The eternal fall

Did any of you faggots actually bought at the top again?



my ids are always fucking green, I am not shaken.

Im HODLing. I bought at around 400 USD, personally I think its gonna bounce back in a few weeks.

Top kek I bought at 7500 ama

>few weeks
keks this will take at least two years, if it actually ever recovers

That guy is the reason why I hope it'll crash and burn entirely.

Relax, bitcoin does this every year at around this time.

Bought back in 640
>ths is Veeky Forums

I sold all coins at BTCUSD 13k, waiting for this shit to get itself together again.

No, actually that's not true.



Ahahahaha, if you gamble you can lose. You should expect as much.

what cryptos?

Same thing happens every year.

Stock market wasn't getting justed at those times. You're in for a big fucking wakeup call tomorrow at 9am EST.

You realize that the red circle you have for 2018 has Bitcoin at 12k? And the crashes for the other years literally recovered within the same month. We've been going down for close to a month with no sign of letting up. It's over man.

> implying the US stock market crash will have a big impact on bitcoin
The price fluctuation has more to do with China and India.
I bought all my bitcoin in 2012, so ive heard this its over thing at this time every year and bitcoin bounces back.

>tfw bought at 19k because i thought 20k would spike it again like 10k

i-i'll recover in the rebound, r-right bros?