Is it true? Would both bitcoin and the dow jones be at $32k right now if she had won?
Is it true? Would both bitcoin and the dow jones be at $32k right now if she had won?
fuck off shill
if she won the world would be nothing but a fucking crater and a shit load of smog toxic fumes
It's been almost 1.5 years since the election, it's time to stop seething.
-32k you mean
I kno right? that facebook ad with the nuclear bomb photo and hillarys face photoshopped on top really made me think
She detests wikileaks and they use crypto
Cryptofags would get accused of being in the 1% and she'd tax the shit out of you all before making bitcoin illegal in the states, with a fine of up to 10k USD for holding counterfeit, criminal currency.
So instead of being up 32k, you'd be owing money instead.
Russia is a derelict state and I’m almost embarrassed that Trump got caught up with their mob in the late 80’s and got wrangled into colluding with them in 2016 to execute sanction favors.
That’s how much of a nonstate Russia is, I’m more embarrassed than pissed that he chose them.
Russia won’t exist in ten years. It will be insolvent and a cluster of ultra Balkanized states.
btc would be at $200
Putin threatened the US that if they even came near his country he would just send out nukes.
If bernie was president the stock market would be utter shit but americans would have such a high standard of living with universal healthcare that it would be like a scandanavian utopia. people would be so happy.
Oh shit
I hope so fuck those faggots Russia is shit tier
All you butthurt lefties, boomers, mutts etc that have been gagging for the balkanisation of Russia ever since the Cold War ended always forget one key issue:
If you break Russia in 100 little states, you’ll have to deal with 100 nuclear powers. :^)
t. hillary clinton
This but ironically
How can you possibly still think he colluded with Russians. It's pretty clear from the mountain evidence at this point that:
a) Trump has no ties to Russia
b) Hillary Clinton used "information" gained from Russian sources to put together the Steele dossier. A dossier that means all of jack shit.
From where I'm standing, it looks like Hillary Clinton was working with Russians bent on fucking with US democracy to smear Trump. She then turns around on her loss and starts trying to project the idea that HE was working with them to cover her own ass and create so much confusion that people can't make sense of it.
I get it, the guy is orange and acts like a complete tool on Twitter - but it doesn't change the fact that tying him to Russia is DELUSIONAL.
It's hard to tell who's being satirical and who is genuinely crazy
>implying the no-fly zone she was proposing wasn't an imminent threat to peace between major powers
>implying she wasn't acting hawkish toward Russia even during an election cycle when hawkishness of any kind was unwelcome
>implying you have remotely the knowledge of geopolitics needed to justify that snark
I am not even remotely being satirical. It's the truth from where I'm standing. You need to do Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to think otherwise.
>hurr dur muhh hawks!!
I can tell how ignorant you are about the subject. USA has been hawkish against Russians for decades, you must be really be dumb if you think both countries would risk mutually assured destruction for a shithole like Syria
Anyone who claims to know the answer to thing is a lying sack of shit.
>I am not even remotely being satirical. It's the truth from where I'm standing. You need to do Olympic levels of mental gymnastics to think otherwise.
You are probably also one of those cucks that supports Sessions' crackdown on Marijuana lol
>being this fucking retarded. kys.
You literally have no grasp of international politics or policy. The only leverage Russia has on anyone is nuclear weapons (used to be Baltic oil and natural gas reserves, but who knew renewables would decouple the Europrans from Russian pressures haha) and those are literally unusable due to the existential threat it poses to the human race. Think of it as a gun that kills the user as well.
Humans are far more self interested than your rotten NEET brain can comprehend. When the USSR fell, the KGB goons turned into hardcore oligarch gangster aristocrats. Eventually, under the guidance of Putin, they become the controlling power. The same thing will happen once The Russian Federation fractures from pure economic instability. No one was every shooting nukes at anyone. Not even The DPRK, which is a whole different story.
You little shits decry the virtues of education yet post the most uneducated opinions with pride. Literally disgusting, and I hope you’re not one of the new money crypto barons of the world. And, on the off chance you are, another crypto baron will probably fleece you out of everything before your first “Lambo flex”.
Fucking dullard.
And on the off chance that your Ivanposting, enjoy your futile ventures in the artic. Petroleum is an old man's game.
She's a sociopath. She'd drive this country into the ground for her jewish overlords.
were the fuck are the mods at?
sure, why not, if that makes you feel better LOL
>does drugs
>calls others cucks
No user, you are the cuck
holy shit calm down charles dickens, I haven't seen you this mad since the cashier at McDonalds misgendered you
I-i-i thought she was just stupid cuz she worked at McDonald’s
.....mods went all in at 20k, we're all alone mang just the hodlers and the communist shills it's not great times
lol how pathetic
yea but we'd be detained in a fema camp for being straight white males and given a steady diet of soy and estrogen injections
epic! simply, epic.
Damn, you can't spar on the internet. You newfags are pitiful. Back in my day we used to walk fifteen miles in the snow to the nearest basement to trade the latest doujinshi and debate on /b/. Writing out your opinion or position doesn't cause a poster to be mad/triggered, it means that they are at least capable of debate, soyboi.
You nu/pol/s are full of soy and are overly sensitive. Grow a pair. Russia is still a fucked state, Ivan. Get used to it.
You're the one pumping money into your pathetic addiction, not me.
>growing your own medicine is degenerate
>going to your local drug peddler called a doctor is completely normal
kill yourself retard
>dude weed lmao
Yeah no. Get a job you temporally displaced hippie
Imagine being this much of a teenager
this shit ain't fair
it was her turn
hitlery clinton sold all her XIV to tank all the markets so that drumpf would look bad
i sniff glue before every meal
the one that was funded by the russian government, heh, yeah that DID really make me think now that you bring that up.