My GF dumped me because of crypto

Fuck, I need your help Veeky Forumsbros. My GF of 1,5 years just dumped me because of crypto. It was a mistake to even tell her about my investments last summer. At first I thought it was great because when I told her that I have money in BTC when it was on CNN she asked how much and suddenly treated me like a king and I always cought her staring at me, looking at me proudly and admiring. She suddenly perceived me as an alpha male because she knew I'm above 95% of all guys my age financially. Before that I was only a poor student and always felt incredibly lucky to have her. Fuck, she even made me create her a portfolio and invest her entire savings. All of the sudden our relationship become much more serious, I think she was actually thinking about settling down with me from what she's been saying. At Thanksgiving she told everyone of her family that "user invested in Bitcoin very early, he's so smart" and her dad and some uncles started getting into crypto because of that.

Long story short, in january she knew about the price dropping a bit, I convinced her it's just a minor dip and that this happens every january. In the last two weeks though she was getting more nervous and whenever she saw me checking the market she said "you know that all my savings are in your hands?" and "do you know how much money my family has invested in this?". I already felt threatened but Veeky Forums always told me to hold and I was sure we would soon go near 20k again.
Turns out the whole market got fucked terribly and yesterday I knew my gf would check it throughout the day. I was too afraid to tell her that about the massive crash. So I just sat there, browsed Veeky Forums and just waited to get fucked.

Then it happened. When she came home I heared her turning on her laptop and a few minutes later I heard screams. She furiously shouted my name while I was pretending to not hear her upstairs. At some point she ran into our bedroom with a red face, tears running down here eyes screaming at me incoherent sentences about her pets, rent, her dads health insurance. I didn't reply because I felt like passing out and this made her even angrier. "DON'T YOU EVEN CARE? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO FEED MY DOG?? HOW WILL MY PARENTS BUY THEIR GROCERIES NOW THAT YOUR CHILD MONEY IS WORTH NOTHING??". I felt so horrible. I felt weak and like a failure and on top of that I apparantly ruined the life of a whole family because her dad took a mortgage and sold his oldtimer Porsche to buy crypto. I didn't have much to say then and after a while she stormed out the door, said "this is over" and that I "will have to pay". I'm not sure where she is now since she's not picking up her phone but I just can't get the horrible fear out of my head that she's with her ex right now because he's still in our group of friends. Guys I feel like throwing up and everything is so fucked right now. Can she legally demand money? Am I fucked guys? After all it was her will to invest her money.

Please help me

Why can't you guys just be honest and not larp in every thread?

EUROTRASH BTFO!!!! The only good thing to come out of crypto is to make all you fucking faggots commit suicide if not depression. HAHAHAHAHA

A thread died for this.

I'll let you be my boyfriend, I am a transgirl who cant get one otherwise
its a buyers market

Anyone like how it's always about thots proving they're worthless succubi.
Disregard the female jew.

>child money
More like manchild money.

tl:dr ur a cuck

Was an entertaining read.


i'm tired of this threads


If not larp fuck that bitch, does she not have brains herself? wtf.

second part was shit, but if you need a bf i'll be good to you through the crypto crashes

>implying this sort of thing didnt happen

no she didn't dump you because of crypto.
that was just the excuse she used but the real reason was something differnet.

Its these types of stale pastas that are going to ruin Veeky Forums. Its not the redditors, nor the shills or pajeets, but stupid shit like this. Nobody cares about your normie problems, kindly fuck off.

Girls are not your thing, user. Just go for the pipe ;)

>Investing someone elses money

No its the reason, or rather the thing that kept her from dumping him all this time was his money

But I loved her. Our relationship wasn't perfect but we became a couple before she even knew what crypto is. I don't want this to end. And on top of that I'm scared of her suing me and taking all my money.


Nice LARP OP, you also sound like a Romanian.

She told me to. And things were going so well at the time, I thought what could go wrong.

She's still not picking up her phone. It's been hours. Someone hold me

Larp but it's amusing knowing somewhere in the world this actually happened

have you ever considered to kys?

Would they give them all your profit if you succeeded?

If not, why should they be entitled to reimbursements in case of losses? Makes no sense

>Someone hold me
Why would i want to hold a shitcoin?

Just neck yourself already

Why do homosexuals love using the word "larp"?
LARP is live action role playing, it has nothing to do with OP.

come, let me hold you

Maybe you should have dumped her instead? Food for though.

Screencaped thanks for the lol OP

Imagine all the fags who shilled crypto to their loved ones around Christmas and Thanksgiving dealing with the fallout now...LMAO
We told those fuckers that the number one rule is DO NOT TALK ABOUT CRYPTO TO NORMIES, keep it to yourself and accumulate

>She told me to
That was your first mistake, listening to orders like that. You do your own thing with your own assets, relationships fall apart when you try to share assets like that, especially that fucking soon.

Well... That's what you get when you tie your relationship(s) onto a virtual coin.

guess youre a liar.
show her used panties with timestamp to proof your story and youll receive serious advice

do her in the butt


/adv/ is this way

Don't be a faggot OP. It's your fault. Just liquidate all your shitcoins and pay them up.

'make your own financial decisions'
how hard would that've been?

Reason #5120341234 why you should never tell anyone about your crypto gains

You have touched my heart, user.
Post your ethereum address so I can help you pay your rent!
Be quick, will check thread in a few minutes, ok?

Yeah, it was a huge mistake. I didn't gain anything from it directly but it felt good helping her out and bringing in money.


If you're serious

You fucking waste of flesh. You said you got into bitcoin early and now you have trouble paying rent? Is this what these fucking larp threads are for, another way to beg?

actually posts address

>If you're serious
lol he thinks that was unironic!
lmfao at your entire family going bankrupt and cant even buy dogfood
protip: dog meat taste breddy gud

>0 Ether

Hello LARPer

You're a special kind of scum, you know that? I hope you get run over by a car, you disgusting larper.

btw user I reported your post for money begging too so if you received a ban know that im lmao at you so hard!

post her nudes bro

Wtf you're probably in the green now. The fuck you're complaining


I still have savings and a student job. Obviously I have less money now like all of us but if someone offers me money I'll glady accept his help and it's not begging. People do giveaways from time to time here. Idc if he goes through with it, it's not my biggest problem right now

Wow, who cares. Not my fault if some decides to troll me

I am so happy that I didn't let my parents buy into BTC. That has to be the worst losing other peoples money.

>going to ruin Veeky Forums


That picture gives me the fucking creeps, thanks user

If you're gonna larp for ETH, at least make a sob story that doesn't make you look like an idiot

mfw I told OP to post his ethereum address because I felt sorry for himThen made fun of his entire family Then reported him for posting adress and begging for moneyOP HAS LITERALLY DISAPEARED FROM THREAD and is probably banned!
LMAO this is how you ddeal with these threads!

lol'd...sigh...what a hole.

Not banned faggot


man up, get a new one and never tell her anything about crypto besides that it is online international currencies.

and for the last time, just fucking hodl stop selling low and fall for the wojak memes.


Dude didn't you explain her and her family how crypto works? Didn't you explain them that you can make fast money as well as lose their money in a short period of time due to the nature of crypto? If yes, that's entirely their fault, if not... then find the nearest bridge and do (bungee) jumping.

no, you're fine since you're an accredited investor and documented everything perfectly to demonstrate that your client(s) understood the risk involved.
They clearly have no case.

do you pass

>her dad took a mortgage and sold his oldtimer Porsche to buy crypto
this happened. a grown-ass man made that move based his thot-daughter's yet another bf advice.

I am guilty

Nice larp.

glad i locked my meymeycoins at 18k now i would toss my trezor at my vault and forget about all this shit for a while, focus on my family my wife and kids and thank god for my mistake

>be me (who else?)
>buy shiny new trezor because ''muh hakzors muh hardwallet'' trend
>sees it has a locking function
>''hey, maybe it's for added security dont now maybe if it get lost or stolen people wont grab my little coins (got like 4 at the beginning of the craze)
>it feels good tho
>bitcoin drops 6k
>wanted to panic sell
>i can't because locked coins
>research about the ''locked'' feature
>tfw i see Veeky Forums crash and burn while im comfy as fuck

Typical careless brainlet who have absolutely no respect for anything around him. Would you give your GFs family advice on life-threatening conditions too? No. You just STFU and HODL and tell NO-ONE about what you think is good.

If they somehow insists tell them to read up themselves.

If dubs op must post her nudes
If trips, he must off himself.

Rolling again

>Richfags get fucked

>gf asks me if she should get into crypto
boom no issues

Sit down user, we really need to talk....

Listen, I heard on the news that your internet money isn't doing too well anymore. I remember, I told you I would love you forever and held you so tight that day you told me you bought a "dank amount of BTC" when it was cheap, but something has changed and the feeling just isn't there anymore... I still love you but I'm just not IN love with you anymore okay?!

I think I'll be okay though, I heard Chad invested in NVIDIA, a real company that produces real things and has real cash flow. Listen now and don't freak out, I think I'm going to stay at his house for a few days and work through my emotions, I just need some time, I'm not ready for a relationship right now, I'm still emotionally sore.

Bye user...

Basically this, she can't sue you.

Guys with girlfriends still hanging with her ex.
The worst kind of betafags.

thanks user appreciate it. On my phone now at the gas station

Good sheeple. The world needs more non-thinking fluoride-slurping drones like you, who think gambling fake money on faker money is investing.

after she's done getting dicked by chad and comes back tell that bitch that she has wet noodle hands and that she must hodl. just keep acting like this is a normal thing and you know exactly how this market works. keep saying "you'll thank me at the end of this year". that will give you enough time to think of an exit plan.

This lol

This isn't even a halfway believable larp. This coin collapse has really damaged you fags mentally hasn't it?

if shes going to break up with you over this she wouldve broken up with you eventually

you are my fav poster this crash.

Dude I fucking hate your life
Your life sounds like it sucks, even just from reading it
Makes me kind of grateful for what I have, which is kind of shit on itself, but compared not to this shitshow of a mexican soap drama


This. If her opinion of you is tied to how much money you can make her or lose her....

OP you should chart her interest in you over time in relation to the price of bitcoin.