Hey guys this is my goodbye. I enjoyed spending my time here for the past 2 years but after this crash im finally done...

Hey guys this is my goodbye. I enjoyed spending my time here for the past 2 years but after this crash im finally done. I didn't take any profits and now Im paying the price. Started with in 2016 peaked at 330k a few weeks ago and now im at 120k. Life is just not worth living anymore.

Realistically, consciousness emerges from the brain. It didn't exist before you were born.

Pfft... More than what I have...
Carry on my wayward son.

Buy the dip user

You still have 120k. Thats a lot more than most people. Take a break from Veeky Forums and trading and gain a new perspective on life.

I started in 2017, peaked at 360k, down to 160k. Don't really give a shit, I have a decent job so I don't mind getting more time to accumulate

just bought a helium tank off amazon.

gimme your money you worthless faggot


biz has been my life for the past year and a half. Im pretty much a neet at this point and thought I could support myself and make it with crypto. Started with 1k and ended up at a peak of 330k so but I cant possibly support myself now and Id rather die than working a job i hate. So here I am.

holy i am exact same figures. are you all in on wtc also?

user, help a poorfag before you go - BTC pls: 171awFVpmjCLHFmWRnKwVk27oUeYMfynR8

emergence is a meme, ultimate weasel word that doesn't explain anything. unless you can posit a mechanism by which brains generate consciousness you may as well say god did it.

Wtc is my biggest position atm GMN holder here. Before I go im just gonna burn all my tokens.

Go all in on Monero, set it aside until the end of 2020 and you'll be the happiest fucker on biz.

Take your solipsistic shit elsewhere.

Hey, I'm in a similar situation where i've essentially gambled away over half my net worth. I've thought of killing myself also. I've had huge losses in prior years as well, and even after this loss I still have more than most people. Perhaps try to divorce yourself from Veeky Forums for a while, it will take a few months or longer for you to get over the pain of the loss, but just try to move on and not focus on the regrets. btw, going from 1k to 330k is incredible, but you could also reevaluate that to say you went from 1k to 120k - this is also an amazing feat (if you don't mention the 330k). You are way ahead. Take a break and plan your future.

>i learnded a fifosofy werd mahm, mahm! mahm! i laended a fofofouihef0oihef

kys faggot. with 120k you can buy a fucking REALLY nice shotgun and truly impress the guy who has to clean up your brain matter.
>damn, that sucks

why wouldn't you give them to someone else?

Thanks for the advice I just dont know if I can bring myself to sell now. I dont even feel pain from the losses anymore im just numb it hardly feels real. Going from 60k to 18k during eths first pump hurt way more than this. I still have some hope things will recover however ive side tracked all of my career prospects to focus on this for the past 2 years and I was actually about to move out of my parents house but now I dont think that will be possible so suicide is definitely on the table.

kill yourself thats the only way to confirm the bottom
take one for the team

user, relax. you can't time this shit.

don't sell. the sting of selling to watch the recovery hurts so much more.

I think you should probably hold, we may get an unexpected bounce. A big one. People are definitely in panic mode right now. But I'd sell a good chunk off if we bounce back to the prior top area or a little higher.

Yeah Im actually really optimistic that the markets will return to where they were and higher but im not sure about how long that will take. However, I cant really sell biggest holding because ill lose my wtc GMN status. I have a ven node aswell but there is no senioritiy atm with that so I could still sell it but I rly dont want to since I was counting on this passive income to support me until I get a real job after I move out so i wouldnt have to spend my crypto holdings too much. What do you mean by prior top area?

How do we know when to buy if there isn't literally blood in the streets?

Also send me some eth I'll love you long time


i just meant close to the prior high price. i think it may exceed that though just a little bit but then really crash harder than now, so i'd take half off at least personally if we get back to that high



can someone send me 10 dollers i need money for weed

Buy signal? Any TA fags here?

The fuck is wrong with you...

Just bought 100k Hellium coin, get it while the price is low (ticker:HELL)

Panpsychisms where it's at

Sell the dip user

Will take a week or so to get back to there if the trend reverses

id say at least a month to get back to the old highs, if that happens. they will want to churn the price a bit to shake out weak hands who are afraid it is going to plummet to new lows, then it will rise sharply.

Yeah theres a lot of happiness to be found without financial security lol

dude plez leave me with some

eth: 0x325f4C82Ac6A27fea3769A0F94253B81a2EFADDc
btc: 1MxDZsERiPFxT27UmaKB3eTna9JDrZZ8N4

Or maybe everything emerged from consciousness like a dream.

Nigga you have 120K. I dream of someday having that much money.

Take your money and travel through Asia or South America. Trek through the Amazon, take some drugs, and when you get down to $0 if you really want to you can kill yourself then.

120k literally enough to finance a dozen lean startups.

Honestly, there is nothing rational about consciousness, and there is no mechanism to explain it. So I don't think that conclusion is valid.

The brain is composed of synapses which are either on or off, so it is still processing binary information at its fundamental level. Binary information processing does not explain the feat of consciousness. So one can conclude that there is a natural mechanism beyond our understanding that does not necessarily exist within the brain (think something higher dimensional than 4d space) or something supernatural.

I think this is actually more logical, that consciousness existed first and everything else came after.


Been posting this in similar threads but I want you to know that this life is one of many you have had and will have. Everyone has gone through/is going through what you are feeling right now but it will get better. If the reincarnation stuff is a bit far out for you, remember that whatever happens, things will eventually start becoming more and more fun and exciting. It is the natural course of the universe :-)

or simply its a meme that we believe and our brains only create the illusion that we have free will and consciousness. also even if its some 4d space stuff or any other thing we don't/can't know about now, theres no reason to come up with random theories

Grow up

workin on it