This nigga was right Veeky Forums btfo

this nigga was right Veeky Forums btfo

I hope he's right.

>bought btc at $300 and eth at $2
>sold btc at $17000 and eth at $1000
>never touched any of the icos, altcoins or other neet trash

anyone else just hoping btc goes back to the gutter and never recovers? it for some reason makes me so happy to see a bunch of losers like all of you lose money and rage about it on here

really the only reason i go on here

>he didn't buy antshares at 0.10$ back in feb

bet my staking rewards was bigger than your total net gain

No you didn't

yeah, everyone else who sold early and didn't buy back in.


TA, well parabolic just can't go anywhere else or it would do a looping. So yeah, I'd call it the path of least resistance, which is always true UNLESS there is a fundamental reason.
Just make some good IF-THEN statements in your head while trading and you'll be fine. Learn the basics.

Just glad normies will get the fuck out so the network can go back to pre-2017 efficiency.

why do we have to take TA seriously now

it fits

I dont hope BTC will have a slow death, I just know that it probably will. I think now that normies have caught on, done the bubble bs it will just never be worhtwhile to use as an actual investment. If anything it will just be used to launder money and other illegal activities.

unironically going to buy his trading book, which i should have done in the first place instead of getting advice from gamblers on anime forums

What's the definition of a parabolic advance? Can Peter Brandt feel it in the entrails of a sacrificial animal?

If I see bitcoin graphed in log6,000,000 one more time I'm going to throw up.

>What's the definition of a parabolic advance
this, those curves are not the same

so that means there's gonna be another parabolic advance after $4k? nice


if you love boomers so much why dont you marry one faggot

Brandt is already taken :( No homo.

>smug boomer was right

he's not smug check his twitter

he even says most of his calls are wrong