Cryptos down to early dec levels

>cryptos down to early dec levels
>stocks down to early dec levels
>real estate is in a huge bubble and is terrible becuase you can easily get stuck in it

what the fuck do i invest in

gold silver alcohol industry you could also just short garbage

Crypto you retard it just got de-bubbled.

Education of the new generation.

Lend money

Crypto is back to normal which means the new bubble is right before us. Just pull out earlier this time.

yea thats totally gonna fix everything right now.

Real estate
Start social media management
do SEO

Just hold
I’m holding my 401k for like 35 more years
I’m holding my house for at least 10 more years
I’m holding crypto for at least 2 more years

B-but it feels so good... C-can't p-pull out... Mm mm

Nothing, just wait until the correction happens


Yeah lets fuck up even more.good idea

t. boomer

>what the fuck do i invest in
some nigger cocks for your mom

there is zero dollars to be made in SEO

Keep the Marxian Jew ideology between the walls of your skull bucko

unironically this

Real estate bubble is popping again, get ready for another global recession. Sell all property, pay all debts, buy a bunker, hoard gold and food.

>real estate
Commercial real estate in one of the fast-growing metros like Dallas.

Growth didn't stop here, it just slowed and picked back up

Invest in real estate you dumb fuck. There can be bubbles in the real estate market, but the market itself will never pop the same way "food bubble" is never going to pop. People need that shit and it's never going to be free

>Sell all property
Okay, selling my bunker property
>buy a bunker
Oh you dumb fuck

Only thing I'd feel safe investing in currently is land but it's a really long term investment.

Right now? Cash.

Real Estate is only a bubble in certain markets. You can go be a Detroit slumlord for great prices. You can buy a townhouse in Phoenix for $30,000 and get a 12% cap rate no problem.

You'd be surprised. Buying 'good suburbs' this is true, but there's a bunch of houses in bumfuck nowhere that'll go back to a quarter of their current valuation after a crash and stay there.

The problem with real estate is that houses and aparment buildings don't last forever and need constant maintenance and the bigger renovations like redoing the plumbing are really expensive. Sometimes the market value of the dwelling can drop below what is needed to keep it in good condition and the bank will refuse loans for renovations and the building will rot in your hands.

Bro just live under a bridge until the crash is over

Just don’t buy in some cookie cutter new development where they are slapping together cardboard houses for $300k 5 miles from the nearest amenities

Keep it coming brainlets

Yeah but if that happens you petition the city for gibs and explain to them that by having a blighted section of their town they are crippling their future revenue stream driving down prices in the surrounding area, creating rises in crime, etc.
Real Estate is all about gibs. Zoning and government development projects and tax incentives etc.

What kind of cash? USD and EUR are both fucked. Invest in bottlecaps and radaway.

Buy cheap remote land with a stream for hydro and build a bunker on it, that's not participating in the real estate bubble.

Porn games