Good morning AmeriFags. I'm genuinely looking forward to what is install for this morning...

Good morning AmeriFags. I'm genuinely looking forward to what is install for this morning, I kind of want shit to hit the fan. I'm ready. Your Wall Street has already fucked the Asian/Australian markets following your sell off. Place your bets ladies and gents, will shit hit the fan or not? Are you genuinely ready if 2018 recession hits? Pic related. It was the ASX today (yesterday)

Shit will drop hard.

Hi australia fag man

It is funny you already combine Asia markets with Australian because you are being replaced by chinks just like Canadians. Americans are the only whites left.

Let's see -2xxx please.


Part the reason why I want shit to hit the fan. China owns too much fair dinkum Aussie land, fuckin chinks. I've been to Vancouver, I've seen what they did to the Canucks. We need a new plague

I see this happening also. Too much dumb money in crypto. Wall Street market hopefully keeps falling and crypto will follow suit. I need more bags.

The only reason I'm telling you this is because Veeky Forums used to be the best place to discuss crypto before the December boom. Bitcoin is not dead.

The bank I work for, and I assume other banks, are buying up Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Why? I don't know. Especially since my particular bank listed Bitcoin as one of top ten threats against the global economy in 2018. But I'm assuming it has something to do with the impending stock market crash.

What I do know is that the execs would not give that specific instruction without anyone on the trading floor knowing what's going on, unless this is key strategic positioning.

fuck off retard

DOW -6%, BTC $7500

>what is install for this morning
Good morning Pajeetistan inhabitant.

>listed Bitcoin as one of top ten threats against the global economy in 2018

You're in Deutsche Bank?

>Americans are the only whites left.

It's weird because the real economy is holding pretty well right now. Most of the businesses I work with are thriving (eurofag here)

Enjoy your liquidity crisis

Nice thumbnail buddy. Back to back world war champs. If it weren't for us you'd be speaking German.

Sadly true

Even in stocks the never-ending selling of murimutts holds true

How's it feel not winning a war since 45? Came in at the end claims victory and then can't win a war for 70 years. Great job

>real economy is holding pretty well right now
Are you retarded? We are in financial collapse since yesterday.
I give you 3 months before the majority of your country goes homeless.

Lol thanks anonymous internet man.

I will surely act on this valuable information!

>We are in financial collapse since yesterday
>-2% in all major stock exchanges across the continent
Holding fine desu

Can't hurt to hedge some bets with ETH. I hope people of Veeky Forums lived within their abilities, fixed interest rates, moved their super / 42k into cash and hedged bets against the economy. Best of luck to all.

$1 trillion left the US stock markets in the first 5 days of February.

When the fed announces the increase in interest rates (which Yellen has no choice but to force through), the real fun begins.

>Americans are the only whites left.
t. hermando garcia

What's the best website to watch what happens live pls?

ECB won't follow immediately (or not at all), meaning the Euro will go down and euro stocks will go up. Right now everything is uncertain, dragging US and asian stocks down.

Yellen isn't around anymore you idiot.

Hang Seng got owned today, hope american markets get crushed desu.

what a fucking idiot

So the market is back in early december ?

Question, how would this affect me? I just recently became a home owner 2 years ago and i lost my job this week. I think getting a job will be easy but will my monthly mortgage payment increase? What should I expect out of this crash? I’m really nervous help biz/

Fix your interest rate ASAP. That way you know what you have to pay each week. Interest rates will never be this low again (assuming there will be a crash). Also, any superannuation (4.2k) you have you should move it to cash rate. Yes you'll only make 1.5% on your retirement fund however you won't lose it all. If you can't afford your housing mortgage you'll go under. Best of luck

its funny you say that because its actually china replacing america
but at least you can still believe alternative facts
stay delusional, by the time you realize whats happening it will already be in the past

Are your interest rates fixed or variable?