Get in bros
ITT we laugh at cryptoniggers lose everything
Other urls found in this thread:
I am enjoying the chaos.
They tho they could get rich by not working and bring neets lol
Like, they ACTUALLY thought that
>tfw i bought into crypto early 2016.
>tfw i bought etherum for single digits
>tfw i worked all year in 2017 and completely forgot about my blockfolia
>tfw i sold pretty much everything at ATH
>tfw i am just comfy pink wojak posting and stirr up panic cause i want to buy the bottom
feels good
>Didn't buy into the cryptojew
>Just the gold and silver meme
loving every laugh
doing good my no-coiner bro
First time in Veeky Forums, here only to laugh at the cryptocucks.
loving it
Oh no but my investment account is down 2% aafter a 25% run in 2017. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH
Mcdonalds for life biz, for life.
I remember when i was a salty nocoiner
Lel i made a large chunk of change doing nothing. It’s crashing now but who cares. Filthy jealous nocoiners
have very few coins left
just laughing as it all crashes and burns now at this point
hope this is the end
im tired fo researching shitty coins
let it burn
TFW nearly FOMOd into BTC at the peak but didn't because lazy
I truly hope you sold all stocks today user.
>Pic related: Couples divide up Beanie Babies during Divorce proceedings
I wish I had studied how to trade it back in 2017 as one can make a lot of money as a 3rd party within a ponzi scheme as long as you time it so you're not holding the bag at the end
Was crushing bitcoin is part of your plan?
I bought 25k worth of bitcoin @ 15k a pop
what's the quickest way to end myself?
>"Holds" are synthetic long options on margin.
>80% cash, 20% fixed income.
>Roll down my options while I buy in low with cash.
Print out the blockchain and use it as kindling to set yourself on fire
feels GOOD
Overconfidence is a flimsy shield
I bought a bicycle today for $150 that I'm pretty confident will sell for around $300 after I wipe the dust off it. R8 my poorfag gains Veeky Forums
No coiner here. Not gonna lie mad jealous of those gains when bitcoin was cracking 10k wanted to kms now I don't so its all good desu.
I told them to sell
They didn't listen
comfy af, sold my stack at 19.5k
hahahahahaha cryptofags lost everything
If you're mental well-being is tied to how much other people are succeeding and failing you're gonna have a bad time my dude.
>mfw cryptoniggers
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
*is homeless before BTC goes back to 10k*
Just got out today, excited to buy back in at $1k
It's like running out of a burning house and then sitting back and roasting marshmallows off it just watching the glow
congrats. I'm happy for you :))
tfw professional forex trader and witnessing the biggest collapse
tfw I could have shorted ETH/USD cfds but missed out because mt5 platform needs to be installed and I was too lazy
>tfw no cryptocurrency
>tfw no stocks
>tfw no mutual fund
>tfw no 401k
>tfw no pension
>tfw no savings account
>tfw no CD
>tfw no checking account
>tfw no property
>tfw no cash
>tfw no money
>tfw no property
>tfw no food
>tfw nothing
i have ascended
>Invested $100 cause why not.
>made $7,000 and cashed out.
fucking spergs in this board that actually lose money lmfao.
>he sold
>trend reversal
Thanks senpai
sold the last satoshi at 13k feels absolutely amazing, love trolling coiners since
>yfw you arent a cryptonigger
sell now. next week you won't be feeling so well.
Does it piss anyone else off that it can't go lower than 0? These people deserve to suffer so much more, it seems unfair that there's a limit
almost bought 1 litecoin a month ago as my first coin. staying the fuck away from this shit now
>still up 700x
yeah, i'm bankrupt. what ever shall I do?
Best part about 4ch lately
No pokemon news yet but /v/ is celebrating low gpu prices
The fools
>tfw saving old fashioned way and just putting certain amount away every month
>Advice for Crypto Investors
How to work the McDonalds fryer:
I don't know about your store, but mines has two fry vats. Each vat has space for two baskets, so that's a total of four spaces. When you put the first basket in, you put it in the left side of the leftmost vat. If you have to put in a second one while the first one is not up yet, you put it in the left side of the vat that's to the right of the previous one. For the third basket, put it in the right side in the leftmost vat. The fourth one goes on the right side of the next vat. As you can see, you are supposed to avoid putting them next to each other. but when you do, make sure there's at least 30 secs in between.
Whenever you put down a basket, press the timer button. They are the buttons labeled 1 and 2, with 1 being for the left side and 2 being for the right side. When the timer beeps, you'll see the words PULL appear. It'll appear on the left side of the LED small panel indicating that the left side's fries are ready to be pulled up, or on the right side indicating the right side is ready. Just press the corresponding timer to get it to stop.
You should always have 3 smalls, 3 mediums, and 1 large ready at all times. Act like as if every customer/car will take 2 smalls and 2 mediums. That way most of the time you won't have to worry about running out. Of course make sure you don't have too much extra. But some managers may get really nitpicky about you making too much/too little. It's possible that one day a manager will complain that you are making too little, but then the next day a different one will warn you about making too much.
If the fries have been sitting there for over 5 mins, make news ones and throw the old ones away.
Fries are every easy, but can get exhausting after 2 straight hours due to the pace and the heat.
is this a turtle shill thread now? if so drop some on me
yes yes, its me again posting it
I know but how can I not, im such a loser!
>bought 120 coins in 2012 for use on silk road.
>made 20% profit on my 3k investment
>avoided all this crash nonsense
feels good bros.
>mfw I have to be up in 6 hours
Too fun to read this shit, I hate rich people so much I got hard tonight. Still hungry though. We're gonna make it.
Your mentality is why you're a loser. If you can change it you can succeed.
probably sell at this point since you've been too retarded to so at the ATH. You don't understand this is it for cryptofags do you? Shit's going back < $1000
Im subpar at everything, cant change that
>tfw no classes tomorrow AND no coiner so i can just sit and watch the shitshow
feels good
>tfw you see a coinman sleeping in the street and you do him the favor of running him over with your car
Subconsciously you're jealous asf
>being jealous of people losing 75% of investments over the course of a few days
Hehe, sure am glad to toast in this bread
Been telling my mates for months to dump crypto, that a bunch of crashes were coming. They stood by their Johnny come lately earnings, a lot buying at 10 and 15k, almost convinced me to buy into the scam. Now they’re the ones going back to their girlfriends explaining why they’re canceling that weekend in Miami. Tough break nerds, see you on the flip.
>tfw I have 300k in a nice safe trust fund that my grandparents left me
I also have no debt, a degree and a job I like
Now if only all of that money could buy you a personality.
You know people just a little smarter then you made lots of free money and youre mad jelly so you take out your anger by watching the people who lost
At least I have montanes heh heh
I truly don't understand how people can be so stupid to have bought into this. The appeal of crypto was that your transactions couldn't be traced; now that its in the spotlight, front and center which means security risk for drug dealers etc. The reason it rose so fast was that big firms and traders saw a way to make a quick buck.
so fucking close to 5 on gdax
Or you could have sold at 20k and made serious bank.
Salty nocoiners don't realize this is the BEST time to buy in. I'll be seeing your tears next bull run. It's so easy to buy now but no, you're all brainless emotional traders.
>The appeal of crypto was that your transactions couldn't be traced
Bitcoin transactions could always be traced idiot. That was never the point, it was used in the deepweb because it was the ONLY crypto. Now that Monero exists (100% untracable) thats all the dark markets are using.
Not really, if it was initially free for everyone then yeah, I would be pissed.
Life isn't fair, just because you can literally afford the PRIVLEDGE to hop onto the crypto trend doesn't mean everyone else can.
I hate rich people and it's not because of my own missed opportunities. It's the wealth (lol) of opportunities they're born with that they don't appreciate. I'd rob everyone if I could get away with it.
bought $500 worth at $3k a coin and sold at $3.5k a coin.
Am I one of you?
You could've bought at 0.05$ or mined it. But you're just like everyone in this thread: driven by emotion.
People here actually think its a bad time to buy. The mentality of this thread is HIGH = GOOD, LOW = BAD. Literally BUY HIGH AND SELL LOW.
You were born with the opportunity to hop on the crypto train and you missed it. No amount of wealth changes this, unless you were literally living in a mud-hut in 2009. You could've mined entire blocks on a laptop.
Not as easily traceable...once Monero starts to see more interest, it will collapse once it draws too much attention. Once the spotlight is on anything it will be less used in dark markets, and its price will go down.
>watching it dip lower and lower
feels so good
what is the floor, you think?
I'm guessing around 4.5-5 but im happy to see it at 6
whatever it is I hope it reaches it soon. This is so fucking good for accumulation. I don't give a single flying fuck about fiat value anymore, I only see my portfolio in BTC value.
tfw up 60 % in my high risk portfolio and 20 % in my low risk portfolio
tfw don't draw lines
same, came here for cryptonigger tears.
>guys, I'm thinking of buying a few satoshis now that bitcoin hit $100,000
>mfw i couldve bought for 6k in 2018 but im a salty nocoiner who only cared about crypto once it became mainstream
If bitcoin went to 600$ it would still be on target for this estimation. 6k and it's still on target for 1 million by 2020.
see you in a few years.
>mfw up at 3am because insomnia watching people scream over imaginary internet coins that i dont even own
>completely unregulated pseudo internet currency
>not jewish as fuck
Pick ONE Schlomo.
get some sleep. It's only money.
Can anyone explain to me how crypto currencies hold any worth EVER?
I honestly don't understand.
There's a couple lines of thought as far as I can tell.
1. There's "value" in the electricity, and hardware and calculations performed in mining.
2. There's "value" in the technology of the blockchain.
3. It's a fucking ponzi scheme
Only thing comfier than being a nocoiners right now is being a cool hand who has seen this self same crash four (4) times now.
The big crash shows that everything is happening just as before. Because there was nothing other than "this is what BTC always does" to make this crash happen, this time. It means the moon is still in the table, and the lambos are still an option.
>be cryptogoy with cryptobux
>go to store to buy goods/services
>"that will be $Amount sir"
>"s-sure, w-what's your email s-so I can e-email you some crypto?"
>"Sir we require real money"
>*stammering*"t-t-that is r...real m-money"
>*tears start to form*
>*runs away*
there we are. Crypto currency and their holders 101
It's not that there's value in the electricity, per second. It's that crypto-economy s doubles the scarcity of fossil fuels, and funds the drive to renewables.
You pay for power, but the currency you use to pay consumes power, so you have to pay for that as well. Unless your power is pre-paying, free renewables.
I tried resetting my sleep schedule yesterday and ended up sleeping for 18 hours, so I'm kind of fucked either way.
Thanks though, I just need to remind myself I'm just looking at numbers on a screen.
Read the original BTC whitepaper. It's the first time in human history a p2p payment network was made without the use of a middle man or central party, instead using mathematics in replace of trust. Crypto is basically the death of the middle man once it takes off.
Cryptos also typically have a limited supply like a precious metal. You can't press a button to print more Gold bars, just like you can't press a button to mint yourself some Bitcoins. Crypto made it possible to make a digital asset that CANNOT be duplicated. This is a very, VERY big deal from a technological standpoint.
>go to store
>swipe BTC debit card
>works more often than my normal credit card when travelling because I don't have to ask my slave masters at the bank for permission
I thought you millennials knew how to use google?
>Per second
*Per se. Phone posting from the toilet.
laughing especially the shitcoin owners... bitconnectniggers and the rest. hope you die.
t. goodest goy
>>tfw I remember reading a post by a shitcoiner berating gamers and acting smug because he uses his GPU mines to put food on the table
Oh the glory. I hope he and his girlfriend's children starve and suffer.