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One step closer to 20 cents
let's go all the way tonight
Can’t complain you never had a chance to buy 7$ nano before it hit 0
>tfw you’ll still be up if it goes to 20 cents
Buying low feels amazing
>will easily be $1000 EOY
Lmao they're getting super pissy snapping at anyone that mentions the price in the telegram.
>who cares about money
>I invested because the tech is amazing
Why is there so much FUD behind this one coin while everything collapses?
Unironically a good coin. We’ll be laughing at you guys in a couple years for not buying now
coin with super fast transaction speeds (that totally works in reality, exchanges dont break or anything with actual volume) number #4512, but this one is different and WILL overtake btc
I fud it because I want to buy low, obviously
*breathes in*
>no fees
>no electricity cost
what gives it value then, if it takes no effort to use or sustain?
Still holding 8k used in nano. Coin is the future exchange issues are fixed.
Immediate free transfer of value has value in and of itself.
because for every 10,000shill posts, theres 1 fud post
Nano or Raiblock holders. I've been browsing Veeky Forums daily since the Bitcoin crash and eyeing the catalog often. Most of the threads obviously are pink Wojacks and various other speculation threads along with those stock going down threads. But I noticed every few hours theres like specifically nano threads directly attacking nano when everything else is going down. This shit seems to have gotten a lotta buzz amidst all the chaos compared to all the other coins. Not telling you to buy or anything but just letting you guys still holding know.
maybe you're just larping as non-biz poster.
but if you're not, listen to me.
buying nano is like buying bitcoin when it was $100. it's everything bitcoin wanted to be but failed at.
put in $1000 and hold it for a year. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
>The future of money.
I think you would have about $1000 to lose if my math is correct.
Do you really need us to spoon feed as to why being able to have instant, peer to peer wallet to wallet transactions across borders, for free, has value?
I dare you to google how much money is sent in remittances out of the US each year
Nano is biz’s coin. We FUD it so that initiates will argue for its merits. From that their conviction and knowledge will become stronger and they will spread the word of Rai
Said too much, need to leave
Ehhhh, the people on the outside (with money) see this as costing $0.10 in Dec. It will never be that low again it could easily hit a $1 if this marketwide shit continues. Absolutely.
except bitcoin was made for 2 reasons
1.) decentralized
2.) anonymous
saying xrb is the idealistic btc is stupid since it isnt private and can be tracked by governments (and whoever). Speed was never the aim as decentralizing it and the blockchain add overhead by who its implemented and slows everything down
Haha that would take 1k BTC for that to happen... meh would be interesting it if did
What the fuck?
Good thing I sold at 30$
>me no understand
>xrb da better btc !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why is it getting hit so much harder than other coins?
There isn't you fucking retard you're just emotionally invested in a pile of shit that moves around really fast
> Investing in something that moves a number from one place to another and has no other purpose.
>Buy this coin! What's it do? Uhh its like sending a text except I paid $30 fucking dollars for a text
i was all in nano and im 100% certain its because of binance withdraw fees. the main selling point of the coin was feeless(and fast). well binance changed feeless and fast to cheap and fast - like many other coins(xlm is actually cheaper, gas is actually free)
retards like will cling to any other explanation, but feeless arb was this coins #1 use case that was going to drag the coin into real world adoption since the crypto scene would explode so much. with that use case gone, so too is nano's chance of success
kept 100 coins just incase, but even those i'm getting skeptical of
> feeless arb was the only use case
so... use NEO or gas?
the fees are based on the exchange making money, you still pay to convert your other coins into your transfer coin
I cashed out 3035 Raiblocks at $37. Can I join in the fud now? I'm honestly thinking about buying back in when it goes to a dollar. You know it'll go back up and I can double dip.
Because a large portion of its users are people from third world countries who can't afford to hold
The absolute state of Veeky Forums. So clueless lmao. Enjoy holding your ERC-20 shitcoin bags.
Hard number to pin down, but Pew Research puts it at about 138 billion out of the US alone.
People shouldn't be shilling it on Mongolian basket weaving forums, they should be shilling it in literal Mexican fruit picking forums.
Fuck. I came here to fud. Scam erc20 token that Vitamix hates! Colin exitscammed to Mexico! Captcha coin has no nodes!