transgirl here, now that none of you can get girlfriends anymore and your wives are going to leave you its a buyers market
and I'm looking for a boyfriend
Transgirl here...
if you were half good looking and not some strong jawed troon you wouldn't be looking for leftovers.
Post pics
Only cute completely passable trans allowed
yes hello there do you have bepis
Even though I have never needed a hug as much as I need now, I wouldn't let a spawn of satan near me.
>mentally ill faggot*
I just wanna take care of a sad biz boi while he's trying to do the smart money stuff in these troubling times
I can't ever be a real girl for him, but I'll do my best and try to make him happy
Beta orbiter thread ahoy
>implying that the OP isn't a /r9k/ neet who gave up on contributing to society and started wearing some knee high socks since he thinks that women just get free shit all the time
You're trying to be the worst part of women turned to 11
hello user, how many hugs and kisses would you be able to add to my portfolio?
yes but fortunately for you I will never want to use it
sorry but you're not in a position to bargain
I'll date any boy who'll pay for my estrogen
You could always not listen to this user, OP.
I love chicks with big dicks.
>tfw no cute Veeky Forums-bf(girl) who will console me during the dips and who I can quickly get rid of when they hit 30
Pay for something without a guarantee of the outcome? No deal bucko
Shit thread, post asshole or i'm not investing.
I'm already on it, you just gotta keep the supply steady
is it gay if i think this thread is cute?
honestly this, its just a joke really for some levity
u boys will be okay, I hope none of you kill yourselves
>calling us boys
We’re men not boys get it right you fucking morons
Do you top?
pls be my gf
tfw I am a tiny cute passable stealth tranny
cozy level = 99
If you can prove you're a man to me I'll get in my place, but until then you're a boy and I must take care of you.
Will you hug me and tell me that I am worth loving?
Will you tell me I am not worthless?
Should have HODLed your benis user.
Just saying.
I have a clinical weakness for waifus
Are you that 2d girl in the op pic? Damn you look fine if that's you. I don't deal with any of that extradimensional bullshit though.
hit me up with steam id or whatever, not kidding, temp email for obvious reasons
you are worth loving and you aren't worthless
You're worth something, sweetie. You are loved. I promise.
Don't lie to other anons
Be my wife
yes, but do you have a big girl tinkler?
You lie. Both of you lie.
So passable or Duke Nukem in a dress?
pls make me a man
I am not a lying
You're worth trying to make feel good.
im disabled and unable to do manly things, im objectively worthless
I can see through, you are lying to me.
I am worthless and not worth loving
Smart thing
you're not worthless, you're a smart boy and deserve hugs
this is my face rn
you are worth more than your money, I am not lying to you
How do you relieve your sexual urges my man?
>tfw trans gf left me after 1 year because l became too clingy
That's sweet but I have a really handsome man already that I care a lot about.
no my pp is really tiny. i was born to be female (male)
get cancer and die an agonizing death
You are wrong, money is worth something, i am not
I am a waste of air and space
send me eth and i will grant you a korean or japanese wife
Can you call them chicks with dicks or is that not allowed?
Asking for a friend
i am only capable of being a burden, can’t really work, can barely have sex, it’s pretty awful
by myself, rarely because it hurts
disgusting tranny, get mental help
>by myself, rarely because it hurts
So you can still masturbate? All good then bro.
>tfw want a clingy partner because Im clingy too and make who I date my only friend
A life is beautiful, even in poverty. Money cannot produce what you can, user. Inside you are many great things that you can do with little to no money.
Some girls might have a sense of humor about that, some wont.
yeah lol, wish it didnt hurt though
post dic already fag
My trans friend killed herself on friday ;_;
plz be my gf. i'm not alpha though.
stop trying to make me think i am valuable, i am not and everyone tells me so
everyone can't be wrong
i exist for nothing but to give my life for something else
>wish it didnt hurt though
why does it? I'm curious now.
i dont want no tranny boyfriend. Id rather jump off a tree.
Get cancer and kill yourself
Also, reported
What happened to their crypto?
user, be strong for me okay? People can be wrong. I know you are worth something. I wouldn't waste my time here if you werent.
plz be my gf
How big is your feminine benis?
Trannies are godless abominations. Value is going to keep going down, sell now.
plz be my gf
/soc/ is that way
You wish, fag
stop trying to make me hope
it hurts less this way
Is there transition surgery that lets them get a sense of humour too?
kys faggot
That really made me PogChamp!
Did you mean suicidal male?
you'd just end up getting bored of that person and ghost him, it's always the same
not taking a chance
hell they got bored and ghosted the thread
Why you gotta do this?
>im a pathetic tranny who needs attention so make whatever thread tangibly related to whatever current event to feed my narcissicism further
Back to the containment board
how do l move on after a breakup wise old sage
Love is a temporary disposition
It starts and stops.
There are 3.5 billion womens on earth. None are appreciably special. Find aother
Good, that means that you won't be able to have kids in the future.
1 virginity - 1 BTC
I'm curious as to what you look like. If you have kik message me @anon4you2015
Kys abomination
hey if you're cute i'm interested