You though you were above gamers did you? You though you could destroy a market for your measly gains you greedy pieces of shit? You are losing all your money as a punishment for this.
You though you were above gamers did you...
>buying product destroys the market
Well, did you buy a mobo, a pc case, a cpu, a RAM kit and all the goods that are usually bought with a gaming GPU? Truly a response from a two-digit IQ individual.
waaaah mommy I can't play cawwadoody on ultra
i just play civ, dota, and armello along with multiplayer indy/adventure games with my bros. I don't give a fuck about good video cards
he bought a lightbulb without buying a light fitting, switch and cabling? DESTROYING THE MARKET!!!
Quick! make Gaben memes BFTOing the crypto money changers
Basically a gaben vs crypto version of pic related!
woah, still got a little fighting spirit left you poor scum?
How exactly does that destroy the market, you brainlet?
It certainly doesn't destroy the discrete gpu market so I don't know which one you're talking about.
I bought games from you on steam using BTC Gaben, don't be a hypocrite.
bitcoin gonna die, but you autistic fucking neckbeard should go outside and get some fresh air
>It certainly doesn't destroy the discrete gpu market
what if I tell you
that it
Do I have to ask a 3rd time?
Miners sweep the stores >Gamers cannot buy GPUs at MSRP > Gamers abandon gaming or switch to consoles, irreversibly damaging PC market as a result
>demand goes up
>price goes up
I don't think you understand how markets work.
>record sales
>killing the market
Pick one and only one. You just sound salty its all very expensive.
you're missing the full picture
>gamers abandon gaming
Kek no they just can't afford to upgrade brainlet.
>You though you were above gamers did you
Yes, and I still am.
>irreversibly damaging the pc gaming industry
No they did that with countless shitty console portsmans ZOGed out storylines and shitty SJW virtue signaling, i hope the games industry crashes and burns.
That bing bing wahoo fantasyland is $100 more expensive because people found a use for otherwise useless objects?
Children can't afford graphics cards to play video games any more?
Good, maybe they will focus on school instead of tossing their life away on video games.
I invested the cost of one high end video card and cashed out enough to afford a hundred high end video cards, and still have plenty left invested. I win.
Unless miners stop buying GPUs the market will stay healthy. So from the GPU manufacturer's perspective this is perfect.
And if their demand stays roughly the same the manufacturers will start producing more GPUs to cover the demand which will also make them more affordable for gamers.
If miners ever stopped buying GPUs the prices would drop immediately and gamers would come back to PC if they ever left which I doubt.
In any case this is a temporary problem because mining is quite a new phenomenon.
>played wow for many years
>changed his lifestyle but invested years in wow are noticable in life by low skillsett
>tryharder tries to be chad