Is she going to leave me for Jamal? Was she right all along?

Is she going to leave me for Jamal? Was she right all along?

I need to know Veeky Forums... I don’t know how much longer I can do this.

Im going to kill myself.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Getting bullied by your own gf

women do not biologically understand the concept of risk
leave roasties to simple tasks, not finances

My gf blows me while I check my blocc
Dump her, hodl, get a new gf when ur up 500%

>Talking about investments with your gf

>Being called "dude" by your gf

She's cheating on you

Why would you discuss money with a woman?!

My own wife doesn't know how much I have in bank or how much I'm making per month/year.

Wow she's running circles around you user. Hold your fucking frame and dont take shit

>uh lol like zoinks babe i only lost 7grand
>bu-babe lol like why you freakin lol
just fucking kill yourself beta boy.

Stop being such a soy boy. You're the one who took the risk and it's your fucking money.

If your girlfriend is calling you "dude" it's already over.
She views you as shit beneath her shoe. You're nothing to her anymore and will never satisfy her needs. End it.

You sound like a girl lol

She unironically has better financial sense than you, you fucking loser.

shes right tho

she is trashing you hard . what a cuck , ofc she is gonna leave for jamal if you let her trash you around like that

what kinda trash are you dating where your bitch doesnt call you something better than "dude"?
backhand some respek into her trashy ass

Fucking pussy. Every crash eventually recovers. Are you man enough to hold tight? If you sell now you better intent on buying cheaper.

why are women so repulsed by crypto? is it too abstract for their brains?

Fake as fuck

>bullied by an ignorant roastie


>current year
>wasting time on women

>its another user fakes a conversation with himself and gets 200 replies thread

you sound like that black guy who lost 30 grand in loans to BEETCOOOONEEEECT
and he said he was gonna hold because it was gonna go back up



I love crypto, don't know what their problem is. I'm like a superior women or something.

Scream at her until she leaves you

Stomp on this cunts throat. Fuck this girl, don’t let anyone tell you what to do. This life is yours and yours alone to do as you please

Tell the roastie to fuck off. She probably just wants to buy shoes with it

Dump her, seriously. No bitch has the right to tell what the fuck you do with your own money, especially when she wishes for you to lose it all.

Dump her, stick to your guns and go see something else instead of crypto.

>He actually thinks it matters if its real and we dont like shit-talking archetypal cuck caricatures

dont want to be a fag but everyone saying he's talking like a beta (assuming this is real) is either a virgin or a Chad and since this is Veeky Forums...

couples can bust each others balls a bit without the guy smacking her down with his shoe right away

She just doesn't feeeeell right about your investments OP.

You should sell now so she can feeeeel angry at your weak hands when btc rallies back to an ATH mid year. Her emotions are always right.

This OP. Tell her you sold it and listened to her but hodl. The price will rise once again. Roasties don't get it. Imagine her face when one day she finds out if you just held you would've had hundreds of thousands of dollars.
>sorry babe, I sold like you told me to

Women do not take risks. It’s against their nature. It’s why women make less money and why women never invent anything.

Hey is she from Argentina?

Theres always one

OP is pathetic. Read up on holding Frame you dork.. And dump your girlfriend and get a new one because she doesn't resoe you

nah you're just trying to recover your dignity

>2 posts in thread.

retarded idiot

I would also never allow my battery to get that low , only normies do that, so yeah it's probably from a program, but still

Am I unique then?

>discussing money with a woman
Are you fucking retarded? Women are incapable of comprehending this shit.

lmao the way she talks to you i bet jamal already resized her holes

Why do her legs have scales?

>Holding your frame
I didn't realize everyone on biz was a bluepilled RSD coper.. didn't you guys realize that was a scam?

there were literally articles written about crypto being both sexist and racist as only white men were profiting from it

You might be a dyke

I'm not a lesbian.

Go back to /b and wait till you graduate before coming back faggot. 99% of the shit on this site is larping, who the fuck cares? You probably don't have any conversations with anyone outside of the internet. That texting convo is totally feasible.
>trying to recover your dignity
You're just trying to stroke your own ego by pointing out shit is fake so everyone pays attention to you and not OP. Go make your own posts.

Dump her bitch ass. Hold. Laugh at the worthless cunt when you have your gains back and she hits you up

also I wonder what the story is on that nasty scar on her left bicep. Maybe some Latino guy was running badboy game on her and put his cigar out on her arm as a neg

Maybe yourehigh test then

When would I realize it’s a scam? When I’m knee deep in pussy?

you seem annoying

I've been interested in crypto for years, I love it to death because of many different reasons, women just tend to stay near things they're comfortable with I guess.

But for me? Nope, I love crypto and I'm sticking with it.

Why? :(

You probably shill Mobius then

Your gf is laughing at your monopoly money. Then she comes crawling back when it reach ATH, unless you invest in shitcoin though..

Unfortunately, it's not going to go back up.

toyler is selling u shit to make u bad on purpose so u keep buying the new products

todd gang or gtfo

How beta do you have to be to let your gf talk to you like that? Behead her already.

To him its probably because you are being a typical girl by saying you're not a typical girl by sounding like you're on reddit
>am I unique then?
Stop asking rhetorical questions and drawing attention to yourself just because you have a vagina.
>I imagine that's why

irl chad here. if this isn't a larp you are hopeless user. jesus kid get it together, who the fuck texts a woman shit like that?

Women don't talk like that. Why are you larping with yourself. Either make a constructive thread about the crypto/stock market, shit post with red wojacks, or lurk. Just don't fucking LARP. It's creepy.

Sorry, it's just how I talk online, I'm weird I guess. Also I don't actually go on Reddit, I love Veeky Forums xD. This board has some weird connection with me.

Man, having a submissive gf is really rewarding

You’re annoying because you keep replying to this convo like a typical gril who loves attention

if you're not larping then I'm sorry to say that rsd only helps guys get girls (usually meh/10 ones, but better if you're good looking) if they were completely socially retarded before and needed an excuse to get off the vidya games and go try, like pua systems. Good job I guess

I really hope that was bait

No I was just wanting to see what people thought and replied and have a conversation with them, I don't want attention, if nobody replied I would of went to another thread...


Go away

i agree, the giveaway is the last text. it reads like someone mockingly pretending to be a normie and shitposting those exact words on Veeky Forums to trigger autistic neets

christ this is repulsive

Okay I'll go now ;( sorry biz.

Sounds like you’re the one that’s coping, buderino

the sheer detail..

you realize most of the actual femanons on this board talk like you do, right? now that's fucking repulsive. this is an obvious larp but at least it's a somewhat feminine larp

> women just tend to stay near things they're comfortable with I guess
>But for me? Nope, I love crypto and I'm sticking with it.
>im special tho xdddddddd
roasties ...

I really like this picture. Very elaborate.

is 10k a lot of money to her? she sounds poor.

It's godtier user. No one would know unless they zoomed in.

everyone copes in the end. we'll see how you're doing when the age pill catches up with you broseph. screencap this

>Sold when high and then rebought when even higher
Literal retardation. You're not an investor, you're a gambler.

believe it or not we arent all born with a silver spoon in our mouth

letting a woman talk to you like that, lmao...

pajeet detected


fuck off m8 you're repulsive

quality redpill meme

This is amazing

this is art

You don’t deserve to have a gf if you’re this much of a cuck. Hahahaha holy fuck if a woman ever talked to me that way she would get a stiff right uppercut. She’s not right and women have zero concept of risk.

so true.. aren't humans just the biggest missed high fives? The genders don't even like each other unless you're the elite top bracket of Chad and Stacey

whats the cement for?

I'm back cause I want to see what people have to say at me. lol

Glad you liked it anoneymouses
Because she's so dense

You sound like a gambling addict.
You pulled out profit and didn't bother to understand the importance of dollar cost averaging.
You are trying to explain yourself to a woman, never explain yourself to a woman. Because right now shefeels like your mother and you look like a beta man/child to her, so resentment is building.

You are financiall illiterate and ruining your relationship. Pull your fucking head in.

bobs pls mam

just lol at letting a woman talk to you in this manner. jfl at :) after her name in your phone. only the purest of faggitor neckbeard soyfags would condone this

Holy shit this fucking incel talk. Kill yourself now before it’s too late you fucking le nice guy xdd

*tips bowler* why hello madam, tis a delightful site to see a woman such as thee came floundering around for me.
I doth ask your number for a duet slumber for it is my mission to procreate in the missional position with yee

My fucking Sides