
>"Why did this happen? Well the American economy is booming which has investors worried about inflation and increased interest rates"

tfw Trump too good for the economy

Fake internet "money" is in no way linked to the real economy of value-producing things you stupid faggot.


Go find your own shitcluster.

>well the kikes dislike DT
oh sweetepie

stay on /pol/ please shill. We get it. Trump bad, Hillary good.

wow it's almost like all of that "he's a businessman so he'll be good for the economy durr" talk was actually just bullshit and deep down trump voters' motives are all as bizarre, bigoted, and deranged as

it's the planet vs the kikes lol...

>well the kikes dislike DT

Literally this
You can't have an 8000 point increase not correct itself, and the dollar value was dropping over that time period


You're retarded, even after today the DOW is up by 44%

kek what a faggot kike

well you should pay more attention to the actions his appointed staff are taking... and less on his public appearance ;)

Always blame others for your own failures. The loser motto.

Oh wow looks like believing in a meme useless "currency" is really working out. Call me when you can buy guns, food, and gas with Bitcoin during a power outage faggots.

Trump better find a way to prop up the price of crypto for all of his basement-dwelling supporters!

>he hasnt read culture of critique


Um no sweetie the Democrats already said this is Obama's doing. From Chuck Schumer last week on the economy: "Thanks Obama"

haha wait a couple weeks.

>put poison in your food
>you die
>someone gets mad at me for killing you
>tell them to stop being jealous of me
kikes in a nutshell

hey guys, remember when a bunch of leftists pledged to pump and dump the stock market during trumps reign so as to fuck with his approval ratings and legacy, and it was suppressed and forgotten because we live in a completely leftist dominated media environment? Probably not!

His appointed staff? You mean wall st and banker kike scum?


omgf fuck drumpf!

the crash happened because the unemployment rate was decreasing to rapidly you retard
he was unironically too good