
Who else an /idiot/ here? Back when BTC peaked at around $19000, I was absolutely sure it was a bubble and wanted to short it. I discussed it with my dad (a pretty intelligent guy) and he disagreed, saying that cryptos were a new store of value and it would only collapse if a major government like the USA banned it. 2 months later and I was fucking right and could have made tons make money if I trusted myself.

Last time I listen to fucking normies.

yup last time i listen to gurus on discord

>could have made tons make money if I trusted myself
Made money how? All the coins are going down dumbass.

by shorting


At least I'm not gay

When you short things, you make money when they go down.

you wouldn't have made much with the bounces and with no leverage. keeping a short position open for a month on bitmex would already take away 30% of your profit, plus you need bitcoin to participate.

not sure how cboe futures work

>keeping a short position open for a month on bitmex would already take away 30% of your profit

How can fucking idiots buy in to this fucking scam, is not even a fun scam like throwing your hard earn money on cards like the casino, is literally the most unpleasant and expensive scam of the century

your dad read the same type of article that all the dads and grandparents did who bought this "currency of the future" hype, wanting to look cool in front of Doug and Albert by saying "yeah, i got me a bitcoin"

I'd rather be a raging faggot than have your IQ.

Is this a r*dditor or a pajeet

just imagine if you put a 5x leverage short in at 19k. Even if you only risked $1000 on shorting bitcoin you'd be $16,000 now

>a new store of value
>s t o r e
>goes +gorillion% in a year
Pic related - your father. And you

>1 post by this ID

I went all in on FUN at .10 and .15. I thought dinocoin would die but I didn't think it would happen so quickly and thought it would happen slow enough that it wouldn't drag the whole market down with it.

You would have made more money margin buying alts and selling the top.

>new Bitcoin would pop
>put money into Alts so as to avoid that
>by the time I realized that Alts were even worse I had lost a bit of money
>have been bleeding down to 1/4 of my initial investment for the last week
At least I actually followed the golden rule, I'm still financially stable, unlike some other faggots.

why the fuck would you think BTC would pop while the rest would be fine?

>a pretty intelligent guy

I thought the money would flow into something with an actual use case, I didn't think that everyone in the market would flee at the first sign of trouble like a bunch of pussies.

>and he disagreed, saying that cryptos were a new store of value and it would only collapse if a major government like the USA banned it
Seems like you're both retarded