No "get a 2nd job" or dumb answers please. I need this.
How do y'all make money on the side?
Get some knee pads.
Unironically petty theft
I make kitchen furniture. Very easy and nice, always needed.
literally sell drugs
there no easy or safe answer to your question. If there were something easy and safe, everyone would do it and it wouldn't be profitable any more
rare ranma post
nice, where and how?
Sell drugs
This, pickpocketing is really easy, so is shoplifting and selling high quality goods on ebay.
Write romance novels for roasties.
Sell your body.
suck some dick OP, you seem the type
grubhub, postmates
all of it goes into crypto
This is actually insanely lucrative. Aging cat ladies go through like 5-10 sex novels a month and have money to spend. Just get a female pen name and you'll be golden
Im a high school teacher, no crypto for me :^)
Blackjack. Just learn about the game, what's safe and what's not, basically don't be a dipshit and you should be alright.
Don't count cards though, casinos are literally constantly watching each table, and it's easy as shit to spot if you're counting cards. It also doesn't help that if you're at casinos that are locally owned, they will literally beat the shit out of you for cheating.
sell weed. I buy a pound for 1600 canadian and sell 7s for 50$ ounces for 170$ and so on. I've been doing it since I was 16 lol. at my peak it was my only source of income and not only was it paying rent but I took a nice little trip to Cuba bought a couple guitars, went to festivals and accidentally stacked up 10gs.
that was when I going a bit harder though and I had regular qp buyers who I'd make 150$ off of every week and multiple ounce runners I'd get daily 60$ profits from. nowadays it's just some extra cash.
let me ask you this since this is an anonymous imageboard: why does every weed dealer try to be my friend?
>oh no my meme currency is worth less than it was before now
>time to steal people's shit
Crypto has really turned you guys into fish out of water, hasn't it?
I rob to fund my crypto habit, not the other way around.
because you want your clientele to keep coming back to you/trust you
I have no idea haha. I'm not the social type myself lol so I can't really answer that, I don't even smoke weed. Not a bad idea to befriend your drug dealer though, my friends always got deals.
real estate and lab device patents...also dr wife
how long have you been doing it for? I was selling dope for 3 years until i got snitched on but a former client
Get a second job, be frugal, invest in actual companies (index funds)
Don't pick pocket unless someone is stupid enough to carry around wads of cash. Everyone uses cards and can cancel them at any time. Also, Iphones and shit are worthless to steal since they are tethered to a single account, and people won't pay shit for a locked phone. It's also a faggot thing to do, you wouldn't want your wallet or phone stolen, that's nigger shit.
However, stealing from stores and shit is go to. Clothes and shoes are usually the best sellers. Jewelry, at least in first world countries, is usually cataloged. If someone tried to hawk a necklace they stole from Jared's, pawn shops usually know what's been stolen recently. Same with cash for gold and all that.
Don't listen to this faggot. Petty theft gets you a fine and maybe some jail, dealing will get you prison time and an ass raping. Crackdown on drugs is higher than it ever has been as well. Don't get involved with that shit unless you're willing to do time because some faggot dimed you out.
>Help I lost my money investing on thin air and now I need to actually work to pay my bills and buy food. Suggest another scheme for me to get money without having to work again!
I sell adderall at inflated prices when demand is high, finals etc. I always charge gas money to give rides, even to my oldest friends. Retail theft, resell on facebook. Sell blood and plasma. Have sex with multiple 40 - 55 year old women who buy me shit, which I then go and resell. Buy alcohol for minors.
I'm honestly an all around piece of shit when it comes to scrounging up cash, and if you really need to YOU CAN TOO!
No money making on the side.
Earn enought that I dont need it because I invested in prober education and have a confy and steady job.
Got myself a safe and bought physical gold as back up wealth if something happens.
Living it comfy.
sad life
That's great
this sounds like the plot to a bad 80's comedy movie
t. Asian / white soyboy that has never struggled
You should like a piece of shit
I do auto repair evenings and weekends. I buy dirt cheap fixer uppers before xmas when people need money and repair them and sell them in February when all the thousandaires get their gibs from Unearned income tax credits.
Yeah that's what I said you dumb fucking nigger. Can't you read?
A better solution is to not be a nigger and work more hours or get another job.
The only time someone should steal is to survive. Op is a faggot cuck who doesn't want to work hard to survive.
Yeah whites and Asians don't struggle at all. Stop playing the victim Tyrone, if you went and got a job and stopped being a nigger you would know better.
Also, if you have parents or grandparents with money, it's easy as fuck to falsify documents saying you're enrolled in college or some shit to be able to leech money for "tuition and books".
sell drugs bro.
I get Vyvanse and people at like Starbucks go ape shit for it so I can rip them of work high priced. Made decent money too
Look at that, a thief who thinks he's not a nigger.
Have a skill that people are willing to pay money for. Find a market. Start selling. Simple as that.
Go away boomer
What mg and what do they go for on average?
t. legit
Nope, I consider myself somewhat niggerly. I really only stole from big chain stores like Walmart, i barely ever touched people's personal property. The difference is that those huge chains have everything insured, and actually bank on people stealing shit since they are insured and are paid what the item is worth retail and not how much the company paid for the product.
Everyone starts somewhere faggot. But I don't doubt you're a LARPing neet who posts on Veeky Forums about living in Lambo land.
I flip things that I buy at auctions and thrift stores.
75mg and I usually can do 2 pills for 10 or if they get a bigger bundle like 4+ I'll do about 20 and up.
What the fuck else am I supposed to do? The whole world is kiked, morality doesn't matter anymore. I'm living on the edge of homelessness at any given moment and am not going to apologize or feeling bad for doing what I have to do to stay warm and have a meal or two a day.
If you're truly desperate for money, this is the kind of shit you have to do.
It's not fucking wageslaving when YOU are the one selling the product. Grow a brain, please.
Get a sugar daddy
Not bad at all. I've been getting a lot more people hitting me up for vyvanse specifically. Which is odd, considering that I've never sold it or even tried it.
Do you bag everything with gloves? I recently starting doing that because a buddy of mine got popped for distribution because of prints.
So you have a job you're working full time and it's still not enough to pay rent so you resort to stealing? Can't find roommates on Craigslist to share a house or apartment with? Admit it, you're a lazy nigger who doesn't want to work so you steal and then play victim when people call you out for your nigger antics.
Drawing world-class furry porn
Yeah I usually will do that and put them in a bag. Usually I'll go in the store and just hand them directly to the barista who wants them at the hand off area for my coffee. I guess their boss doesn't give a shit since most of them are college kids who wanna study
I am a lazy nigger who doesn't want to work so I steal and then play victim when people call me out for mynigger antics.
For the record I do work, but due to layoffs I am collecting unemployment that I am entitled to as a tax paying American.
At least you're aware you're a nigger degenerate. I still think there's better options out there for you than drug dealing, and I'm sure those options pay more than unemployment.
i like how to employ your victim tactics in the same post you mention you doing it
mfw even Veeky Forums hates jews.
They truly are hated by everyone.
That's a good set up and I'm happy to hear that you're playing it safe. Bosses don't care about what people are on as long as its not visibly apparent an they're productive.
They do, I have a trade that I can do anywhere (aside from drug dealing/prostitution), it's just that it's -10 degrees with a few feet of snow on the ground here. Excuses, excuses though. My nigger antics usually cool down once spring rolls around and work is steady.
I don't approve of your actions, but if you're planning on getting back to work and not being a welfare nigger forever, then I can't knock you.
Look into something you can do during shitty weather dude, if you're smart enough to have a decent trade then I'm sure you're intelligent enough to stop the nigger antics.
>tfw you adopt kike tactics
22, Australia, saving money for holiday to US. I don't literally need it or I'll be homeless, I just don't want to have to cancel my plans since I have a family member coming with me and don't want to look like a faggot.
I appreciate the advice though, any idea how under the table jobs in the US?
Last week I pulled a random dude half way out of a snow filled ditch then charge him 50 dollars for the rest of the way, does that count?
I see where you're coming from. You can only do shit like this for so long before everything catches up to you.
fpbp kek
Under the table jobs seem pretty non existent right now, it's hard enough for Americans to get them. That being said, the best places to look (if you're White) are where the illegal beaners usually work. Construction, kitchens, farmwork.
Nobody will suspect you're working illegally, and even if they do nobody will do anything because for some reason everyone loves you Aussie cunts.
I think it's kind of niggerly to charge him fifty dollars instead of just helping the dude out. Like I said, work is everywhere, this isn't 2008 where even McDonald's isn't hiring.
Let me tell you a story. One night I was driving home on a busy street and drove past something in the road, and turned around to make sure it wasn't a dog or cat that somebody hit and left to die. Unfortunately it was, and sadly the dog was recently hit. I pulled my car over and picked up the dog and laid it on the sidewalk, called the number on the tag and the owner answered and came and met me. It was extremely emotional and they were obviously hurt, but were extremely grateful to me because if I hadn't stopped somebody probably would have splattered it all over the road. I didn't ask for anything in return, but the family ended up giving me 200 dollars and even when I refused they insisted and told me that I deserved it for what I did. Keep in mind these people weren't rich from the looks of it, and I didn't expect anything.
What I'm saying is that the guy probably wouldn't have given you 200 dollars, but sometimes you just gotta help a nigga out. It'll come back to you and you'll get your karma dude.
might not be worth the perma-ban I'd get from the greatest country on earth just for a few dollarydoos.
>phones are worthless
You know they have gold in them
Honda civic on a backroad, Illinois plates in Wisconsin. Fucker is lucky I didn't straight up rob him but I see your point.
It's good to know that there's people like you out there that will do the right thing, regardless of personal gain.
Shorting Dow Jones and buying ETFs for cheap
Probably not, but you never know. Where are you planning on going?
Just consider this whenever you want to jew or nigger someone. Would you get pissed if they did it to you? Imagine you were in the ditch, susceptible to be robbed and beaten, wouldn't you pray for someone to come help and not fuck you up?
Do the right thing, it'll gratify some people, and astonish the rest.
Yeah so does my old NES, it's packed with jewels and gold.
Isn't counting cards literally just having a memory? How is it cheating?
LA to Vegas to Colorado to Missouri to Tennessee to Georgia to Alabama to Mississippi to Louisiana and finish in Dallas, Texas.
It doesn't matter what you see it as. Casinos see it as cheating, and thus they'll fuck you up if you cheat in their establishment.
In most of yurop it's ok for Muslims to rape and kill whites, but in Murka it'll get you sent to jail or killed. Different rules for everyone.
easy to say when you arent struggling to get by
I saw some patreons that belong to artists. Been actually considering this.
Where/how do you release "novels"
I was struggling at the time. Even in my struggle I wasn't going to hold a dead dog for ransom or demand payment, I did the right thing because that's what you gotta do, and I was rewarded for it. Even if you're struggling, that doesn't give you an excuse to be a faggot to everyone just because your life sucks. If you do good things for people and you're struggling they might help your ass out. Think about it, if a homeless guy asked me for cash on the street and I said no, and he called me a cheap ass, do you expect me to give him anything? Now imagine if I had dropped my wallet and the guy picked it up, and I saw he was homeless, you bet your ass I'd help him out.
Now not everyone is the same, but I'm willing to bet that a lot more people would be inclined to the homeless Bro who picked up your wallet and gave it back than the dick hobo who gets mad you didn't give him free shit.
Depending on when you come to Louisiana there's a few cash jobs but it's hard work though. Working on a shrimp boat or long line fishing boat, running crawfish and crab traps and planting cane.
Tennessee is gorgeous. Make sure to visit as many Civil War monuments and memorials as possible.
I have about 3-4 weeks to travel through all those locations then I have about a month do go wherever I wish so might look into that. What do you think is the best state/city to stay that is reasonably cheap and has things for foreigners to do? I have no interest in going to New York, just another city with bums everywhere.
Buy kneepads
ive given money to homeless and they asked for more money.
you talk like doing the right thing will reward you, to the point where its like you are only doing it for a reward.
if you help someone is should be for just that, and with no expectation of a reward.
When you really need a reward for doing something you make it clear
I'm referring to the guy pulling someone out of a ditch, idk what you're on about with this dead dog stuff
If you like drinking come to Wisconsin. If you're at least 5/10 and lay the accent on super thick you'd get laid every night, especially in Madison.
Plan on it
>at least 5/10
Maybe I could wear a nice shirt and that might bump me over a 5
what are the girls like there?
I wrote the story about the dead dog. Also I do good things and I don't expect a reward, I do it because it's right. Read the posts I made, it'll give you some insight.
Yep. I bought my own grow tent and learned everything about it. Investet like 1k$ in equipment and nutrients.
This is gonna be my side job, am only gonna sell to friends to lower any possible chance of getting cought (which i can say was for personal use anyway and get minimum punishment, probably not even go to jail but like community service).
Its easy because with todays LED tech you can get a 150$ panel that performs like 1k$ light fixtures 10 years ago. No heat. No mess. No smell.
I get around 400 grams of pure bud every 4 months or so. And it sells for like 15$ a gram here.
I have a skill in something so I make instructional youtube videos and try to keep them funny and it gives me an extra $1,000 a month for at most 20 hours work
I test meds. You get 3.5k for about 2-3 weeks of your time and you can work while you're there.
sweet meme pic
how do?
I don't personally like LA. Vegas has a lot of shit to do but boring after a day or 2 without money to blow. Lake of the Ozarks Missouri isn't bad I had a house there years back. But honestly without a boat only thing to do is hike and shop. Colorado is nice especially if you like the outdoors, fly fishing hiking, skiing isn't bad but it's cheaper and nicer to ski in Utah. Tennessee has Nashville, Dollywood Memphis has Graceland but the city is invested with niggers over 50% of the population so be careful. Alabama has some nice beaches in gulf shores, like tenn a lot of civil war shit. There's a ship and a submarine down near mobile that's worth a tour. I think it's mobile been a few decades since I was there.
I'm Cajun so Louisiana is my favorite, stay south of interstate 10 that's Cajun country we are about to have madi grass so it's kind of crazy right now. Nola has ww2 museum and lots of degeneracy in the French quarter, but it is a beautiful town. I prefer the food in Lafayette and areas a little further south Nola is more creole where as south central is cajun. There is a festival every weekend in some dot on the map in Louisiana we celebrate everything.