So Veeky Forums, what did we learn?

So Veeky Forums, what did we learn?

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Boomers are always right.

That OP is still a faggot

don't invest more than you could afford to lose
but wait I already knew that
I have a feeling many will kill themselves soon

That bitcoin is having a healthy correction

That we will return to the mean and moon again.


Last time this happened at this scale was Mt. Gox

I never bought into bitcoin because muh volatility.

I’m still up. I will continue to buy dips for REQ, LINK, and ETH. The next bull run won’t initiate until some tokens have impactful mainnet repeases and then we’re on our way to a $3-5 Trillion market cap. Even if we have a multi year bear market, I’m buying until people forget and fomo the market to stupid new heights.

Bitcoin is Buttcoin.

What I'm hoping too. I'm holding for the long term.

That wall street and USD whales feels threatened. Did you think there would be no blood in this war? you weak fool

I'm buying thousands of TRX daily. So, nothing I guess

that we are at the mean and we should all be accumulating more now


Memes and meme charts are real.
Also LINK will moon hard

First rodeo here. I think I'm feeling physical pain.

its official, we have seen the bottom and are returning to the mean

That not all graphs return to the mean.

Everything is a bubble, crypto just cycles through it faster
Stock market is at "Denial"
Crypto is finishing up "Capitulation"

It wasnt a meme

that the crash is officially over

your chart is already outdated, total cap is 289

Fuck of old timer. I sold to all the FOMOing boomers at ATH. They know nothing. They also lost in the Stock market today. KEK

warren buffet tried to crash the DOW to kill bitcoin

What happens when crypto starts recovery and stocks are still plummeting?

buy the despair dip

then we all become bitcoin warlords in the new post apocalyptic ancap utopia

I learned that this graph is a shitty meme only being used by idiots having anxiety attacks.

>crypto is a medium for exchanging the goods, services, and stocks of companies
>crypto increases
>aggregate stock value decreases


>what did we learn?

literally nothing.

whAT Onions?

I think the trigger was banks blocking crypto purchases via credit card

Ah so we're in the bear trap now?

the chad fad will return someday

That your mom's pussy stinks

I learned that traps are gay

ride the ship to Valhalla

Chad forgot about his 100k hes busy fuckimg Stacy Shelley and Squirrelly Jones

that most of you are fucking stupid and lack the ability to see more than a month into the future

just look at this fucker, pretty sure you ant double issue bitcoins you brain dead mongoloid sheep fucker

Do the opposite of what your emotions tell you.