Who else used to be a millionaire and don't care about going to $0 now?

Who else used to be a millionaire and don't care about going to $0 now?

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just cash out man

why would you have 500k in an obvious scam like crypto or the fact that wallets are easily hacked.. this is dumb money

I will see you at the bottom, brother

>wallets are easily hacked
maybe if your a retard


>wallets are easily hacked

cucked by crypto lmao


>inb4 Nortfluskers

1.4M to 600k
Was fun while it lasted.

You either have enough money to live comfortably in which 1million didn't matter or a fucking retard.

I don't feel like cashing out a measily $500k (even less after taxes) when I had almost $2 mil a month ago.

I know it doesn't make sense but if the choice if $500k vs $0 I'll just take $0.

I just want to know if there is any other former millionaires in here who feel the same way

Isame here I cashed out my initial near the top shame that it was only $10k lel
I’m kinda numb to it right now, might get pretty grim for me when/if I dip into 5 figures.

Christ user. You definitely should of sold. Do it on the next bounce

fucking retard. this is why poor people are poor.

You will be fine. The recovery will come soon

I sold some high, been selling on bounces. Not much left in now, because the amount I kept shrunk so much thanks to my shitty alts. Only have 140k left in, figure I'll leave that.

>measily $500k

You deserve to be poor

So stupid. Cash out, buy real estate for rent. Enjoy life.

Stupid yeah, but I'm back to where I was in December. Didn't expect the alts I kept to drop 90%.

This obviously isn't going to go in the same direction forever. We may go down much lower eventually but most probably we will have a decent bounce first, a real dead-cat bounce to the 12-16k range, when that happens if I were you I would at least cash out half or put it into BITUSD or DAI (USDT if you can handle the FUD)

similar position OP

was at 800k two weeks ago, currently at less than 200k. Will be closer to 100k after taxes. I knew there was a fair chance I would arrive at this point and be faced with this decision. I'm holding my ground at this point. Initial investment was only 3k, but I've wasted a year of my life on this now.

Do you even understand what you can do with 500k. Are you serious.

You're so stupid you deserve to lose everything. You do realize you can easily make your million back over a few years with compounding? Instead you risk losing it all over some delusion that it'll go back up.

Same here op. For those who call me stupid for not cashing out.....I'm in college so I got plenty of time to be holding this shit. I put in what I can afford to lose ($4k). So I'm fine...My parents pay for all my shit anyways

would you fuck off? He's looking at 250k after taxes if he's in the US. Same reason I didn't cash out

Get fucked nerd, haha!

>in college
>parents pay for all my shit anyway
>idc if i lose 500k pfft nothing

your future

Trust me, you don't want to lose it all. You might think you can handle it now, but it will hit you like a ton of bricks in a year when you think back on it while you're working. Make sure you protect a percentage of it at least.

the real redpill is money doesn't matter unless you are actually living in poverty.

studies have show that making a jump in 60-80k a year to 130-250k a year do not improve overall happiness

Would it be nice to be able to go to lambo land? yeah it would, but lambo land wouldn't be special if we all made it there.

all money does is give you luxuries that while nice, only take you from 92% enjoyment of something to maybe 98% enjoyment. It's nice, but the gap does not justify the expense.

Try to find the best price/performance point for everything in life while splurging on just a few luxuries every now and then, you will be infinitely happier.

because in the end, when we all die, we all are the same and we all will become one and be at peace and money will not have ever mattered.

You parents gave you to much, now your brain has been fried by always having your expectations met, shame. Also really bro? 500k in fucking TRON, you were always going to lose it.

severely underrated post. Fuck everything who thinks otherwise. I could post all of the neuroscience behind it but I'm going to sleep

still ok OP, it will bounce back withing 2 months

I was at 1.3m, now at 350k. I wasn't planning on cashing out until EOY at the earliest anyway so I'm letting it ride. I'm in altcoins that will see real world adoption this year so I'm not all that bothered really, yeah the speculative bubble has burst but accurate valuations will still make me rich.

Well OP if you don't actually care, would you mind sending some my way: 139LGxb2r6eDBjTX9raTu57UALBuiGxPJm

I was do well then was completely fucked out of my mind and I do care a lot.

It'd be appreciated mate

Cashed out 1 BTC when BTC was at 15k. Honestly stopped caring a long time ago.

Forgot pic

You were never a millionaire user.
>former millionare
Stop saying that. If you have $2million in chips at a poker cash game, but dont get up till you are down to $500k you never had $2million dollars.

I'm about to graduate with a computer science degree so I'll be pretty well off. And it was money from my internship at IT this past summer. I think I'm good on my investments, but I believe i'm the smarter one here

Then why are you still heeeeeeeeeeeere?

nocoiner here. i refuse to believe that there are actually people ITT, or even this board, that were literally MILLIONAIRES just weeks ago but were too greedy to cash out

for fuck's sake. really?

>treating 500k like chump change
>with a cs degree
Nigger I hope you're going into data analytics or have the be-all end-all for artificial intelligence because I wouldn't treat that amount of cash lightly.

even if they cashed out they still have to pay capital gains tax (37%)

lol you deserve to be poor

Dude CGT depends on you're tax bracket, can be as low as 10% in some cases, especially if you move it out slowly.

I don't know about them, but I was cashing out. Too slowly though, then you get in the trap of "oh, it's down 60%, why sell now." Even cashing out a good portion at the top, some coins dropped around 80-90% from the highs. In hindsight I should have dumped everything at once, but oh well.

lel you do not need to believe. do whatever you want.

Wish we could show you the feeling you get when you have this much money. It's not easy to cash everything out. Plus taxes here in the US would've fucked me hard due to the new laws. Must hold for a year at least if I don't want to get fucked by them

ah didn't know that, good to hear.

so the fuck what? even then, not everyone here is an american

i can't wrap my head around it, lads. even staring at a cool 100k and not saying "i need this in my bank account"

oh well

If you had millions in BTC why would you cashout in Muttmerica anyways?

ur right sry

it's pretty depressing knowing i'm the probably only one on Veeky Forums who bought into btc back in 2012 when it was $20 a pop

It's this attitude though that made me hold through drops from 140k to 50k and then 420k to 160k. Cashed out a good chunk when it was undeniable that this was the big crash.

Look into CGT not as complicated as people think but what is going to absolutely FUCK people is the kiddie tax, and 99% of this board doesn't know about it.

Shit dude 2 Million is my goal. I'd have cashed everything the fuck out the second I was within like 10k of that.

So many idiot HODLers ITT, I need to issue a tax...


Fuck off weak faggot.

Only true believer left now.

Normies do not deserve the gains, this is a purge

> My parents pay for all my shit anyways
So this is the power of Veeky Forums

ITT : poorfags who think they are smarte than richfags.

If it was so obvious that the crypto market would crash why didn't you short with a x25 leverage ?

What a fucking joke. Why do the dumbest retards always have the most money?

also, while we're on the subject: how and where would you sell millions of BTC all at once? for those of you would-be millionaires ITT

eat my shit faggot

For anyone who doesn't know the Kiddie tax is a tax law that states that any dependent under 24 who has an unearned income above $2100 has their income ADDED to their parents and then they are taxed at that income level, the parent is also taxed at that income level I believe. Yes, everyone knows this is unfair but it was designed to be so parents couldn't dodge taxes by giving shit to their kids but nobody ever saw something like crypto coming so now kids are going to be reporting hundreds if not millions on their taxes and that is going to not only fuck them but their parents too lol, this shit is fucked.

not me

HODL is the finest kike PSYOP to have ever been created.

how can you be this dumb?

this is my chart

>There are people on this board who gambled away life changing sums of money that were practically gifted to them by God himself.

You don't care today because you are struggling to face up to the fact that you thought that you was an untouchable trading god but really you are just a fool that got lucky.

Because they are smart enough to know the obvious risks when they see it and that's the point they are making you idiot.

hedonic treadmill

mmmm, dude, i know it might seem lame now but you're up a fucking lot, you should something out and invest in something a bit less volatile, if you wanna wait until a decent prices comes about again fine but do not squander that come up

You are going to make it.

How would it fuck their parents? Income is taxed partially at each bracket level up the maximum before being taxed at the next bracket level.

Normans be gone.

naw, if you're a student unearned income is taxed starting at your parents marginal rate and moving up. if their top rate is 35% your lowest rate is 35% and it moves up in the brackets from there
t. accountant

I am same. 2.5 mil or kill myself. Financial ibdependence is the only thing worth buying.

I don't know exactly but this shit is extremely jewey, I think it has something to do with the fact that they are a dependent, the accountant I talked to wasn't the smartest person in the world.

because a small bounce can liquidate you
I also don't have an account on an exchange with margin trading, and even if I did I don't want to open a short position this deep into a crash, even though I believe it could go as low as 2k

Never thought I would be glad to be so poor.

wanna send me 150 USD worth of bitcoin to cover the last of my losses if you really don't care? not much to ask and I'll pray for you user, for what its worth.


kys faggot

It doesn't 'fuck' their parents, because the parents aren't liable for the taxes it fucks the 'kid' when he 'realizes' the gain. What happens is that the child's starting bracket is their parents marginal rate on everything above $2,100, like you said . Marginal rate is the % paid on the last dollar.

You should have shorted at 2million but your current decision to hold 500k is the right choice OP. BTC may go down to $2500 but you shouldn't take risks now. Just delete blockfolio and stop listening to normals itt telling you to sell

dont listen to this fucking retarded poorfag
you will be a millionaire again soon enough chill famm

Oh well, if its only 250k you may as just go ahead and lose it all.

>if their top rate is 35%

If you are in the 35% tax bracket, why would you claim your kid?

>had X amount
>not thinking though the idea to pull out some amount into more reliable forms of investment
wow people will always be retarded

because your kid is a fucking asshole and doesn't want to liquidate their assets to pay their own rent/tuition/food, so since you're paying more than 50% of their support and are obliged to claim them.

Bruh. Sunk costs are sunk.

>the user sits complacently as the kikes siphon all of his money away

Christ man, at least cash out 100k so you can fucking eat.


How do you know he's not making $200k+ a year already?

It's not about money, but about not having to work, you fucking retard. Kys, wagecuck.

So you want him to cash out, then sit on his ass unemployed each year until his ~300K drains to nothing?

You don't have to pay taxes on crypto currency.

You dumb nigger that's going to be between 5-10 years of your salary. Are you insane?


Where did all of these cash out fags come from?

i have 1.1 mill
now 370k

not cashed out single penny. either wagefukk like now or cash out above 2 mill. as simple as that. good job OP. i am with you on the same boat. we make it brahh

Yes you do.