I know which coin can give you x100 in this bear market in the next months. I will reveal it to you at two conditions:
> quints get itt
> you help me shill it with your weaponized autism
I know which coin can give you x100 in this bear market in the next months. I will reveal it to you at two conditions:
Sage and Hide
I am not b8ing you ungrateful fags
Tell me.
only quints can know it.
I will tell you though it's a low cap coin with real utility
Sage and hide.
Sage and hide
PLease siR gib me the coin, i work for microsoft
ok faggots you pissed me off. This coin will be used by millions of people in the next couple of months. Stay fucking poor.
It starts with "V", as I said it's a low cap. Good luck user.
this is it, isn't it user?
>coin has a nearly 2 million marketcap
>only $785 trading volume in 1 day
>been like this for 8 months
That coin scares the hell out of me. It's literally a 1000x pump waiting to happen.
You don't KNOW shit, you have feeling that something will take off, so either share it or fuck off.
Quints get
probably not lol
please just tell us man
Hes talking about Intensecoin. VPN hardware router. Once implemented will be invaluable to the chinese for hiding from their gubment
ok I will be good and tell you. Eating right now, so keep it bumped for a bit until I am finished
Do tell
it's bancor
stay mad nobancs
What the hell...
I'll buy it for some SMELLY OP
Hit me up
Oh ok sage then, next thread pls
It's Jibrel, unironically 100$ EOY.
VEN $1000 EOY
Enough of this baity shitposting. Either spit it out or fuck off.
SAGE in all fields
OP here. Just finished my meal, I am going to write my post about which coin it is and why it will moon. Stay tuned.
OP do you think we are in the mood for games in this market ? either tell or fuck off. you can always come back in 3 months and brag about how Veeky Forums didnt listen to your profecy.KYS
Dear diary. Today, OP was a colossal fag and did not deliver, as usual.
Its high performance blockchain
Hook it up brosef
Confirmed OP is a trans racial fag
Can't wait until your dumbass coins literally lose all your money invested in memecoins
OP here on my phone while shitting in the street
It's bancor. mhmm yes yes bancor very nice sir
The coin is: VTR
>first coin to successfully integrate blockchain + torrent + user features
>use the client to seed torrents file and earn vtr while doing it
>torrents are used daily by 150 million people, x10 the amount of people in crypto and zero barriers to use the VTR-client as their torrent client since it looks and feels like normal clients
>coin is proof of stake, 5% per year from staking
>in-wallet user, encrypted, decentralized chat
>in-wallet decentralized 2FA authentication for maximum security
>possibility to trade the coin directly from the wallet with the Bittrex API
>coin is exchangable only on bittrex, which is a big exchange and is getting USD pairs soon (it will be the renaissance of altcoins)
>low marketcap: 5 million
>coin is bottomed, there has been literally no hype until now, except the opposite of it since the developer went silent for months
>1.5 months ago the developer finally starts releasing betas of the new wallet, releases 4 versions of it (one every 10 dayts basically) to beta-test bugs with the small and close-knit community (no torrent functionality in this versions)
>yesterday he finally releases a video of torrent functionality hinting that it's about to be released
>this could be a top 10 coin, at the very least a x100 return is excepted, at the best a 2000x return
>this wallet version about to be released will be 0.8.2
>after this version, they are preparing a new one (0.9) which will have a swap to the zcash protocol to further improve anonimity. This alone would make any coin go up x100, with all that other shit it's a super moon mission with no end in sight
>developer is anonymous and does not give a shit about normies, literally does anything but hype the coin. Some think he might be Satoshi himself because of this bizarre behaviour.
Here is the video that shows torrent functionality: youtube.com
Unofficial website: vtorrent.info
Link to join community slack: vtr11.herokuapp.com
sorry for the typos. Enjoy your comfy gains in the next months anons
Op never sent me any smelly. So disappoint.
Op is a pajeet don't buy this shit its literally the only green in crypto atm, and u know what that means user's it'll be the biggest red in the next few days u have been warned.
Sounds like a ufr shill
you said it yourself, it's the only coin in the green. That means literally every pajeet coin at the moment is red despite being an easily manipulable pajeet coin. Not even the heavyweights of crypto are doing well. The only big coin doing decently right now is, coincidentally, zcash (on which the next version of the wallet will be based on for further user features). You literally refuted yourself. If this was a pajeet coin it would not be able to be green right now. Furthermore, although it pumped a bit, it did not dump at all, nobody is selling. If it were a pump and dump it would have already dumped back to previous levels, especially in this bloody market.
>50 cent a piece
Sounds tempting, OP.
t. finance brainlet
Might be a good coin but its not gonna stay this green, just saying.
Buy in 3-4days at 10c anons.
Screenshot this
It doesn't seem like that shit of a coin. And it's only 50 cents or so. What's so shitty about it?
I have occasionally gone into ufr threads (a couple of times at best) to tell them they were cucks and should have bought vtr instead. But at the time there was no video with the complete new version of the wallet, so I didn't want to push anons to buy something so uncertain. Now I am a lot more certain about it, so I am advising you.
Hey, you don't have to buy, I don't care what you do. Buying is for your own good, not mine. Insiders and people who have been following the project are filling their bags. You won't be able to buy at a lower price, but at least you'll have learned your lesson by buying even higher in 3 days, so I hope you'll see the silver lining
they know it's a good coin so they are FUDding so others don't buy it.
>Nobody is bumping the thread
How to spot when everyone understands how good a coin is lmao, you all don't want other anons to read about it
Exactly what a pajeet would say....
Explain to me how this is different from upfiring and the expected timetable for gains.
op u r overselling it, learn how Veeky Forums works or die trying
what would a pajeet say? I don't get it.
The fundamentals of the coin are top-notch, a project that's been worked on for 3 years, no hype, on ICO, no pajeets.
I am giving you faggots a unicorn in the making, feel free to pass on the chance, I don't care.
I bought my first bitcoin at the beginning of 2016, been on Veeky Forums daily since then. Fuck off newfag.
>Sir, I am advising you
Lel. This shitcoin has been around for years and done FUCK ALL. Good luck with your bags.
ok, whatever floats your boat user. I hope you will find another x100 and be happy. I'll be happy with my VTR gains. Don't come crying back to me in a few months that you missed the boat though
It's based on piracy though. Wouldn't owning this coin put you in a position of being accessory to a crime? Dont piracy websites get shutdown all the time? Pirate bay got shutdown by sweden.
pess off ye wanka
Pretty much this. Americans need to steer clear of this coin. Everyone else is good to go! :^)
>Wouldn't owning this coin put you in a position of being accessory to a crime?
not anymore than using torrents as you already do, no. Furthermore the network is anonymous.
>Dont piracy websites get shutdown all the time?
VTR solves this problem because it is anonymous and decentralized. You won't need sites like piratebay anymore to be able to download and seed torrents. Anti-censorship is literally part of the appeal of the coin.
Your dick is now a noodle
Normal torrents get you in trouble, just got my 3rd copyright strike and they shut down my internet until i acknowledged some bullshit.
Basically this is vpncoin
>Normal torrents get you in trouble
Then you will be happy to know that thanks to VTR you will become anonymous despite using normal torrents. Now you understand even more how valuable this coin is.
How am i more anonymous using vtr rather than qbittorrent with normal torrents? explain and i'll invest a little bit into ur shitcoin
I don't need you to invest at all lmao, the choice is yours.
then explain it purely in efforts to shill ur coin as the new king to btfo torrenting technology
There are more infos here:
I don't care if you buy. The coin will moon with or without you, I only warned you for your own good.
That coin scares the hell out of me. It's literally a 1000x dump waiting to happen.
As Satoshi famously said "If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry."