At least we made Hillary lose!!

at least we made Hillary lose!!


Imagine being a libshitter AND a coincuck like OP right now

> thinking you actually affected the presidency

>he's not a deplorable

All part of her plan


>crashing your own economy and making your own country a laughing stock to totally own the libs

heh...hail victory...

That's actually a very impressive achievement considering she was backed by the entire establishment.



Congratulations, she got herself rejected, now what's the next step of her master plan ?

It's not hard when you are not in a democracy.
>lose with 3 million more votes and that is with the already huge left leaning voter surpression
Banana Republicá

We did all that? Really? Must have been something.

Totally worth it


>I don't understand elections at all

Helper is so cute

>implying I don’t want the (((modern))) world to come crashing violently down.

If the modern world crumbles NEETs would be the first to be weeded out.

t. denialfag currently looking for something sturdy enough to affix rope to

America is the one not understanding actual democratic elections.

>wanting beaner amnesty

America is a republic, not democracy. Screw strict democracy.

Only in principle. It’s obviously an oligarchy.


Crashing this market.

This, and also the entire MSM propaganda wing of the establishment.