How much gold do you have, user? For the upcoming global crash, is it better to hoard silver or gold?
How much gold do you have, user? For the upcoming global crash, is it better to hoard silver or gold?
cant eat gold
Silver. $1000 is the price target
This will outperform gold by orders of magnitude.
3k € in gold
500€ in silver
bought it last year on the high sadly. the amount was my initial investment in crypto which i withdrew from my exchange.
cant lose anymore in crypto really
Brazil is broke and predicted to be broke forever, average age of retirement is 56.
Bitcoin Gold
>world goes to shit
>user stuck with useless shiny blocks
>what is emergency currency since forever
Brazil and South Africa are the wild cards, political instability means they could go either way but I think long term they will pay off.
Nice trips.
Also you are right, Russia India and China are the powerhouses, while sa and Brazil are wild cards that provide footholds for the organization in other continents. Brics is a serious player and getting stronger by the day
Brazil, South Africa and Russia are rotten, have an aging and uneducated population, coupled with corruption, crime and dysfunctional governments. Only India and China have a future, at least they have dozens of millions of engineers.
got my stack of silver
I've got a few thousand in gold, not that much.
Really wishing I had gone hasgunz in Canada though, but I am too mentally unstable to trust myself with one.
I wouldn't underestimate Russia, they can easy take America's position as global mercenary willing to overthrow governments for trade deals.
Pic very related. Neither will go far in total collapse.
>How much gold do you have, user?
gold because silver is not really used as a safe haven asset. gold will rise the coming weeks also, but so will the dollar so xauusd wont move much
Who cares? You might as well just have held cash and took the 3% hit on inflation. It’s hardly going to change your life either way
You can only be smug if you have a ton of gold and/or plan to hold it for decades. Who cares about a few % either way
Take a fucking risk loser
Lmao, I have all my crypto gains in inverse ETF's.
Fucking comfy as fuck.
How do I convince my family that storing all that shit is a good idea?
>P-please Tyrone, I'm starving. Can I j-just have one can of tuna? I-I'll pay for it in b-bitbean.
>Nigga wut da fuq is bitbean? Cum bak wen u got sum o dat bling know'm sayin? Or u can alwayz turn round rite now nd giv me sum o dat sweet wite ass
>O-ok Tyrone. Please be gentle.
I have 2 packs of candles, wen moon?
698 grams of gold.
>pls buy sir
for me i think getting a gun will be the hardest part
How's life in Puerto Rico Petey?
It's not, just fly away if there is serious political unrest in your country. The moment you even need that shit, you're already fucked.
Also the idea of a situation like that on a global case is ridiculous.
>global case
happening on a global scale*
gold is even more useless than crypto
I feel that by the time there is serious political unrest in Canada the rest of the world will be pretty much gone.
Fuck I'm more worried about the cascadia subduction zone going off honestly.
show me your analysis
t. retard
>burger education
>not knowing gold and silver has been store of value like ever since we started things so called civilization
>accepted every around the globe
>kys and fuck yourself, retard
>retard really thinks that gold would have value in a future where money doesn't
implying that silver is undervalued and has more industrial usage, also it is accepted worldwide
check the charts for BREXIT, gold didn't move much while silver went to the moon
Need to buy more buckshot
>Not renting out your ass to score some protein for dem gainz
never gonna make it
Help me understand.
The reason there will be a global crash (speculated to be the biggest in history, leaving the GFC far in it's sight) is because all trading markets such as bonds, stocks and even crypto will experience a large liquidation attempt and buy gold/silver? And I'm assuming the demand won't meet the supply and the system will implode?
Is this the best way to put it in the dumbest terms?
Right? If you think shtf you need commodities. I'm about to stock up on guns, ammo, and food.
well, at least you can short it while civilization is about to collapse, because when the trust in money decline, people will hoard gold like crazy
be wise, user
we live in the now, not the future
we've entered a risk averse period, so gold will rise who the fuck cares about anything else
i only have gold goins
easy to trade easy to hide
I don't trust money made out of paper because it's the same material I clean my ass with
About 21 ounces of gold.
At least 200 ounces of silver
About five ounces of platinum
kind of, but demand always meet the supply, because the gold is here and will be mined, but yeah the value will go to the moon and there can be a shortage for a few weeks of the big crash for sure
anyway I am hoarding physical gold to short it after it will go 10x, then start to hoard things for a barter if shit really hits the fan
WOW, don't have enough money to hoard that much, really jealous of you
kek, it will go 200%, screencap this
I bought almost all of that before 2007 and only sold three ounces back in 2012 to get my kitchen redone.
hundreds of gram gold
hundreds of ounce silver
both will be valuable in economic collapse but not so much in societal collapse
I got about 50 ounces of silver.
Where do you guys store your bullion?
stockpile ammunition for the societal collapse.
What a fag
if he was so sure about btc crashing I bet he can show us his sweet leveraged short position which he will close when bitcoin is below 1k, right?
Says you faggot
>not knowing human inherently likes shiny things
>not knowing silver has anti-microbial property
>not knowing gold is a very good conductor and never rust
They have uses besides being shiny, they even sell silver infused water spray as external antibiotics
*sigh* guess I'm gonna have to spend today going on a weapons run. Never touched a gun in my life.
Jesus that's a shit load. I've only got 60oz...
I loaded up on 10KGs in coins and bars when it was cheap
the day after the voting gold went up by 100€ / ounce
Oh man, prepare to get jumped on by big pharma shills.
Literally 90% or more of the world supply of gold is held by the kikes themselves and is already mined, silver is much better, just watch some videos on youtube on it
If not all is mined that means the price will drop, idiot.
*breathes in*
Give me the best video. Just but two kg of silver and I want to be assured
you could mine more gold per year than you could forcefully mine bitcoin
let that sink in for a minute you idiots
100gramm gold
1/2kg silver
1 unze platin
Nice try FBI...
But seriously, gold is the only way to go, how are you going to lug your monsterbox of silver ounces around when you need to skip town?
No one mentions - gold is valuable for the reasons above, but also because the aristocracy value it. If the leaders of your country want it - its valuable. Why do they want it? Thats another question, but they want it.
Gold is also valuable anywhere on the planet and any time in history (except in the west since about the mid 70s)
And silver too
Fuck silver and gold stock up on brass and lead yeeyee merica
Why is there a circle with a 20 inside on your maple leaf? I haven't seen that before. Is that chinese symbols after the 20?
Stay pleb metalfags
1999 Was the 20 year anniversary
$0 gold. $1000 steel core ammunition.
My little hunks of worthless metal fly a lot faster.
meant for
anniversary recognition
JUST went to look how much silver bars and coins actually cost in my country. Cheapest i could find was ~21 eurocuckbux per 1 oz. 999 silver coin.
Gold coins are ~1150 per 1 oz.
Is is a good price to buy? bar prices are about same, not cheaper.
Silver is like ~14€ so the (((merchants))) have almost 100% spread. The lower the amount the higher is the spread.
Well, who the fuck is gonna accept your diamonds? Do you think you won't get scammed when converting to currency again? Appraisal of gemstones is iffy at best. But good show. At least you would not get detected by a metal detector.
Appraisal of diamonds is easy. Weigh them, grade them, appraised
you should always invest in food, water, guns and ammo.
those are the only inherently useful items in whatever circumstance.
>but muh gold as means of exchange
don't remember anyone in mad max or any other post-apocalyptic movie ever needing it
Hmmm... ok, but the appraiser has to be good at it. right?
>How much gold do you have, user?
Entirely too much. I've dramatically reduced it but I'm still buying regularly out of habit. Add on top various inheritances and gifts and I'm currently holding right around 2.2 kg of physical gold which works out to around 26.5% of my net worth, which is frankly pretty insane and stupid (especially since the biggest gold hoarding ancestor in my family is still alive and will probably cause another huge influx).
>For the upcoming global crash, is it better to hoard silver or gold?
If I had to choose between the two I'd take gold 100% of the time. Silver is mainly an industrial raw material and not suitable as a hedge against the economy. If the economy crashes, demand goes down and with it the silver price.
I’m incredibly good at it
This, what good is your gold with a gun to your head?
I store water, not much food. I am pretty fat so I guess they can't confiscate my blubber right? :^)
Just abour 1000$ if we have war to pay food or a airplane ticket away.
I don't doubt you. But who is going to take your word for it? Someone else needs to appraise it.
You have a point, but if I can't have firearms I still have to prepare however I can.
hoard Litecoin - first major adopted crypto available for wide consumer transactions.
better buy a cow instead of the most useless metal of all metals
>shits on noble elements
>shills for carbon stones with inflated value determined by a few monopolists
He types as signals flow through the gold and silver circuitry in the core of his processor.
>holding gold
Sell it now retards