hopefully all of them
Hopefully all of them
None, Spencer himself, pictured in that image, is laffin about the crash and saying "I told you so" to the only Nazis who actually gave a shit about crypto, Mike and Sven at TRS.
this is a rude post and you should apologize
intolerant faggot
Do you remember his video saying not to buy any Bitcoin at $15k because it was a bubble? This guy is making bank off you retard hodlers. Long Live King Richard!
your time will come
Such manliness. Attacking people who have no idea you are coming. Left-wing cocksuckers. DESU I don't know why the alt-right doesn't carry lethal weapons. You people will be used as compost in the near future.
fpbp lmao
Not even white or a nazi but I'm honestly excited for when commie soyboys and pink haired orcesses are dragged out in the street and shot. My family escaped from a communist hell-on-earth and I'll die to make sure they don't have to live in one.
spencer's a jew.
Please, stop with the negative vibes. You're harming your own psyche more than mine with this type of behavior. Say you're sorry, and think more polite thoughts, it'll go a long way.
when you're such a cuck you start blowing off nazi that want you off the face of the earth
I'm not sure that's even an English sentence. Every socialist state devolves into starvation and genocide. You're an idiot if you can't see this.
I'm not a commie, I hate communists.
Technically speaking most Nazi's just want a white homeland since as of today the only one's left are a couple in Eastern Europe and Russia. So white's built every modern country, but only have a handful left for themselves. Doesn't make much sense.
Rude posts this way:
This is a board for friendly, constructive behaviour, not mean-spiritedness and anti-Nazi bile.
SJWs stand in for globalism which hurts the native working and middle class. They pretend to fight for the lower classes but make everything worse. That's what's so hypocritical about them and that's a reason why they're despised by BLM.
>SJWs stand in for globalism which hurts the native working and middle class
lmao, I bet you fell for the "Trump is against globalists" meme as well.
why would anyone kill themselves over play money?
stfu crypto is all about globalism free market rules the world . decentralized world order
Project more, faggot.
lol kike. I'm going to cum in my pants when the ragheads set off a nuke in tel aviv
Four posts in and you still haven't learned to speak respectfully.
I'm gonna have to direct you this way:
Please refrain from spewing any more of your anti-Trump, anti-Nazi slime on this nice, blue board. Take your ugliness where it belongs.
yeah aside from the ones that are all kill everyone which there really aren't many, they are more reasonable than the radical left. i'm a spic and i can see that stormfags get a worse rap than they deserve in the media
fuck wh*Tes desu
This is a nice, polite post. Thank you for making it. You're right, most Nazis only want a homeland for themselves.
Even most non-white countries have had ultra-nationalist movements of their own!
I'm a Jew and I prefer Nazi's to SJW's. They may say bad things about Jews in private, but in public they are almost all fine. Some are nuts, but that's true everywhere.
What's it like knowing you'll never not be a nigger?
>for you
>Technically speaking most Nazi's just want a white homeland
sure, in the same way most commies just want workers to get the fruits of their labour.
I cashed out at the top and bought an apartment (sold XRB at $35). I regularly donate to TRS, Spencer and the Daily Stormer. The only people who have lost their savings in this are Niggers and women who got into BTC when Buzzfeed started writing about it. Literally. Just look for "lost my savings in crypto" videos and it's 80% Niggers.
I love White privilege.
Why, yes, that's accurate!
>What's it like knowing you'll never not be a nigger?
Racially offensive post, consider deleting.
yeah but it misses the fact that there's a whole ideology attached to these two relatively simple desires
Yeah I always thought being retarded would make the world seem like a nicer place. Thanks for confirming.
>your time will come
Beep Beep
There's really like a thousand ideologies attached to each. Marxism alone has a few branches before you even add Marxism-Leninism.
>wh*Toid banter
reminder that America is only 56% wh*Te and Europe will soon be ours
>r-race war any day now!
>*drives car into someone and goes to jail*
Im white, listen to TRS but am deep in the red cause I got into the legacy coins at an ATH and never bothered to learn how to flip shitcoins . Not everyone is a natural smart investor
haha, retard
lmao I'm not even white and I hate niggers. Evil whitey increased the IQ threshold for "mentally retarded" so that the average nigger didn't fall in that range. After all the gibs and opportunities you still hate the white people who took you out of huts? I'm glad niggers are dealt with appropriately in some countries.
Order is not decentralised.
yeah and why shouldn't a country be able to control who it's people are and protect it border? fuck off Jew.
Sorry for your loss, man. I made some bad decisions in crypto too, but I had some time to learn since I started trading in late 2016. This takes a bit of time and a lot of failure to figure out.
>drives car into someone
Well, he did drive it into someone but it wasn’t the fat, childless slut
Because they won't stop there for starters. If you think you'll survive an ethnic cleansing because of 'muh melanin' then gl.